BLKWRAP: An #Array of Black Magic

This week's round up of pop culture, policy, and trends in the black twitterverse.


Sometimes you have one of those weeks that make you want to just sit back sip a little bubbly and smile—this was one of those weeks. With a myriad of bad news constantly coming our way sometimes we need to hold tight to the good.

This Monday we celebrated Memorial Day and honored the troops who gave up their lives to secure our liberty. What I learned this weekend might surprise you… did you know that African Americans started Memorial Day? Neither did I—but the more you know, the better you become.

The 107th U.S. Colored Infantry Band at Fort Corcoran near Washington, D.C., 1865. African Americans played many key roles in the war effort, including service as soldiers, sailors, doctors and chaplains.Getty Images

Pop Off of the Week:

Generally your wedding day is a day of tears and joy. Well, apparently “parody” site @Meninist doesn’t think men should shed a tear and saw fit to let them know. The Twitter account took a picture of Adam Harris with tears streaming down his face and pic-stitched with his wife’s arrival down the aisle with the comment, “He's thinking about all the side hoes he has to give up.” How sweet?

Ugh. Harris didn’t let them have the last word and instead provided the best response to the blatant misogyny:

Enough said.

Poliwood Round-Up: Trending Topics in the #BlackTwitterverse This Week

Trend of the Week: #ARRAY

"The black filmmaking revolution has begun—and it will be tweeted, streamed and downloaded!" The brilliant and beautiful director, Ava DuVernay did something magical this week. The founder of the African American Film Festival Releasing Movement organized a 12-hour “Rebel-a-Thon” bringing together 43 African American filmmakers for an epic Twitter fireside chat.

THREE: Black & Sexy TV

Mainstream networks are just catching on to the idea that audiences are interested in stories that prominently feature black characters. Black & Sexy TV has been doing just that with an incredible YouTube following since their launch in 2011. Now, the Black & Sexy team is set to team up with VHX, a company that makes digital subscription a no brainer, and will launch Black&SexyNow a premium subscription channel. Oh, not to mention an upcoming deal with cable giant HBO to develop their series “The Couple”.

TWO: A Sigh of Relief

Almost a year after comedian Tracy Morgan was critically injured in a car accident on the New Jersey Turnpike that left his friend and mentor James “Jimmy Mack” McNair dead, a settlement has been reached with Wal-Mart. It was the mega retailer’s truck that slammed into Morgan and company as they headed back from a comedy gig late one morning. Since the accident Morgan has rarely been seen public but yesterday when spotted shopping with his wife and kids, he gave a fan some instagram love.

ONE: FIFA Now Has a Lynch Problem

The football (read: soccer) giant, Fédération Internationale de Football Association is in HOT water following what many are calling the biggest scandal to hit the sport, ever. The U.S. Justice Dept has declared that at least 5 “unscrupulous” South American and U.S. executives have received millions in bribes from FIFA officials. It’s stated that a major US sports company signed a 10-year multi-million dollar deal with the Brazilian soccer team—which matches the deal the deal Nike made with the team in 1996…coincidence? We’ll just have to wait and see.

A combination of file pictures show FIFA officials (Top Row) Rafael Esquivel, Nicolas Leoz, Jeffrey Webb, Jack Warner, (Bottom) Julio Rocha, Eduardo Li, Eugenio Figueredo and Jose Maria Marin. These eight men are among several soccer officials charged today for allegedly receiving bribes worth millions of dollars.AFP - Getty Images file