Huh? How was this list compiled, anyway?

This year, the game editors and contributors at had a brainstorm: How about if we divvied up all the best games into nine categories, and let readers vote on the best of genre? And then, once those winners were figured out, stack them all up against each other for game of the year?


This year, the game editors and contributors at had a brainstorm: How about if we divvied up all the best games into nine categories, and let readers vote on the best of genre? And then, once those winners were figured out, stack them all up against each other for game of the year?

Let's face it: It's almost impossible to find consensus on which game is the "best." Especially this year. We had a hard time picking the best-of-breed for each category, let alone game of the year. So we figured we'd give you the baton.

You voted, and these were the results (voting closed on Wednesday, December 19).

Sure, it looks a little weird to see "Lego Star Wars" pitted against "Bioshock" and "Mass Effect." But this tells us a lot about who our readers are.

If you think our experiment was a big fail, let us know. If you think it's cool, we'd like to hear that, too.