Clinton's 'Abuela' Pitch to Latinos Prompts Twitter Backlash

After the campaign published a list aimed at impressing Hispanic voters, Twitter fought back, listing all the reasons she’s #NotMyAbuela.


After Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton’s campaign released a list aimed at impressing Hispanic voters – “7 ways Hillary Clinton is just like your abuela” – Twitter fought back, listing all the reasons she’s #NotMyAbuela.

Some criticized the list as pandering to Hispanics, while others pushed back against Clinton’s economic privileges and advantages.

The list touts Clinton’s grandmotherly qualities – like reading to kids before bed and “she isn’t afraid to talk about the importance of el respeto,” or respect – on the heels of news that daughter Chelsea is pregnant with her second child.

Clinton has made a big push of appealing to Hispanic voters and minorities, pushing back against Trump’s characterization of some Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists, but the backlash signals the uphill battle the former secretary of state faces at exciting the progressive movement.

While the campaign did not respond to an inquiry about the backlash, the title has been changed to “7 things Hillary Clinton has in common with your abuela” since publication.