'Cigar Guy' is Internet antidote to Sad Keanu

The weirdest sports photo in recent memory has become an Internet phenomenon thanks to a wide-eyed cigar-chomping Tiger Woods fan.

The "Cigar Guy" takes over the Daily Mail's crazy Tiger Woods Ryder Cup photo in this Photoshop mashup found on the site Reddit.Kibitzor / Reddit

The weirdest sports photo in recent memory has become an Internet phenomenon thanks to a cigar-chomping man who resembles the genetic pairing of Groucho Marx and Jonny Quest's adopted brother Hadji.

Tiger Woods photo at the Daily Mail Online

This "Cigar Guy" isn't even the main focus of the incredible shot, wherein Tiger Woods — playing at the Ryder Cup in Wales last Sunday — "duffs" a shot straight at a Daily Mail photographer.

Nevertheless, it's Cigar Guy who is rapidly taking Sad Keanu's place as the literal face of goofy photo mashups, certified by Reddit and our favorite meme tracker, Urlesque.

Thank God for that. Sad Keanu images — and their Don Draper-adorned counterparts — are clever, but they leave us feeling, well, sad.

Cigar Guy, on the other hand, reflects positivity, optimism and wide-eyed wonderment — but without the can't-be-taken-seriously air of a Prancing Michael Cera. It's as if there was a Disney movie where the Banff Squirrel becomes a be-turbaned prince in order to win the heart of his golf-loving special lady. Wait a minute, somebody get me Elton John, we got an animated musical to write!

Since the meme's birth, other Cigar Guy galleries have cropped up. The biggest gallery, on Tauntr, depicts Cigar Guy in a series of classic sports photos, while the Dallas Observer contributed its own gallery of classic album covers brought appropriately up to date thanks to His Mustachioness.

So, where's your Cigar Guy Photoshop?

Catch up with Wilson on Twitter at , especially if you have some ridiculous Photoshops to share. Helen A.S. Popkin is out sick today, but if she were not, we are certain she'd have plenty to say on this subject.