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'ED Show' playbook: Wed., May 30

Karl Rove and the super rich are lining up behind Mitt Romney. And the Koch brothers have dropped huge bucks to try to buy the election.  In all, outside Republican groups will spend $1 billion to defeat Barack Obama. 

Could it be the end of the American middle class? 

Tonight, Ed will expose the right's conspiracy to destroy the middle class with Robert Greenwald, documentary filmmaker and Director of the Brave New Foundation, and Tom Perriello, President and CEO, Center for American Progress Action Fund.

The president will not go to Wisconsin to campaign in the recall election, but Bill Clinton might.  A new poll puts Tom Barrett even with Scott Walker, but another puts Barrett behind.  John Nichols, Washington Correspondent of The Nation, will have the latest.

Mitt Romney breaks out the brither dog whistle.  Donald trump is still raising the birther issue, saying “it's a very good issue for Mitt Romney.”  And U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra and Republican senate candidate wants the FBI and CIA to investigate Obama's citizenship!

Watch the video:

The big panel -- Krystal Ball, Democratic strategist and former candidate for U.S. Congress, Errol Louis, host of NY1's Inside City Hall and Abby Huntsman, political commentator and daughter of former presidential candidate Jon Huntsman -- will weigh in on the birther issue and much more.

Even Fox News defenders are now saying the “news” channel is "rotten to the core."  And you won’t believe the new "Fox and Friends" attack on the president.

And in the Big Finish, Michigan residents looking to repeal the emergency manager law have hit a snag.  Find out why their petition could be thrown out, with radio talk show host Thom Hartmann.

It's going to be yet another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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