Democrats postpone 2008 convention decision

The Democratic National Committee is pushing back a decision on the site of its 2008 national convention until next month.


The Democratic National Committee is pushing back a decision on the site of its 2008 national convention until next month.

It will be held in Denver or New York City. But the final decision is not so much about where, as it is how much.

Denver's bid is said to have logistical and financial problems. And New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says he's loved to host the Democrats but "can't commit the city to pay for a convention."

The party hopes to use the convention to highlight its presidential candidate.

A spokesman for D-N-C Chairman Howard Dean says negotiations with both cities are continuing.

The convention -- which is expected to attract 35-thousand people, including nearly five-thousand delegates and alternates -- will be held August 25th through the 28th. The Republican National Convention will start just four days later in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota.