‘My 1st St@tus’ Scam Lures in Facebook Victims

A new Facebook survey scam is preying on people’s nostalgia to steal their account information.


A new Facebook survey scam is preying on people’s nostalgia to steal their account information.

The scam messages are posted on users’ walls by a rogue application and claim to be the users’ first Facebook status updates, the security firm Sophos reported. The posts read: “My 1st St@tus,” followed by a message and a shortened URL that promises to show users their own first status update.

Following the link will take users to a Facebook page that requests permission to access users'  personal information, including names, profile pictures and user IDs. Continuing through the scam directs users to a survey that generates revenue for the scammers.

Security experts recommend Facebook users never divulge personal information to an untrusted source. They also recommend avoiding shortened URLs because they can be used to hide malicious links.