Charlie Gard Case: American Doctor to Travel to London

Dr. Michio Hirano of Columbia University has said an experimental treatment could help the terminally ill child

Baby Charlie Gard with his parents, Connie Yates and Chris Gard.Go Fund Me

LONDON — The identity of an American doctor who told a British court experimental treatment could help terminally ill baby Charlie Gard has been revealed.

Dr. Michio Hirano of Columbia University in New York City appeared in court via video link Thursday and said that there was a 10 percent chance of “clinically meaningful success” if the child was allowed to undergo the experimental treatment his parents are seeking.

Hirano, whose name was previously protected by court restrictions until Friday, will travel to England next week to meet the medical team that is currently treating the 11-month-old boy, Associated Press reported.

A statement from Columbia University Medical Center Friday said that Hirano’s lab “is developing experimental therapies for mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome, the disorder that afflicts Charlie Gard."

Related: Charlie Gard Parents Storm Out Of Court

Baby Charlie is unable to move his arms or legs or breathe unaided. He has been treated at the Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) in London.

President Donald Trump and Pope Francis have both spoken out about the case which has garnered worldwide attention.

Doctors from GOSH have argued that the child’s life support should end as further therapy would cause more suffering, a position thus far backed by courts in the U.K. and Europe.

But parents Chris Gard and Connie Yates, have raised $1.8 million to take Charlie abroad to receive treatment they believe could help.

In court Friday, Judge Francis revealed that he will deliver his verdict on the case by July 25, according to the AP.

On Thursday, both parents stormed out of court after reacting to comments by Judge Francis.