Gemase Simmons responds


Gemase Simmons contacted Dateline after our story aired on May 2nd.  He says he wanted to speak to us all along, but first needed to resolve his outstanding arrest warrants. Then, the day after his call, he was arrested and jailed on those outstanding warrants, all unrelated to our report.

On the phone, Gemase told Dateline that he had had every intention of producing an actual reality show, but the venture failed due to his inability to attract sponsors.   He says he is sorry that people were disappointed and that the vendors he hired have not been paid, but says he told those involved that this was an "upstart" production and funding would come later.

As for the allegations of sexual impropriety in our report, he says they are false and "never happened."  Among other things, he says that some of the contestants requested he be in the room during the waxing shoot and that he specifically asked the cameraman not to shoot anything explicit.   And Gemase told us that while it is true as the woman says in our report that she spent a night at his San Antonio apartment, he says they had a good time together, and that he never promised her a modeling job with Juicy Couture nor did he submit her to a full-body skin check as she describes.  He also notes that none of the contestants ever expressed any discomfort to him at any time during the show's production.

Gemase says he intends to speak to Dateline on camera about all the allegations in our report .  So far he has not provided us with a time or place for an interview.