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GOP Rep. Don Bacon: Americans 'should be mad' at 'epidemic' of taking classified documents

After discovery of classified documents in former Vice President Mike Pence's home, Bacon said he would support another special counsel.


Following reports that a “small number” of classified documents were found at former Vice President Mike Pence’s Indiana home last week, Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb., told Meet the Press NOW that he would support a third special counsel investigation looking into the specifics, following those appointed to look into similar issues for former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden.

“We have an epidemic of senior leaders taking classified (documents) home. And we have to say categorically, whether it’s Republican or Democrat, it’s all wrong,” Bacon said in the interview. “It shows carelessness, negligence, and I think Americans should be mad," he added. "That’s why it has to be researched and investigated.”

On the debt ceiling debate, Bacon says there is an urgency to “find middle ground” on both sides, but does not support cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security spending. 

“Some folks in my party want the moon,” Bacon said, “it’s going to take teamwork." He added that "I wouldn’t support cuts to the mandatory spending, that’s why I suggest we have a commission, Republicans and Democrats, to work together to figure out how do you save both of these programs.”

Bacon said newly elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s move to include several lawmakers who opposed his speakership to leadership positions on the House Rules Committee could undercut his strength as speaker but is confident the chamber will get the votes needed to negotiate the debt ceiling. 

“I think we can get 218 votes if there’s a reasonable middle ground sought, but you’re not going to get Republican votes when the president says he will not negotiate.”