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Pre-caffeine: Tiger cub loves lucky chimp!

Urlesque's 2011 Ultimate Collection of Interspecies Relationships.
Urlesque's 2011 Ultimate Collection of Interspecies Relationships.

So that cobra that escaped the Bronx Zoo is allegedly on Twitternow — but I'm pretty sure it's totally fake as it's not even in Parseltongue! (Muggles, am I right?!)

Amazon hit the "music locker" space running last night, beating out Google and Apple with last night's launch of the "Cloud Drive" and "Cloud Player."

Speaking of Amazon, Kindle will get access to NYTimes for free.

(Check out how shut down a paywall bypass in just 68 minutes!)

Speaking of e-Readers, Nook Color is getting apps and tablet features with its next update.

Speaking of competition, Mozilla's Firefox 4 nor Microsoft's Internet Explorer 9 are battling for dominance. Currently in the lead? Firefox, who snagged "twice as much usage in half the time."

Acer's dual-screen tablet is one very curious device — a dual-screened 14-inch tablet which behaves like a laptop.

Here's 20 facts you probably didn'tknow about robots.

BoingBoing's "Game Death" reminds you what it's like to lose all your favorite old arcade games.

But before you go anywhere, check out Urlesque's 2011 Ultimate Collection of 40 Interspecies Friendships!