Jimmy Shaw


Age: 17

Hometown: Manhattan Beach, California

Schools applied to: UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSB, USC, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Boston College, Boston University, Northeastern University, Penn State - University Park, NYU, Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth

Major: Possibly business and finance (still undecided for the most part — possibly environmental studies, and possibly minoring in journalism)

Status for the fall: I will be attending the University of Michigan in the fall, where I hope to study business and finance, as well as broaden my experiences in other subjects. This was a tough decision to make after being accepted into the University of Southern California, Boston University, New York University, Northeastern University, Penn State University, and UC Santa Barbara, but I truly believe that UMich is the perfect school for me. The size, community, social aspects, and high educational standards of my future school makes me incredibly happy to be attending.

What I'm most excited for at college: Getting to focus on what I actually am interested in, as opposed to being forced to take classes in subjects I have no interest in. Also, the freedom, and being able to experience the world in its entirety as opposed to being confined in a little bubble like Manhattan Beach.

What I'm most nervous for in college: Deciding what I want to do as a career and pursuing that. Also, meeting an entirely new friend group.