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How to Prepare for Your Job Search

Starting the job search process can be overwhelming, but you can make it easier by focusing on your experience, skills, and interests.
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Starting the job search process can be overwhelming, but you can make it easier by focusing on your experience, skills, and interests. This will also help you develop your own brand. Use this guide as your job search plan of action:

Self-Assess: First, decide on the type of career you would like to have and consider how your experiences and skills fit into that path. After narrowing down your focus, research the positions you plan to apply for.

Brand Yourself: By determining what you have to offer, this will also help develop your brand. Play up your military experience as part of your brand, particularly for leadership and teamwork skills. The military is also a great place for learning discipline, problem-solving, communication skills, cultural understanding, project management, and how to take the initiative. To illustrate how your military training translates to a civilian workplace, explain that serving teaches people dedication, loyalty, following orders, and accomplishing goals.

Prepare: Put together your resume, pitch, and story for potential employers. This is important for networking and interviewing. Think about the skills and strengths you can play up. For example, hard skills include project management and problem-solving, while soft skills include working well with difficult people, doing a good job under pressure, negotiating or resolving conflicts, and working well managing or mentoring people.

Network: Networking is the best way to make contacts and to learn about jobs. By expanding your network, you’ll have a greater resource pool, the potential to meet more mentors, gain free advice, and get referrals for job interviews. To learn how to network, read our article here.

Apply: Use as many different sources as possible to learn about employment opportunities: search job boards, network, ask contacts, and use tools like LinkedIn. Then, apply for jobs.

Interview: During the interview, it’s crucial to show why you’re a good fit for the job. Highlight your past experiences and explain what makes you capable. To make a great first impression, always be courteous and professional. For more tips on acting an interview, read our article here.

Create a Resume

Serving in the military brings expertise that lasts a lifetime, but translating that to a resume isn’t always easy. The Resume Engine tool will help you do that by turning your military experience into points that hiring professionals understand.

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