The Lid: What a Sanders Nomination Could Mean for Other Dems

Would Bernie Sanders be a “nightmare” for red state Democrats?

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders waves to the crowd as he takes the stage at a campaign rally at Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa December 13, 2015. REUTERS/Mark KauzlarichMARK KAUZLARICH / Reuters

Welcome to The Lid, your afternoon dose of the 2016 ethos… In these bitterly partisan times, we can assure you that no political argument will ever be as vitriolic and irresolvable as a New Englander and a DC native arguing about whether people in Washington are being “wimps” about the blizzard.

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Would Bernie Sanders be a “nightmare” for red state Democrats? That’s the headline in a piece published by our colleagues Alex Seitz-Wald and Leigh Ann Caldwell. The argument the Sanders camp has been making, is, well, Democrats win when turnout is high and the Vermont senator can drive liberals to the voting booth. But as one campaign manager for a red state Democrat said, “I don't know how you run a campaign in a southern or red state with a democratic socialist at the top of the ticket."

BUT -- what if voters are choosing between Sanders or Trump? An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released this month found Sanders with a 15 point lead over Trump in head-to-head general election matchup. (By comparison, Hillary Clinton led Trump by 10.) So should red state Dems be concerned about a potential (and longshot, as we noted yesterday) Sanders nomination? Possibly. But a lot will depend upon who the GOP nominee is, and - as we’ve been reminded again this week - many Republicans are just as worried about the impact Trump - or Cruz! - could have on down ballot races.

** PROGRAMMING NOTE ** Both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders will be on Meet The Press this Sunday.



“I'm sorry, NH but I gotta go home - we got snow coming. #Jonas

  • Christie Christie tweet announcing he would head back to New Jersey for the storm.


ON SATURDAY: Hillary Clinton makes three stops in Iowa. Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley also make multiple stops in the state. On the GOP side, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, and Mike Huckabee are in the Hawkeye State.

Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Rick Santorum participate in the First in the Nation Town Hall in New Hampshire.

ON SUNDAY: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Martin O’Malley, Bernie Sanders are in Iowa.

John Kasich is in New Hampshire.