5 Unsettling Uses of Google Glasses Camera

Google held its first Google+ Photographers conference this week, showing off photos taken while wearing Google Glasses, the company's wearable, connected glasses that feature a built-in camera.  


Google held its first Google+ Photographers conference this week, showing off photos taken while wearing Google Glasses, the company's wearable, connected glasses that feature a built-in camera.   Wearing the glasses  allows photographers to shoot hands-free, and that's where the fun begins. Here are a handful of images from Google's presentation by Max Braun, tech lead on the Glass Project, to show "what makes Glass special."   Braun sees Glass as the evolution of  cellphone photography,  whereas we see a lot of photos that don't end well.   "You probably would not have taken this picture with a cellphone," Braun said. Clearly not — the child would have ended up with a dislocated shoulder. This one was taken last weekend at the annual Bay to Breakers run in San Francisco. "If you're a  runner,  you know exactly what this picture feels like," he said. Yes I do, and the next one would have shown a pool of vomit on the asphalt. "Taking pictures on glass is very fast and allows you to capture a moment just when it happens," he said. You better catch that ball, or the next moment will find your glasses shattered on the ground and you with a broken nose. "Some of the shots really make you feel like you're there," he said. Let's hope your boss doesn't catch it on your  Google+ feed  … aren't you supposed to be working? "When we started testing with people at home, we started seeing family pictures that had a certain quality to them," he said. This photo must have been taken seconds before the baby began shrieking, because mom looks like an alien.