New Facebook app may answer your questions

Facebook is currently accepting applications from Facebook users interested in beta testing “Facebook Questions,” an app that looks to be the social network’s version of Yahoo Answers, Wiki Answers and the Google-owned Aardvark.


So this looks fun. Facebook is currently accepting applications from Facebook users interested in beta testing “Facebook Questions,” an app that looks to be the social network’s version of Yahoo Answers, Wiki Answers and the Google-owned Aardvark.

“As a beta tester, your job will be to ask great questions and provide great answers about your favorite topics,” reads the Facebook product application page. “Economics? Skydiving? Relationships? Mexican Restaurants? It’s up to you.” Those selected get a trip to Facebook’s California headquarters.

TechCrunch got a sneak peak at a “Facebook Questions” beta page, as well as the 411 from Sid Yadav, a New Zealand Facebook user who’s been taking the app out for a drive within his social network circle.

“Whenever I have something to know I think my friends can help me with, or even a fun ‘Pirates or ninjas?’ discussion, I’d look no further than Facebook Questions,” Yadav told the industry blog. Yadav said the beta-version of “Questions” appears in the left tab along with News Feed, Messages, Events: and ‘Photos.’

Yadav said he forsees “Facebook Questions” as the site’s next “killer app.” “It may end up taking off among Facebook’s more intellectual users whose utility of the service is slightly beyond operating a virtual farm and tagging party photos,” he said.

If you’d like to try to become a beta tester, the embedded application appears on Facebook’s product application page and requires that you come up with, and then answer in detail, three “provocative questions” that address an area of your expertise.

“We're looking for evidence that you can write clearly and authoritatively on familiar subject matter.” And as with everything on the Internet, keep in mind, “Your expert writing will be seen by tens of millions of people — including job recruiters.”

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