Cooking up a travel memory

Learning to recreate a local dish in your kitchen can evoke aromas that transport you right back to where you visited.

A whiff of spices can instantly evoke memories of places we've been. Learning recipes of other lands is one way to hold on to those memories.Bassem Tellawi / AP

For every distinctive and tasteful souvenir, there's a raft of cheap "I ♥ New York" mugs, useless bobblehead figures and oh-so-classy boxer shorts imprinted with the X-rated bits of Michelangelo's David statue. Your trip deserves better.

I've found my own way to memorialize my travels, and it doesn't start till I get home. As I wrote in 35 travel tips revealed: Top secrets of travel writers, "I like to bring a little bit of each trip home with me — and not just with postcards. After I return from a foreign country, I always try to recreate a local dish in my own kitchen, like Moroccan couscous or Belizean stewed chicken. The smell of the meal will often transport me right back to the place I just left."

Be warned: It sometimes takes a little experimenting and Web searching to find a recipe that truly lives up to the flavors and scents you remember. Learning to cook in a new style can be a challenge too (I set my wok on fire one of the first few times I tried to season it). And don't be surprised if you have to venture out to a specialty grocer for that hard-to-find banana flower, yuca root or Sichuan pepper.

But for me, the hassle is all worth it when the scent of toasting cumin calls up vivid sense memories of those colorful Moroccan spice markets I loved to visit. It's the next best thing to being there.

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