Re: Fun of 'Idol' isn't winners but losers

Does 'American Idol' matter?



Name: Cindy
Hometown: West Palm Beach

Tara Ariano hit the nail on the head when it comes to the real reason why we watch American Idol. The auditions are absolutely the best part. After all, who could ever forget "Keith" from last season singing Madonna's "Like a Virgin"???

Name: Marcus Espinosa
Hometown: Chandler, AZ

"American Idol" is coming back from the garbage we have to be exposed to this disgusting display of no talent and poor programing and poor feed to American TV?  Please stop it.........

Name: anonymous
Hometown: Minnesota

A comment on the American Idol article section "Who cares who wins?"  Ms. Ariano must not pay attention to the news on Kelly Clarkson's pop star success since American Idol.  Since she won, she has had at least three incredibly popular songs with continuous radio play, and although the movie may not have been the greatest, I think the author needs to research her information a little more before claiming someone has "disappeared from pop-culture radar" -although it wouldn't take much to figure that out...

Name: Linda
Hometown: Shelton
"Fun of "Idol" isn't winners is absolutely right.  The producers aren't interested in people who really have talent, they want someone they can mold into what they want. When my daughter auditioned in NY last year, the producers asked her if she could sound less trained.  Randy, Simon & Paula said she was cute, had a great voice but was too Broadway sounding - go figure!! I agree with you  - I will no longer be watching A.I.