Cruz, Sanders Get Some Momentum With Wisconsin Primary Wins

Wisconsin took center stage as the sole primary contest for both parties this week.

Voters go to the polls in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin on April 5.Darren Hauck / Getty Images

Republican Ted Cruz and Democrat Bernie Sanders won Tuesday's primaries in Wisconsin, dealing setbacks to frontrunners Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and giving both winning candidates a burst of momentum as more delegate-rich contests loom in a matter of weeks.

Cruz and Sanders had each led in public opinion polls leading up to Election Day. Cruz has the opportunity to take all of the state's 42 delegates. However the Democratic race awards delegates proportionally, and Sanders is likely to earn just a handful more then Clinton.

Cruz's win could create a roadblock in Trump's march to attain the majority of delegates required to clinch the GOP nomination, while a big victory for Sanders could help him cut into Clinton's significant delegate lead. But the exact number of delegates awarded to each candidate in Wisconsin won't be known until more of the total vote has been counted.

But with relatively few delegates up for grabs Tuesday night compared to high-stakes races in New York, Pennsylvania and beyond later this spring, tonight's results may be more about momentum than math.

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