Face-Transplant Patient Jerome Hamon Relishes His New Life

Jerome Hamon had suffered from a rare disease known as neurofibromatosis.


When he received one of the world's first full face transplants in 2010, he was known simply as “Jerome.” Now, Jerome Hamon has gone public with his full name and finally spoken out about the surgery which completely changed his life.

“I told myself right away — this is my new face," the 40-year-old told the France 2 television station. "(There was) total acceptance immediately.”

Hamon underwent the nearly day-long operation after a rare disease known as neurofibromatosis severely deformed his face. The condition had meant a life of isolation and humiliation for Hamon.

He told France 2 that he now relishes the ability to do things like shave easily — a habit that is still novel to him.

“I feel hot, cold, when I scratch myself, the wind,” he said of his new face. Hamon — who has written a book about his experiences — said he is finally at peace with himself “because now I accept what I am.”

— Cassandra Vinograd