Worst Person in the World: Jeff Skilling

But our winner, Jeff Skilling, the convicted Enron CEO.  Houston Chronicle reporting he was ticketed by police earlier this month for public intoxication.  The fine Mr. Skilling faces is slotted at $500, but don‘t worry, he can make it look like $500 million.


Our nominees…The bronze to prosecutors in Sonoma County in California, the computer with the child porn seized from John Mark Karr in 2001, they've lost it.  They say don't worry, They copied the hard drive.  They printed out the images.  The defense says it has been offered a plea deal. 

Our runner up, got another guy who faked a death to get some time off work.  James Snyder of Stout, Iowa, sent the local newspaper the obituary of his girlfriend’s 17-year-old son.  The kid was not dead.  It might have worked out, though, if the fellow had not gone out to dinner the night the obit appeared. 

But our winner, Jeff Skilling, the convicted Enron CEO.  Houston Chronicle reporting he was ticketed by police earlier this month for public intoxication.  The fine Mr. Skilling faces is slotted at $500, but don‘t worry, he can make it look like $500 million.

Jeff Skilling, today's “Worst Person in the World.”