'Scarborough Country' for August 25

Read the transcript to the Friday show


Guests: David Caplan, Pat Lalama, Michael Levine, Ray Richmond, Katie Capteron

JOE SCARBOROUGH, HOST:  Right now in SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY—tonight, details on how a movie mogul‘s wife got Tom Cruise canned and ended the $100 million-plus partnership.  We are also going to show you the shaded (ph) side of Scientology‘s efforts to shape public policy on Capitol Hill.  We‘ve actually got State Department documents that are going to what happened when Tom Cruise went to Washington.

Plus, if you thought presidential elections were rigged, wait until you see this weekend‘s Emmy Awards.  Forget hanging chads, this is going to be train wreck TV.

And later: Caught on camera, young stars looking like fools, and yours truly acting out after I failed to make the cut.

Welcome to Friday night in SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY.  No passport required, only common sense allowed.

We‘re going to have all of that and a lot more, but first developing news on why Tom Cruise got dumped from a movie deal worth hundreds of millions of dollars.  So what‘s the bottom line?  An angry wife, and not just any angry wife, but Sumner Redstone‘s angry wife.  The Viacom chairman‘s better half was reportedly incensed by Tom Cruise‘s rant against Brooke Shields, Matt Lauer and all women who sought help for post-partum depression.  And he talked about all of that, of course, on the “Today” show.

But she told her husband she was going to be boycotting the Scientology-obsessed star‘s movies forever.  And of course, this week, as you know, Redstone justified firing Cruise because his bizarre behavior had offended female fans.  And I can tell you personally, from all the women I know, it certainly did.

And in another strange twist, “The Chicago Tribune” reported today that Cruise had a private meeting with the number-two man at the State Department, Richard Armitage.  It was back in June of 2003.  And what did they talk about?  What else but Scientology.  Cruise told Armitage, quote, “For some time, I‘ve been concerned about human rights and religious freedom in Europe.  Members of my church continue to be discriminated against, especially in Germany, France and Belgium.  I‘ve taken it upon myself to become somewhat educated in these matters and to stay abreast of what continues to occur.”

Now, for purposes of disclosure, I met with Scientology stars such as John Travolta while I was in Congress, and I signed letters that supported religious freedom in Germany especially.  But I saw firsthand throughout this entire process just how aggressive Scientologists were in getting their goals achieved on Capitol Hill and all across Washington, D.C.

You know, we haven‘t heard the last from Tom Cruise.  Word was out today also that he‘s already pounding the pavement in search of another big multi-million-dollar deal.  He secretly met with Yahoo! bosses in California yesterday, and after news of the meeting broke, the actor refused to discuss the topics the two sides had discussed behind closed doors.

But I bet I can guess what Cruise had to say.


TOM CRUISE, “JERRY MAGUIRE”:  Show me the money!


SCARBOROUGH:  He‘s looking for the money right now.  And here to dish on the latest on the big break-up is Michael Levine.  He‘s a media expert, and also, he‘s the author of the book, “Broken Windows, Broken Business.”  Also Pat Lalama.  She‘s a celebrity journalist.  And also David Caplan from “Star” magazine.

David, let me begin with you.  A movie mogul‘s wife takes down one of the biggest star stars in Hollywood.  What‘s your take on this stunning development?

DAVID CAPLAN, “STAR” MAGAZINE:  This is a great twist on the story when I read about it this morning because it really added a personal element to the whole story.  We heard so much from Sumner Redstone about Tom Cruise‘s antics and how they affected the bottom line, money.  But you don‘t want to cross Sumner‘s wife because it really showed that there was someone else behind the scenes involved with axing Tom from Paramount, so I really loved this development.  And it was so great for us at “Star.”  It was such great fodder.  We loved it.

SCARBOROUGH:  So great fodder.  But let me ask you, was she right?  Did you find, and did other people reporting on this story find what I found personally in my own life, that Cruise absolutely killed himself with female fans after seeming to be so unsympathetic to Brooke Shields and so unsympathetic on the issue of post-partum depression?

CAPLAN:  I mean, absolutely.  He really stepped into this huge mess because he offended so many fans.  And by offending so many female fans, Sumner even said that ticket sales were affected by $100 million to $150 million.  So Tom Cruise made a huge mistake by lashing out at Brooke Shields, who really is the darling of this country and so many people adore.  So he really made a huge mistake.

SCARBOROUGH:  You know, Pat Lalama, it sounds like a story out of old Hollywood, where crossing a powerful studio boss or his wife can put your career on ice.  I mean, relationships are really everything in that town, aren‘t they.

PAT LALAMA, CELEBRITY JOURNALIST:  It‘s like “LA Confidential” redux.  But you know what to know something, Joe?  I mean, yes, of course, it is who you know, oftentimes, because we see so many untalented people get places.  It‘s who they knew, not what they knew.

But listen, if any of you are buying into this baloney that it was

Sumner Redstone‘s wife who made this happen, I got to say I love you all,

but you‘re gullible.  Sumner Redstone didn‘t make his career—and believe

me, I‘m not putting his wife down in any way, and I‘m incensed by Tom

Cruise‘s comments, as well.  This is good cop, bad cop.  Sumner doesn‘t

want to look like a bad guy in case there is a market out there for Tom

Cruise.  I mean, he doesn‘t want to look like he hates the guy, so let‘s

put it on Mrs. Redstone!  For heaven‘s sake, this man makes his decisions

by the bottom line.  And the fact that...


SCARBOROUGH:  I don‘t know about you, Pat, but I know a lot of powerful men that have even more powerful wives behind them that do direct them.  And...

LALAMA:  No, God love them, Joe.  I‘m all for that.  But I am telling you, in this particular case, I do not believe that she said, you know, Fire the guy, or I‘m leaving you, Sumner.  I mean...

SCARBOROUGH:  But you know what, though, Pat?


LALAMA:  I mean, she could do that and make her point on her own.

SCARBOROUGH:  Pat, If I‘m in...


SCARBOROUGH:  If I‘m in...

LALAMA:  This is the bottom line, Joe!

SCARBOROUGH:  ... Sumner Redstone‘s position—it is bottom line.  And if I‘m in Sumner Redstone‘s position—you know, all I heard last summer when Tom Cruise went after Brooke Shields and went after women that suffer depression after having babies was what a jerk he was. from the same women that talked about...

LALAMA:  But Joe...

SCARBOROUGH:  ... that volleyball scene in “Top Gun” for the past 20 years!

LALAMA:  Joe...

SCARBOROUGH:  They say, There‘s no way...

LALAMA:  Joe, we all...

SCARBOROUGH:  ... we‘re going to go see this jerk on TV again!

LALAMA:  My dear, we all...

SCARBOROUGH:  He offended his base.

LALAMA:  ... agree with you, but that by itself was not enough to make Sumner do this.  Tom had too much power before.  I said to your producers early on, believe me, if he was still raking in the dough, all would be forgiven, even if he is doing somersaults on couches on Oprah‘s show, OK?  There‘s a lot of patience for people who make a ton of dough.  But he‘s ruining himself, and he‘s not bringing in the money.  It just wasn‘t Brooke Shields.  It‘s all of this stuff put together.  Finally...

SCARBOROUGH:  And of course...

LALAMA:  ... he‘s had enough.  But believe me, there‘s still a future for this man.

SCARBOROUGH:  I think—I think we‘re agreeing that, in part, the reason why he offended so many people and he lost so much money is because of some of his crazy antics.  And Michael Levine...

LALAMA:  Absolutely!

SCARBOROUGH:  ... take us inside Paramount.  Tell us what happened when Cruise angered the powerful bosses not only in Paramount but also some of the most powerful players in the industry.

MICHAEL LEVINE, MEDIA EXPERT:  Well, I agree totally with Pat.  I mean, this—I know Sumner Redstone.  I know his wife.  And he is a pretty bottom-line guy.  The idea that he would make a decision so important and so big based on some bedroom chatter is nonsense.  It‘s simply ridiculous.

LALAMA:  Exactly.

LEVINE:  I can tell you this, that if that movie had done better, if “Mission Impossible 3” had done better, he could jump on couches until the cows come home.  He‘s a very, very savvy operator.  He‘s a distributor.  He‘s known distribution.  He can really say with great certainty that that unfavorable reaction from the public may have cost between $100 million and $150 million.  And he knows...

SCARBOROUGH:  Now, when you—when you say he‘s a very savvy operator, are you talking about Sumner Redstone or Tom Cruise?  Because Cruise...

LEVINE:  No, I‘m talking...

SCARBOROUGH:  ... doesn‘t look so savvy right now.

LEVINE:  No, I think Tom Cruise looks like a jack—a fool.  I shouldn‘t use language like that...

SCARBOROUGH:  You can say jackass on cable, I think.


LEVINE:  He looks like a jackass.  But he looks like a fool because he was surrounded by people that didn‘t tell him when to stop.  He was surrounded by...

LALAMA:  Amen!

LEVINE:  ... sycophants who didn‘t tell him, bad handlers that were unwilling to stand up to him.  And he had a great PR person for about 14 years named Pat Kingsley (ph) I think that kept him very much on message, and she did a great job, and his career was spectacularly successful.

SCARBOROUGH:  Brought in his sister, and he‘s now out of just an

incredibly lucrative deal.  David, I want you to stand up to my two other

guests and side with me, if you will, that it‘s not—it‘s not so—again

and I don‘t want to name any names, but I know powerful politicians, I know powerful CEOs who listen to their wife a hell of a lot more than they listen to their chief of staff or their closest advisers.  Don‘t you think it may be possible that Sumner Redstone‘s wife did have influence on her husband?

CAPLAN:  I mean, absolutely.  I mean, I do.  I don‘t discount the fact that, of course, the bottom line matters -- $100 million to $150 million of course hurt.  But listen, Sumner is in his early 80s.  Why not make his wife happy?  You know what?  She was pissed off about this.

LALAMA:  Oh, come on~!

CAPLAN:  You never know.  He‘s got millions of dollars.

LALAMA:  Oh, no!

CAPLAN:  How much longer can he be in the movie studios?  Come on.


CAPLAN:  He‘s in his early 80s!

SCARBOROUGH:  I don‘t know.  I don‘t—I wouldn‘t say...

LALAMA:  No, no, no.

SCARBOROUGH:  ... that this was an early Valentine‘s Day present.


SCARBOROUGH:  But again, if you have women that enraged by what Tom Cruise did—and again, so many women are—and again, if that‘s your base, then certainly, if you‘re hearing from your wife and her friends and other friends who‘ve always been fans of Tom Cruise, you know...

LEVINE:  Listen...

SCARBOROUGH:  You know, it may...

LEVINE:  Joe...

SCARBOROUGH:  ... it may—they may listen to that...

LALAMA:  Joe...

SCARBOROUGH:  ... and say, Listen, this guy has really hurt himself with the female base.  I want to ask you this question, though, Pat Lalama.  What does Tom Cruise do to redeem himself not only with the movie studios but also with movie-going fans?

LALAMA:  Oh, my gosh.  What a loaded question!  Well, my kid says that he can go to Germany and get a job running beer fests now that he wants Germany to accept Scientology, you know, as a legitimate religion.  I think he just needs to be quiet, lay low, stop doing this weird—weirdo—I‘m sorry, I‘ll just say it.  I don‘t—you know, I‘m sure I‘m probably going to get investigated by Scientology.  But he almost seems brainwashed to me.  He needs to get back to—there‘s no such thing as normal, Joe, in Hollywood—but a relatively normal circle of people who say, Tom, do this, this and this and keep your mouth shut.  And let‘s see a picture of that baby, OK?  I mean, I don‘t think it‘s over for him, but I don‘t think he has the muscle that he used to.  I‘d like to see what your other two guests think about that.

SCARBOROUGH:  Yes, and I‘ -- final question to you, Michael.  How—in 15 seconds, what does Tom Cruise do to save his movie career?

LEVINE:  Oh, I think he‘s got to focus on his work and his craft and not on his personal life.  He, ironically, seemed at certain points to need the very medication that he wanted to deny people.


SCARBOROUGH:  No doubt about it.  A great way to wrap it up.  Michael Levine, Pat Lalama and David Caplan, thanks so much for being with us tonight.

And coming up next in SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  I‘m Jesus Christ (INAUDIBLE) in front of you.


SCARBOROUGH:  He calls himself the second coming of Jesus, and almost a million people around the world believe him.  Meet the man and decide for yourself whether he‘s a Christian or a cult leader.

And later: Hollywood rolls out the red carpet for this weekend‘s Emmy awards, but was your favorite show snubbed?  Chances are that because of a new voting system, it was.  And it‘s going to turn this year‘s Emmy show upside down and cause a lot of controversy.  Plus: Celebs gone wild.  We‘ve got some of the most embarrassing celebrity moments caught on tape, and I‘m ashamed to say, one of my own.


SCARBOROUGH:  This just in: Jesus is alive and well and living in south Florida, that according to a preacher who‘s convinced himself and nearly one million followers that he‘s the son of God living in the flesh among us.  Now the “Today” show‘s Natalie Morales went down to Florida and sat down with this guy, who‘s accused of being a fanatical cult leader by many but is called Jesus by many others.


NATALIE MORALES, NBC CORRESPONDENT (voice-over):  He enters this hotel conference room in Hartford, Connecticut, with a security team that rivals a head of state.  An adoring audience greets him with calls of “Daddy” and sings his praises.  He is 60-year-old Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda (ph) from Puerto Rico, a preacher and evangelist to be sure, but to his followers and in his own eyes, he‘s more than a man of God.  Just ask him.

JOSE LUIS DE JESUS MIRANDA:  I‘m Jesus Christ (INAUDIBLE) in front of you.

MORALES:  That‘s right, he says he is the second coming.  He claims in 1973, he had an epiphany.

MIRANDA:  When Jesus, the resurrected Jesus, came to me, he integrate himself within me.

MORALES (on camera):  So why you?

MIRANDA:  I don‘t know.

MORALES (voice-over):  In the mid-‘80s, Miranda started his own ministry called Crescendio in Gracia (ph), or Growing in Grace.  It‘s a religious movement that claims a presence in more than 20 countries, mostly in Central and South America but also in the United States.  From Hartford to his headquarters in Miami, he says there are more than 30 teaching centers nationwide.

MIRANDA:  We don‘t give membership cards, so I don‘t know how many I have, but certainly a million.  Every week, we grow.

MORALES:  And with a 24-hour cable channel, netcasts of his sermons and radio programs, Miranda is out to spread the word.  Those who believe him, like these followers in Miami, also embrace his unique interpretation of the Bible.  For example, sin no longer exists.

MIRANDA:  God doesn‘t see you as a sinner.  For me, you are a perfect spirit.

MORALES:  There‘s also no such thing as the devil.

MIRANDA:  Satan is a Hollywood character.

MORALES:  As for prayer, he says it‘s a waste of time.  And he calls all other religious leaders liars.

MIRANDA:  The lies began in Rome.  I‘m against all those teachings from Catholic, Protestant, evangelical.  They‘re not teaching the right Gospel.

MORALES:  His followers say Miranda is the only one telling the truth and that his teachings have set them free.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  I thank him so much for being able to look myself in the mirror and knowing that I‘m seeing him in me and that I can literally love myself.

MORALES:  But one common church practice that Miranda doesn‘t dismiss is the use of the collection plate.

(on camera):  Do people have to pay to be...


MORALES:  ... part of this?


MORALES:  They do have to donate.

MIRANDA:  They make donations according to the Bible, you know, the tithing.

MORALES:  But the Bible asks for 10 percent tithing.


MORALES:  But your followers do much more than that.

MIRANDA:  Because of...

MORALES:  They give their companies.  They give their...

MIRANDA:  Oh, they give everything.

MORALES (voice-over):  His most generous followers have even given him cars and estates, including a home inside this gated community, which Miranda recently sold for close to a million dollars.

(on camera):  So you don‘t have a problem with material wealth.

MIRANDA:  Everybody should be rich.

MORALES (voice-over):  One who is giving his share of riches to Miranda is Alvera Alberisin (ph), a successful Web entrepreneur.  He says he owes everything to Miranda, and his donations have topped seven figures.

ALVERA ALBERISIN, MIRANDA FOLLOWER:  I‘m putting all my money and heart that this is the truth.

MORALES:  But Alberisin‘s relationship with Miranda has cost him personally.  He‘s estranged from his family.

(on camera):  How many years has it been since you‘ve spoken with them?


MORALES (voice-over):  Regina Alberisin (ph) says her son severed ties after they suggested he was being brainwashed by Miranda and his teachings.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  Is no healthy for people.  Is no good for people.  Is no good for families.  Many family—he destroy many families.

MORALES:  Other religious leaders say Miranda may be capable of destroying much more.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  I think any group whose leader says, I am God and you have to listen to me and follow me because I am God, that group is very dangerous for our society.

MORALES:  Father Albert Coutier (ph) says he and members of his congregation in Miami have been harassed by Miranda‘s followers.

FATHER ALBERT COUTIER:  I think that their tactics are strange, and what I‘ve experienced personally is aggression, screaming.

MORALES:  In fact, Growing in Grace admits it has launched a protest campaign against other religions, like this peaceful one in Miami.  But other gatherings have become more confrontational.

(on camera):  Is there any limit to what your followers will do for you?

MIRANDA:  Well, we try to do it very politely.  You know, something might get out of hand once in a while because, you know, some people, they fight back.

MORALES:  You encourage that, though?

MIRANDA:  I encourage to march for the truth.

MORALES (voice-over):  All this has led some to worry that Growing in Grace may be a new cult.

RICK ROSS, CULT EXPERT:  Growing in Grace does appear to fit the primary criteria of a destructive cult—an absolute authoritarian leader, a process of persuasion that can be seen as brainwashing, and then finally, exploitation of the members.

MIRANDA:  If this is a cult, it‘s the best cult I ever seen.  It‘s a nice cult.  I‘m proud to lead a cult like this because I‘m teaching the truth.


SCARBOROUGH:  Proud to teach a cult like that?  Well, it certainly looks like a cult to me.  I mean, the guy is obviously dangerous.  And he claims to be Jesus Christ, but anybody that read through the Bible at all growing up knows that Jesus himself said that when he came back, he wouldn‘t come back walking on earth but he would come in the clouds.  I thank guy‘s got his head in the clouds, and unfortunately, he‘s exploiting a lot of poor, innocent people.  And it certainly smells like Jim Jones and Jamestown to me.

Still to come tonight...




UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  No, no, no, no, no!  You know what?  I said nothing specific because I was so busy.


SCARBOROUGH:  One of TV‘s funniest shows, but will “The Office” and Steve Carrell (ph) get the old snub this weekend?  We‘re counting the chads to uncover the bizarre process and how it‘s going to determine Emmy night‘s big winners and losers because it is big business in Hollywood.

But up next, the always unpredictable Ann Coulter.  Find out what she did last night that was worthy enough for induction in tonight‘s “Must See S.C.”  Where is she looking?  I love it!


SCARBOROUGH:  And wake up Aunt Ethel.  It‘s time for tonight‘s “Must See S.C.,”  some video you just got to see.  First up, Ann Coulter did her best Robert Novak impression last night, storming off the set in the middle of an appearance on “Hannity & Colmes.”  Take a look.


ANN COULTER, AUTHOR AND COLUMNIST:  I know you‘re trying to imitate Alan Colmes, but...


COULTER:  ... at some point, you‘ve got to let me answer.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  OK.  Let‘s go—Michael, why don‘t we talk about the things that...

COULTER:  OK, well, good night!


COULTER:  It was nice being here!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  ... fact that all of the...


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  ... all the Democrats—the Republicans have voted against, all the things...


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  ... like increasing funding for border security, increasing funding for—for...

COULTER:  I‘m going to leave now.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  ... port security, increasing security for airline security.  Isn‘t that true, Michael?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Real homeland security...

COULTER:  We‘re done~!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  ... starts at home.


SCARBOROUGH:  That was Ann taking off her microphone and leaving.

And if you missed last night‘s “Daily Show,” they celebrated correspondent Rob‘s Corddry‘s last day.  They highlighted every good reporter‘s best friend, the catchphrase.


ROB CORDDRY, “THE DAILY SHOW”:  Like all great journalists, I tried to develop a catchphrase.

Do we really need the sun?  I mean, come on!

But are children really worth the investment?  I mean, come on!

I mean, come on!

I mean, come on!

Oh, come on!

Come on!

Come on~!

Come on!

Excuse me.  Hello?  Come on!



Up next: It‘s supposed to be the TV industry‘s biggest night, so why were some of the hottest stars snubbed and left out in the cold?  Controversy brewing with Emmy.

And later: They‘re the videos we just can‘t get enough of.  Tonight, we‘ve got your favorites, new ones, and all the details behind these wild celebrity moments caught on tape with “Celebrities Gone Wild.”



SCARBOROUGH:  Wait a second.  Are you telling me you can‘t carry dynamite on a plane?  You also can‘t get up on stage and be drunk with video cameras are out there—look at that.  Some “American Idol” she is.  Coming up, candid camera, celebrity-style.  We‘ve got some of the most outrageous celeb moments caught on tape. 

And in honor of those celebs, we‘ve dug up one of my most notorious caught-on-tape meltdowns.  Ugly business. 

Welcome back to SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY.  That and a lot more coming up in minutes.

But first, Hollywood‘s annual back-patting bash is taking place this Sunday.  The Emmys are supposed to showcase, of course, television‘s best in show, but this year a change in voting procedures turned the awards into a case of missing starlets.  Past winners such as last year‘s 12-time nominee “Lost” and 15-time nominee “Desperate Housewives” have been left out in the cold because of a bizarre new voting process, while Ellen Burstyn was nominated for a performance in the HBO film “Mrs. Harris” that lasted only 14 seconds, and we‘ll show it to you now. 


ELLEN BURSTYN, ACTRESS:  I had my own money, so he was more relaxed with me, though I don‘t know it can be said that Herman was relaxed with any woman. 


SCARBOROUGH:  Will somebody hand me a cigarette so I can have a—I mean, that‘s pretty easy.  That was it?  I mean, is TV land gone mad? 

With us to answer that question, we‘ve got TV critic and chief Emmy writer for the “Hollywood Reporter,” Ray Richmond.  We also have Katie Caperton, editorial magazine for “OK” magazine, and Pat Lalama, celebrity journalist. 

Let me begin with you, Ray.  Anybody that watches “The Simpsons” knows that the Emmys have always been seen as a joke in Hollywood and across America.  Why? 

RICHMOND:  Because they seem to get it wrong far more often than they get it right, Joe.  I mean, this year is just a particularly egregious example of something we see year after year.  The Emmys simply always seem to drop the ball.  They never seem to honor those who they should be. 

It‘s basically a grumble-fest every year.  But this year, it went off the scale, because they had this new process where they had another layer of voting added to the process, so you had basically—the irony is that they were trying to open it up to nominees that usually didn‘t get honored, like Lauren Graham and “Gilmore Girls” on the WB. 

And instead, you actually had people that were not often honored, but it was the wrong sleepers that came in this time.  And meanwhile, people like James Gandolfini, Edie Falco, completely passed over. 

SCARBOROUGH:  They‘re passed over.  And, again, “Desperate Housewives” passed over.  “Lost” passed over. 

Katie Caperton, that sounds like that‘s going to be bad news, not only for those people that want big ratings for Emmy, but also for magazines like yours, because these are the fan favorites...


SCARBOROUGH:  ... you‘re not going to see on the red carpet. 

CAPERTON:  Absolutely.  Last year was all about the “Desperate Housewives.”  They showed up in gorgeous gowns with sexy, you know, shades (ph), with some, you know, some serious engagement bling on their left hands.  And everyone wanted to see, what are they going to wear?  What are they going to say?

And this year, you know, unfortunately for the fans, they‘re not going to be there.  I hope it doesn‘t put a damper on the red carpet coverage.  But what really people might be tuning in to see is the whole Candy Spelling, Tori Spelling sort of drama that‘s going on, whether or not they‘re both going to be on stage during the Aaron Spelling tribute.  But, yes, some of the fans might be missing out this year. 

SCARBOROUGH:  Now, we will see—some of the people we will see on the red carpet are the cast members from “Office,” could be a big winner this year.  Let‘s take a look at a clip from that show. 


STEVE CARELL, ACTOR:  Hey, everybody, ice cream sandwiches.  Here you go.  Take one.  Take one.  It‘s all good.  Phyllis, think fast!  Yeah, boom!  Oh, I see Angela.  Angela, ah!  Hey, Tim, why don‘t you take two, because you don‘t get health care and faster metabolism.

PAUL LIEBERSTEIN, ACTOR:  Did you get the kind with the cookies instead of the...

CARELL:  Why don‘t you just eat it?


SCARBOROUGH:  Pat Lalama, “The Office” is obviously a show with an edge.  These are the type of shows, even though it got a lot of nominations, that usually don‘t get rewarded for pushing the boundaries, right? 

LALAMA:  Well, this is, I think, sort of the good side of all of this in that a show that is edgy, that doesn‘t seem so, you know, predictable, that‘s why they change the rules.  The rules being, instead of voting on the whole body of work for the season, you could vote on one episode. 

So, yes, it is, as your other guest said, supposed to open the playing field.  And the other time, you know, by the other sense, it does shut out the other favorites.  But let me remind you that one episode of “South Park” that honors Tom Cruise did get nominated. 

SCARBOROUGH:  It did get nominated.  It also though did not win, I don‘t think. 

Ray, let‘s talk about which shows are going to win.  Do you think “The Office” and “Grey‘s Anatomy” may be the big winners this year? 

RICHMOND:  I think “The Office” should be a big winner.  I mean, it‘s the best comedy on TV by a wide margin.  I mean, if it‘s not the big winner, then there‘s—well, we already know there‘s something wrong with the voting process.  But there would be something even worse wrong. 

Steve Carell, TV has a chance to honor the it guy in comedy right now, a guy who doesn‘t have to be in TV, who is clearly the man of the moment.  And I have to believe he‘ll win. 

I don‘t think “Grey‘s Anatomy” is going to win, though.  I think it‘s going to lose to “24.”  I think “24”—there is the perception that it‘s paid its dues and its time has come.  And I think “Grey‘s Anatomy” may be perceived a little bit too much as a “chick show,” quote, unquote. 

SCARBOROUGH:  Well, it is a chick show, but is it a chick show—I see the two women are very shocked that you just said that, but it really did pick up a lot of steam and momentum this past year, didn‘t it...


RICHMOND:  Do they know a lot of guys who watch “Grey‘s Anatomy”? 


SCARBOROUGH:  What‘s that?

RICHMOND:  I‘m sorry?  Are there a lot of guys that watch “Grey‘s Anatomy”?  I mean, it‘s not like chick show like on Lifetime, but it still is—it still caters to women.  It‘s a soap opera.


SCARBOROUGH:  Ray, before you offend everybody, let‘s show a clip from “Grey‘s Anatomy” to make the chicks happy. 



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  Seriously?  Seriously? 

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Want a drink? 



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  You didn‘t sign the divorce papers.  Sign.  I get it.  End of discussion.  What? 


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  Seriously?  Seriously? 

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  This is a very small bed. 

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  I look fantastic.  I shaved my legs. 

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  He‘s a brain surgeon.  How can you be so brainless? 

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  Hello, seriously?



SCARBOROUGH:  Pat, don‘t tell Ray, but, since the Superbowl, I have been watching “Grey‘s Anatomy.”  Do you think that people are just going to turn off the Emmys because of this new voting system and because the big stars aren‘t going to be there? 

LALAMA:  No, I think, you know, people will watch the Emmys, but I‘m going to predict that the ratings will be way down.  But, by the way, I just might want to add that I was never a big fan of “Sex and the City,” and I love “Entourage” and “Sopranos.”  Dude shows, might I ask?

SCARBOROUGH:  Dude shows.

RICHMOND:  No, I think those are a little bit more cross-gender, if I might say. 

LALAMA:  I‘m just joking, by the way. 

RICHMOND:  But it was interesting, that “Grey‘s Anatomy” clip—I know, me, too—that “Grey‘s Anatomy” clip was actually four times longer than Ellen Burstyn‘s entire performance for her...


SCARBOROUGH:  Yes, it certainly was.  Thank you so much, Ray Richmond.  Greatly appreciate it.  Katie Caperton and Pat Lalama, thanks for being with us tonight. 

Now, you know, I can relate to those stars who are feeling snubbed tonight.  It reminds me of that time that a Gallup poll came out and had a poll of who‘s hot and who‘s not on TV.  And somehow, my friends, I was overlooked, a development that led to a very embarrassing scuffle outside of MSNBC. 


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  Mr. Scarborough, Mr. Scarborough, how do you feel about not being on TV‘s top personality list? 

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  The congressman is not answering any questions.

SCARBOROUGH:  No, no, no.  Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.  I‘ll tell you.  You want me to tell you about this (bleep) list of yours?  I‘ll tell you about this (bleep) list.  (bleep) I thinking about making up my own (bleep).

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  I think it will be brilliant.

SCARBOROUGH:  The list of people whose (bleep) I‘m going to kick. 

(bleep)  (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep) (bleep)

(bleep) (bleep)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  You‘re a genius.


SCARBOROUGH:  Was I thinking?  It‘s terrible.  Terrible. 

Coming up next, from beer-chugging singers to celebrity cat fights, we‘ve got the wildest celebrity moments caught on tape.  Plus, Britney Spears already made one big mistake in Vegas.  Find out why that will never happen again, in tonight‘s trip to “Hollyweird.”


SCARBOROUGH:  “American Idol” fans were shocked, just shocked, to see Kelly Clarkson on stage, drunk and partying the night away.  Open that whiskey bottle up.  There you go, Kelly.  Yes, a little more.  Oh, great.  She is my “American Idol.” 

That‘s a video of her at the Key Club in L.A.  It surfaced on the Internet.  But she‘s hardly alone.  From Britney to Paris Hilton, it seems young Hollywood stars just can‘t stop doing stupid things while the cameras are rolling.  I asked TMZ‘s Harvey Levin about it.


SCARBOROUGH:  Talk about the Kelly Clarkson video.  I understand that she showed a side of herself that we hadn‘t seen before.  That got a lot of play, right? 

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Kelly Clarkson drinking straight Chivas Regal out of the bottle... 

HARVEY LEVIN, MANAGING EDITOR, TMZ.COM:  It got a lot of play, and it totally ticked me off.  My house is within a block of that place, and I didn‘t find out about it until after the fact.  And we could have scooped everybody by days. 

SCARBOROUGH:  Well, what‘s the scoop you‘re the proudest of?  You guys have done a lot over the past several months.  What‘s your big scoop so far on video? 

LEVIN:  You know, I suppose the biggest scoop we‘ve had in a while is the Brandon Davis video where he just railed on Lindsay Lohan, because it was just—you know, it was so perfect, in terms of, you know, the famous behaving badly.  I mean, here this billionaire is lamenting the fact that this woman, Lindsay Lohan, was worth $7 million and she was poor, you know, ranting about the most vulgar things in the world.  And Paris Hilton right by his side, giggling, laughing, holding up a cell phone so her friends could hear.  I mean, it really just doesn‘t get better than that. 

SCARBOROUGH:  No better than that.  Of course, then there‘s Britney Spears‘ famous video released showing her looking, well, like a burping slop. 


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  It might have been on the bus.



LEVIN:  Britney Spears, you know, now famous for chewing gum next to Matt Lauer on “Dateline,” and somebody just had to end up doing this.  This woman, who really does look kind of like Britney on “Dateline,” you know, with this unbelievable wad of gum in her mouth just like a burping fool, just with the funniest lines.  I mean, the person who did that should be hired by Jay Leno. 

SCARBOROUGH:  No doubt about it.  And what about Lindsay Lohan getting busted, claiming that she was sick when actually she was out partying? 

LEVIN:  Well, that‘s thanks to TMZ, I think.  What happened was, you know, that she came to the studio every morning saying, “Oh, I‘m tired.”  She had to go to the hospital, get a B-12 shot.  She was just having all sorts of problems. 

The problem is, the studio execs logged onto TMZ and they saw her at a club partying the night before.  So they‘re saying, “Hey, this is not exactly adding up the way she says.”  And she got in trouble for it.

SCARBOROUGH:  And it could cost her a lot of money in the future.  Do you think that this is going to make celebrities be on their best behavior in the future?  Or do you think there will be more people like Paris Hilton who understand that any publicity can be good publicity and they‘ll use sites like yours and other Internet sites to make them a bit more infamous and I guess give them more street cred with the kids?

LEVIN:  Joe, my money is on Paris Hilton.  If a star has the option of behaving well in obscurity or behaving badly and being a person like Paris Hilton, who is now a mogul in every area, from music to perfume to fashion, I mean, this woman has become an empire.  And none of what she has done has hurt her in any way and, in many ways, made her a great curiosity, famous and rich. 

SCARBOROUGH:  It certainly has.  Paris, Inc., I think is what the “New York Times” called her. 

LEVIN:  Paris, Inc.

SCARBOROUGH:  Yes, tell about though that sometimes there can be a real personal impact when people like Denise Richards are going through an ugly divorce, and then they get caught on tape saying some nasty things about somebody who maybe an interested party in that divorce? 

DENISE RICHARDS, ACTRESS:  I‘m sad that Heather has come out and portrayed it differently than it is.  And Heather knows why and when her marriage ended with Richie, and she knows when and why my marriage ended with Charlie. 

LEVIN:  That was our video, and I think that‘s an interesting one.  Again, I think stars increasingly want to look like human beings.  And here you have Denise Richards in the throes of a nasty divorce kind of opening up and talking about the other woman, talking about the fact that, you know, yes, she‘s dating Richie Sambora, but she did not betray Heather Locklear.  And she kind of showed that she was upset with Heather Locklear but wouldn‘t talk exactly about why.  She wanted to show, “Look, I am not the vixen and the villain that people think I am.”  And it was an opportunity and a forum for her to express that. 

SCARBOROUGH:  And finally, my favorite, Kiefer Sutherland taking on the Christmas tree and winning.  Talk about that. 

LEVIN:  You got to love it.  I mean, this is the best.  I mean, what can you say about it?  Kiefer Sutherland wins the award. 

SCARBOROUGH:  No doubt about it.  Hey, Harvey, thank you so much for being with us.  We greatly appreciate it. 

LEVIN:   My pleasure, Joe. 


SCARBOROUGH:  And coming up next in SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY, who is Angelina Jolie so desperate to avoid seeing that she stayed in her car for a half hour?  Find out in tonight‘s “Hollyweird.”


SCARBOROUGH:  I love that song.  And I‘m sorry, roll out the red carpet, friends.  It‘s time to take a trip to “Hollyweird.”

First up, expect to see fewer surprise celebrity weddings in your future.  Las Vegas, home to the quickie marriage, is pulling the plug, closing the 24-hour marriage license offices.  And here now with this shocking development and what it means to the residents of “Hollyweird,” from “OK” magazine, Katie Caperton, and from “US Weekly,” Mia Sulpor.

Let‘s start with you, Katie.  Bad news for Hollywood stars who want to just fly out from L.A. to Vegas, get married for 57 hours, then go back home.

CAPERTON:  I think it was 55 hours. 

SCARBOROUGH:  Was it 55 hours?

CAPERTON:  It was 55 hours.

SCARBOROUGH:  It seemed like 57 hours. 

CAPERTON:  Exactly, it just flew by, didn‘t it? 


CAPERTON:  Well, if you‘re a celebrity or you want to get—or anybody—and you want to get married at 3:00 in the morning in Vegas, you‘re going to have to do a little planning.  The marriage license office is going to be closed 24 hours now.  It‘s only open from 8:00 a.m. until midnight. 

So you can get married in the middle of the night.  You just have to get your license ahead of time.  So, you know, the celebrity weddings, like Britney Spears, and Nicky Hilton, and Demi Moore, and Bruce Willis that was -- if that law isn‘t, you know, have been around back then, maybe it wouldn‘t have happened.  So, you know, for the fans who kind of want to wake up on a Sunday morning and see what celebrity got married over the weekend in Vegas, they might not be so lucky.  But there‘s probably some celebrity publicists who are pretty excited about that temptation being gone for their clients.

SCARBOROUGH:  I‘m sure there are.

And, Mia, talk about—speaking of couples, Brangelina obviously a very famous couple.  They went out on town in L.A. this week, but it seems motherhood has not softened Angelina‘s feelings toward her estranged father, Jon Voight.  These two just do not like each other.  She waited in the car for 30 minutes so she wouldn‘t have to see him.  Why do they dislike each other so much? 

MIA SULPOR, “US WEEKLY”:  You know, I mean, it‘s no secret that Angelina wants no relationship with her father, Jon Voight, despite his many, many public pleas for a reconciliation.  The reason, you know, it isn‘t really clearly known, but, you know, Jon has never seen any of her children and hasn‘t seen her for years.  And so when she arrived and he was in this art gallery that she was supposed to go into, instead of having an awkward run-in, she decided to just wait it out, and wait until he left, and then made her entrance. 

SCARBOROUGH:  So there‘s absolutely no interest at all?  And how long has this bitter feud been going on? 

SULPOR:  Oh, it‘s been going on for years.  And, you know, Jon will go to public events.  He‘ll go to movie premieres.  He‘ll go on TV, and he will plead, you know, and, you know, tell the world that he wants to see Angelina and her kids, but is just having nothing to do with him. 

SCARBOROUGH:  And speaking of having nothing to do with somebody in the family or former family, Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills‘ divorce gets even nastier.  The former Beatle would not play music in a room where she was.  And he‘d rather play close to $3 million than perform at Heather‘s charity event. 

Katie, explain what‘s going on here and why this divorce is getting so ugly.

CAPERTON:  You‘re right.  It is getting nasty.  I think the divorce is costing him a lot more money than he would have ever expected.  He was supposed to host the Adopt-a-Minefield gala they were having this week.  And that‘s Heather‘s big charity.  When he found out that she was definitely going, he pulled out and he said, “You know, I apologize, but I just can‘t perform at this event.  And, you know, I apologize I can‘t do it.”

And so they‘ve tried—they looked around for somebody else to host the event, and they couldn‘t find anybody of his caliber.  I guess Ringo Starr wasn‘t available, so they just had to cancel the whole thing.

SCARBOROUGH:  Yes.  No Ringo. 

And, Mia, very quickly—we got 15 seconds—I understand Lindsay Lohan is being dissed again by a co-star, William H. Macy.  Bad news.

SULPOR:  Yes, it is.  I mean, she just can‘t seem to get away from her bad rap of showing up late to the set.  And it‘s unprofessional to show up late to any job, but, you know, to show up late to a set, you are really affecting so many other people on the set.  And it sounded like William H.  Macy had just had enough of her antics and her going out and then showing up late on set.

SCARBOROUGH:  No doubt about it.  A great star that she‘s offending.

Thank you so much, Katie.  You two were great tonight.  Thank you, Mia Sulpor.  We appreciate it. 

We‘ll see you Monday night in SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY.



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