Monitors That Pull Double-Duty for Marketing

Monitors can be repurposed as interactive marketing kiosks, allowing your customers to see for themselves just how innovative you are. Here are three of the sharpest.


Monitors can be repurposed as interactive marketing kiosks, allowing your customers to see for themselves just how innovative you are. Here are three of the sharpest.

Litl Webbook

When is a cheapie netbook a POS display? When it hinges 270 degrees to create its own stand. The litl is the perfect dirt-cheap kiosk for an office or retail environment.


Chumby 8

Put the chumby 8 loaded with all your marketing jazz in a customer waiting or service area. Customers won't be able to resist fiddling with it.


Ceiva Pro 80
($148, may require a monthly fee starting at $7)

The 8-inch Ceiva connects to any PC or Mac to create an instant marketing terminal--near a cash register, for example--that an off-site marketer can update in real time. Can you say lucrative?


Photos© David Johnson

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