In New York, Excitement And Gratitude Over Papal Visit

As the first Latin American pontiff visits New York landmarks, many Latinos are jubilant over "his kindness" and gestures.


As Pope Francis took over New York City on Thursday, countless of followers waited for him by barricades in closed streets. Although the possibilities of seeing the Pope were slim, many braved the crowds and strict security measures just for a chance to catch a glimpse of the Pontiff.

One fan, standing by the barricade across the Trump Tower, told Telemundo that the Pope’s visit was simply necessary. "It is very necessary for humanity, we needed it,” he said, “I see the changes in people, the kindness, it's how they are all feeling."

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Pope Francis addressed the world leaders at the United Nations earlier Friday morning, thanking them for their work. “Through you, I also greet the citizens of all the nations represented in this hall,” he said, “I thank you, each and all, for your efforts in the service of mankind.”

“Certainly, many grave problems remain to be resolved, yet it is clear that, without all those interventions on the international level, mankind would not have been able to survive the unchecked use of its own possibilities,” he added.

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At the 9/11 Memorial, a somber pontiff, speaking in Spanish, expressed his sadness over the hollowed ground.

"Aqui el dolor es palpable," - "here the pain is palpable," said Francis to the crowd at the interfaith event. The Pope also said that in the faces of the family members, one sees then pain, but also the capacity for goodness, and love.

The Pontiff is also visiting East Harlem, all before holding mass at Madison Square Garden.

A group of Hispanic children are eagerly waiting for the arrival of Pope Francis to the Our Lady Queen of Angels school in Harlem. The kids are charged with the task of singing for the Pontiff during his visit. A young boy described jumping with happiness when told he’d be singing for the Pope while a young girl ran to the arms of her grandmother.

Four Catholic schools in were chosen by lottery and each will send 6 students to sing a meet the pope. When asked what they would say to the Pontiff, a Latino student said: “That I love him very much and that I’ll be praying for him.” Many of the students hail from different Caribbean and Latin American countries.

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For the children's parents, it is a special recognition that Pope Francis’ visit honors the immigrant community. "It's a blessing for us as immigrants because I think this neighborhood has been built by immigrants, people who have moved forward," said one Latina mother.

Pope Francis also requested to meet with immigrants and refugees in Harlem. Those that have the opportunity to meet him will have the pleasure to meet him and receive a blessing. The group of Latin American immigrants include young visionaries as well as single mothers.

Yolanda Solorzano, who will be meeting the pope, wants to thank him: "Thank you, thank you for being who you are, for being a humble man, for the huge support that you are giving immigrants.”

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