Logitech Wireless Headphones

Logitech’s flexy wireless Bluetooth headphones provide  freedom of movement and great sound without getting all tangled up in wires.


Logitech Wireless Headphones

Logitech’s flexy wireless Bluetooth headphones are perfectly suited for my late-night forays into Xbox 360 gaming, giving me freedom of movement and great sound without getting all tangled up in wires.

A small transmitter plugs into my monitor’s headphone jack, beaming the sound to the headphones. Both recharge at the same time with an included adapter. Less than perfect was when I took the headphones for a run in the nearby park.

The back of the band constantly rubbed against the back of my neck like some creepy stalker was constantly reaching for me, and holding my iPod nano and plugged in transmitter in my left hand often had the music drop out during playback, forcing me to switch to my right, which appears to be the side with the receiver in the headphones.

I wouldn’t normally mind switching hands, however I hold my dog Nick’s leash with my right hand as I have for five years when we run, and managing him and the iPod this other way around just feels too unnatural for me to keep at it, so it’s back to regular earphones for my runs, but I otherwise appreciate the wireless phones for indoor use.

— Joe Hutsko