Disgruntled Gamer Hacks Xbox Security Chief’s Account

In an ironic twist, the head of gaming security for Xbox LIVE had his own Xbox account, as well as his personal website, hacked by a disgruntled gamer.


In an ironic twist, the head of gaming security for Xbox LIVE had his own Xbox account, as well as his personal website, hacked by a disgruntled gamer.

The hacker, calling himself Predator, commandeered the Xbox LIVE account of Stephen Toulouse, the Director of Xbox LIVE Policy and Enforcement yesterday (April 3).

Toulouse, who goes by the online handle “Stepto” and operates Stepto.com, is responsible for implementing and enforcing Xbox LIVE rules and policies. He spoke of the Xbox hack himself:

“Sigh. Please be warned. Network solutions has apparently transferred control of Stepto.com to an attacker and will not let me recover it,” Toulouse tweeted from his @Stepto account. (His domain name was restored later Sunday night.)

In a YouTube video called “Stepto Head of Xbox LIVE Policy and Enforcement Team HACKED!!” Predator called himself “Xbox Live’s greatest account jacker.” DomainIncite reports that Predator launched the attack as a protest for being banned 35 times for violating gamer policies.

Unfortunately for Predator, there may be a serious side effect to his public boasting.

The top comment in his YouTube video was posted by “predatorsucks,” who provided Predator's alleged identity and listed that person's address and phone number.