The Ed Show for Monday, June 4, 2012

Read the transcript to the Monday show


Guests: Ruth Conniff, John Nichols, Glenn Grothman, Lena Taylor, Mark Miller, Tom Barrett; Jesse Jackson

ED SCHULTZ, HOST: Good evening, Americans. Welcome to THE ED SHOW
live from Madison, Wisconsin, where it`s ground zero for the middle class.

For the first time since his surprise attack, Scott Walker will face
the people.

This is THE ED SHOW. This is history, Badgers. Let`s get to work.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you win, what do you think it means?

GOV. SCOTT WALKER (R), WISCONSIN: Well, I think it`s a victory for
courage not only here in Wisconsin but across the country.

SCHULTZ (voice-over): The polls are tightening. There are boots on
the ground. And the Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett says he will defeat Scott

MAYOR TOM BARRETT (D), MILWAUKEE: I am going to win it. We have
literally thousands of people on the streets this weekend. So, we are
very, very positive.

Tonight, Tom Barrett and Mahlon Mitchell bring their fight for the
middle class to THE ED SHOW.

SCHULTZ: Scott Walker is denying new allegations about state`s John
Doe investigation. Ruth Conniff and John Nichols have the latest.

Republican State Senator Glenn Grothman thinks Scott Walker reforms
are working. He will defend his position here tonight.

And despite getting out spent by outside money, Democrats like the
Reverend Jesse Jackson say they will turn out the vote in Wisconsin.

REV. JESSE JACKSON: If they can march in Selma and Montgomery, I can
march right down the street.

SCHULTZ: The civil rights leader joins me live in Madison.


SCHULTZ: Good to have you with us. Thanks for watching.

The long road to the recall elections here in Wisconsin is now over.
Tomorrow, voters will decide the fate of Governor Scott Walker for only the
third time in recall election history in this country.

A recent Marquette University poll has Scott Walker with a seven-point
lead over Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. But many Democrats are questioning

But the newest poll from Public Policy Polling shows Walker only has a
three-point lead.

I have been in Wisconsin this past weekend, stopping by in Racine and
Burlington and North Milwaukee and also going to Baraboo. And everywhere I
went, there was unbelievable enthusiasm.

So this is one for the archives, folks. I don`t know how the polls
can be judging the heart and desire of the people that I ran into this
weekend. But there was one person that struck me in Baraboo, Wisconsin, a
teacher that has been in the business some 20 years in the classroom and
says she`s not ready to retire. She wants to go at least another 10 years.

She said, "Ed, if there`s anything that comes out of this, will you
just tell the people of America that I`m not the enemy."

This is how a lot of people in Wisconsin feel. They feel like they`ve
been vilified by a radical agenda. The people of Wisconsin don`t
understand why all of a sudden they`re the guinea pig of a Republican
right-wing agenda just to, quote, "see if it works," this person told me.

There`s reaction from the White House tonight. The president of the
United States just tweeted, "It`s Election Day in Wisconsin tomorrow and
I`m standing by Tom Barrett. He`d make an outstanding governor."


SCHULTZ: I have to tell you that going around the state this weekend,
I think it was fantastic that Bill Clinton was here on Friday. Going
around the state, I did not hear one person say anything about the
president being here. These people in this state are so focused. I must
say they`re focused on both sides. This state is no doubt polarized.

These people want something to happen politically, because they know
the job scene here in this state is not what it could be. He`s not been a
uniter. He has been a divider.

And the race is too close to call at this point. Scott Walker is
already getting his excuses ready. He raised the idea of voter fraud to a
conservative "Weekly Standard" magazine. He said, quote, "You probably
have to win with at least 53 percent of the vote to account for fraud, one
or two points potentially."

Walker also went on FOX News today and hit the latest Republican
talking point about President Obama not showing up in Wisconsin.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you think of Barack Obama has not been

WALKER: I think it`s interesting for all the hype. You know,
President Clinton was here a week ago. They asked me about it, I said it`s
more interesting that when the president of the United States is just
literally on the other side of the river in Minnesota in the Twin Cities
when he was about the same time in Chicago, just south of the Wisconsin

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He was a Marine One trip away.



SCHULTZ: Walker will need all the excuses he can come up with if he
loses. He owns the airwaves here in Wisconsin. No doubt about it. The
Walker campaign and supporters have outspent Barrett and his allies by 7
1/2 to 1. Almost two-thirds of the money that Walker has thrown to TV and
radio has come from outside groups.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus is trying to
down play the Walker money advantage.


REINCE PRIEBUS, RNC CHAIRMAN: Who knows in the end who spent more. I
think there`s a lot of union money being spent up there. It`s an enormous
effort. But this never would have had to happen, Andrea, if the unions
from the outside wouldn`t have come in and try to hijack the state of


SCHULTZ: Priebus and the Republicans want to make it sound as if the
unions have controlled the total recall process. Wisconsinites know this
is about them, the middle class and the well being of this country.

In February of 2011, the people of this state objected to Walker`s
radical plan to strip public employee unions of their bargaining rights.
The governor`s law cut into the heart of union wages ands benefits. THE ED
SHOW heard the outcry and came to Wisconsin to see the reaction for

This wasn`t about union organizing. This is about people fighting for
what made this country great, a thriving middle class in America. The
passion on display is what made 14 Senate Democrats leave the state and try
to stop the law from going through. Republicans didn`t listen to people
and went ahead with it any way.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Representative, excuse me. It says, if there`s
any doubt as to whether good cause exist, the governmental body should
provide 24 hours notice. This is clearly a violation of the open meetings
law. You`re shutting people down, it is improper for you to move forward.
This is a violation of the open meanings law.

You`re not allowing amendments, and that is wrong. Mr. Chairman, this
is a violation of law.


SCHULTZ: Republicans didn`t listen to the voices of Wisconsin because
this was their plan all along. Scott Walker showed his hand when he was
recorded last year by a blogger pretending to be billionaire Walker
supporter David Koch.


WALKER: This is an exciting time. This is, you know, I told my
cabinet I had a dinner the Sunday -- excuse me, Monday right after the
sixth. Came home from the Super Bowl when the Packers won.

That Monday night, I had all my cabinet over to the residence for
dinner. Talked about what we were going to do, how we were going to do it.
We`d already kind of built plans up, but it was kind of last hooray before
we dropped the bomb.

And I stood up and pulled out a picture of Ronald Reagan and I said,
you know, this may seem a little melodramatic, but 30 years ago, Ronald
Reagan, whose 100th birthday we just celebrated the day before, had one of
the most defining moments of his political career, not just his presidency,
when he fired the air traffic controllers.


SCHULTZ: Walker was telling rich donors all along about his plan to
dismantle the unions.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What can we do to help you?

WALKER: We`re going to start in a couple of weeks with our budget
adjustment bill. The first step is we`re going deal with collective
bargaining for all public employees unions because you --


WALKER: -- use divide and conquer.


SCHULTZ: The interest of the Koch brothers and super rich Walker
contributors do not protect the interest of the middle class in this state.
This is why the people of Wisconsin organized recall petitions to put the
governor`s fate on the ballot. The petitions were delivered in January,
setting the stage for tomorrow`s vote.

Walker will have to answer for his radical agenda which has led to the
worst jobs number in the country. Wisconsinites have been organized
throughout this process. And these past few weeks are no different.

I`ve spoken to Democratic organizers who tell me that the intensity on
the ground is unlike anything that they have ever seen. That will be the
key to this election.

Take a look at Milwaukee County. In 2010, Tom Barrett got more than
200,000 votes against Scott Walker. Two years earlier, almost 320,000
people in Milwaukee voted for Barack Obama. If the Democrats can get
people to the polls tomorrow in the same numbers they delivered in 2008,
the outcome could be very bad for Governor Scott Walker.

I spoke with people all over Wisconsin this weekend. Democrats tell
me that they will knock on more than 1.2 million doors before it`s all
over. The people assured me this is going to be a close one, no question
about it.

Get your cell phones out. Well, I want to know what you think.

Well, I do want to know what you think.

Should the voters of Wisconsin recall Scott Walker? Text A for yes,
text B for no. to 622639. You can always go to our blog at
We`ll bring results later in the show.

Joining me tonight, Ruth Conniff, political editor of the
"Progressive" magazine and John Nichols, Washington correspondent of "The
Nation" magazine and the author of the book, "Uprising."

Great to have you both with us.

John, you first. Let me ask you. The polls on the ground, the polls
on TV and the media and the enthusiasm on the ground, they just don`t seem
to match up.

JOHN NICHOLS, THE NATION: You can`t measure a recall. It`s
absolutely impossible. We`ve never had an election in the first week of
June in Wisconsin before. We`ve never had an election where you`ve called
a governor to account in the middle of his term, and you`ve never had an
election where you`ve had more money raised by one candidate, Scott Walker,
in one quarter than any previous candidate has raised in the history of the
state. So, everything is unprecedented here.

What I can tell you is this, there`s no question if you look at the
pattern of polling, internal and external, it shows since the start of last
week, Tom Barrett has been on the rise. If you go out and you go to
Baraboo, Racine, to Burlington, wherever you go, you see these crowds out.

I`ve covered politics in this state since I was a little kid. I have
never seen the kinds of crowds for a progressive economic justice agenda
that I saw in places like Baraboo and Burlington this weekend.

SCHULTZ: Ruth, have the Republicans changed their tone a little bit?
It`s been reported that both sides have lawyered up in case there`s a
recount. In the state constitution of Wisconsin, it has to be half of 1
percent to force a recount. What does that tell us?

confident that they are just going to walk away tomorrow winning this
thing. No matter what they say on television, no matter what they say with
their own polls that show Walker up much more than Barrett`s poll -- you
know, Barrett`s more recent poll showed this entire election hinges on one
vote. Not one percent, one voter in Wisconsin coming to the polls.

Now, I tell you what? Everyone I know is out there getting people to
the polls.

SCHULTZ: What does the early voting tell you? We`ve never seen
anything like it before.

CONNIFF: Unprecedented. It shows that state election officials show
we will have 65 percent turnout. This is going to be like a presidential
year. If you look at the difference between 2008 and 2010. It means a
very different story.

SCHULTZ: Why is it Milwaukee County, John Nichols? What is so
important about Milwaukee County?

NICHOLS: Well, Milwaukee County is where both Scott Walker and Tom
Barrett come from. This year, of course, Scott Walker seems to have
forgotten that and is running against Milwaukee. But the bottom line is,
in 2008, the city of Milwaukee produced 90,000 more votes than it did in
2010. So, just right there in the city and particularly on the north side
of that city, if people turn out there, they can offset two-thirds of Scott
Walker`s winning margin in 2010 on one set of neighborhoods on the north
side of Milwaukee.

SCHULTZ: Did Bill Clinton`s visit help? Ruth, Bill Clinton coming.
It was very strategically placed in north Milwaukee.

CONNIFF: Yes, Bill Clinton, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton coming out,
getting people to the polls, it`s all about getting people out, getting
people energize. And remembering what this is really all about. And what
it`s really all about is when I drove by my public school teachers who
teach my kids this morning, and each one of them, kindergarten, first
grade, second grade, third grade, fourth, and fifth, were holding up one
letter of Barrett`s name.

This isn`t about us. This is about the people of Wisconsin. Not
about projections and pollsters.

SCHULTZ: John, everywhere I go it`s the teachers.

NICHOLS: Yes. Well, look, teachers have always been respected in
this state. My grandmother came up in Blue River, Wisconsin. She got her
credentials at the age of 16 and taught in a one-room school. And that was
considered one of the most honorable acts in our family. We have a
tradition of respecting and loving our teachers.

And for the last couple of years, we have a governor who has been
telling us the teachers are the problem. We know they`re not the problem.
They`re the solution.

SCHULTZ: So, both of you, the John Doe investigation, has it played
as a negative as much as the Democrats have wanted it to?

CONNIFF: It has not gotten all the legs it should have, considering
how sleazy, how scandalous and how easy to understand it really is. But
what has happened is, as the ads came on television, awareness of it has
increased dramatically, and at the same time, the numbers have shifted and
Barrett has come up in the polls. I think it`s because people don`t like
what they`re hearing about the Joe Doe.

SCHULTZ: All right. Ruth Conniff, John Nichols, great to have you
with us tonight. Thank you so much.

Remember to answer tonight`s question at the bottom of the screen.
Share your thoughts on Twitter.

Next up, Scott Walker is warning voters about voter fraud ahead of
tomorrow`s recall election. We`ll sort through these Republican lies,
coming up.

And Wisconsin State Senators Glenn Grothman, Lena Taylor and Mark
Miller will join me.

And the new report shows that Scott Walker is in hot water and he`s
denying everything. Democratic challengers Tom Barrett and Mahlon Mitchell
will weigh in on this hour here on THE ED SHOW.

Stay with us. We`re coming right back.


SCHULTZ: Coming up, Republicans say Democrats are trying to cheat
their way to victory tomorrow. Up next, State Senators Mark Miller and
Lena Taylor will debate the issue with Republican State Senator Glen

Reverend Jesse Jackson compares the election in Wisconsin to the fight
for civil rights. Reverend Jackson also with us later in this broadcast.

The man with the plan to defeat Scott Walker is here -- Tom Barrett
and his running mate Mahlon Mitchell will be here live tonight.

Share your thoughts on Twitter using the #EdShow. We`ll be right



REPORTER: Do you think voter fraud could swing an election?



NOONAN: I do. I think voter fraud is a reality of our time. I think
Wisconsin voters are aware.


SCHULTZ: Give me a break. GOP lies are sinking in, question mark.

Governor Scott Walker is fighting for his political life so he`s
warning folks across the state about the possibility of rapid voter fraud
ahead of tomorrow`s recall election.

RNC chair Reince Priebus is singing the same tune.


PRIEBUS: I`m always concerned about it, which is why I think we need
to do a point or two better than where we think we need to be to overcome


SCHULTZ: Nearly 3 million votes were cast here in Wisconsin in the
2008 election. If turnout tomorrow is similar, according to the Reince
Priebus, the RNC chair and Walker, the governor of this state, between
30,000 and 60,000 of those votes would be fraudulent.

Are you kidding me?

The problem is the facts are not on their side. A recent study by the
nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice found just seven, count them, let`s
say, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven -- seven cases of voter fraud
out of 3 million votes cast in Wisconsin during the 2004 election, a fraud
rate of 0.0002 percent.

A number of reforms have been implemented since then. Actually,
decreasing the likelihood of voter fraud beyond these 0.0002 percent.

So the director of state`s Government Accountability Board tells
PolitiFact, the board has found no more than 20 instances of voter fraud in
any statewide election dating back to the year 2000.

I am joined tonight by Wisconsin State Senators Glenn Grothman, Lena
Taylor and Mark Miller with us here on THE ED SHOW.

Thanks so much for joining us.

Senator Grothman joins us via satellite. I appreciate him being with

Mr. Grothman, Reince Priebus claimed your state is riddled with voter
fraud. What examples can you give us that voter fraud is occurring and
it`s a big problem in Wisconsin?

STATE SEN. GLENN GROTHMAN (R), WISCONSIN: Well, that`s not why you
asked me to be on the show. But I think if you look in the past at reports
from Milwaukee police department, you`ll find things that are concerning.
Now, of course, because the district attorney is not followed up at length,
we don`t have documents for sure here there and everywhere, but there`s a
feeling that people are voting that shouldn`t be voting or people voting
more than once.

SCHULTZ: OK. Let`s get full disclosure. I`ll give you chance to
explain to our viewers, why did we tell you we wanted you o come on the
program? I want to be very upfront and clear on this.

GROTHMAN: I think to discuss the election tomorrow, and talk about
the election tomorrow, the issues that are going to be decided.

SCHULTZ: Fair enough. The issue of voter fraud has been brought up
by the RNC chair and the governor of Wisconsin. They are very concerned
about it. And that`s part of the election, sir, and that`s why I asked you
the question.

You answered it and I appreciate it. But I don`t want you to think
you came on this program under false pretense. I mean, this is the
narrative that`s being played out by the Republicans right now.

GROTHMAN: Well, like I said, you`ll read past reports by the
Milwaukee police department. I think you`ll find things that should be of
concern in the city of Milwaukee.

SCHULTZ: Lena, what about that?

STATE SEN. LENA TAYLOR (D), WISCONSIN: Such nonsense, Senator. You
know doggone well there`s never been any level of voter fraud that`s
happening in that regard. You know more than anything the piece of
legislation that you did that allegedly said it would address voter fraud
wouldn`t address the type of voter fraud we`ve had in the state. This is
the fear tactic that you and your colleagues continue to do in this state.
You should be shamed of yourself for that kind of nonsense.

It is as absurd as you saying that me being a parent, that it`s abuse
of my child just my pure existence. Your logic is off the wall, Glenn, and
you know it.

SCHULTZ: Senator, can you respond to that?

GROTHMAN: I think it`s a kind of silly attack and one more time I
think we`re trying to get away from the issues in this campaign. Why are
our opponents having the state of Wisconsin spend $20 million on
unnecessary election rather than have elections in the regular time in
November? That`s the question.

Do we have to have or set up precedent in the state of Wisconsin where
we have elections in May and June at huge expense to the taxpayer before we
find the full effect of reforms that in this case Governor Walker has put
before us?

STATE SEN. MARK MILLER (D), WISCONSIN: You know, Ed, this is amazing
argument. We rule, we are governed by the consent of the governor. It`s
the people who decide whether or not we govern.

When those of us who are elected abuse the trust and faith of the
people, it`s up to the people to withdraw that consent. That`s what`s

GROTHMAN: I don`t think anybody has abused anything here. Governor
Walker proposed and passed the budget that`s a 1 percent spending increase
over the last year.

We have a wide variety of people who say a 1 percent increase isn`t
enough. We want a bigger spending governor in there and throw out Governor
Walker less than a year and a half into his term.

I think it`s an outrage. How in the world is our country ever going
to balance its budget if we throw out somebody for passing a budget that`s
a 1 percent increase?

TAYLOR: First of all, Senator, the governor has spent more than
Governor Jim Doyle, as you know. Number two, this governor said he would
not tax, and he taxed the most needy among us, seniors.

GROTHMAN: He hasn`t raised any taxes at all. You know that`s true.

TAYLOR: Yes, he did. You know the homestead tax credit. The facts
are not on your side, Glenn. I respect that you change the rules along the
way. That`s not factual.

GROTHMAN: There`s no tax increases.

MILLER: Glenn, Glenn, Glenn.

GROTHMAN: He is trying to improve the business climate. Yes? Is
this Mark?

MILLER: If the Democrats cut tax credits for the wealthy, you would
scream tax increase. You are increasing taxes on lower and middle income
folks. Now you say that`s not a tax increase.


TAYLOR: That`s not Chris. That`s Senator Mark.

GROTHMAN: Is it Mark?


GROTHMAN: It`s a mild change in the earned income tax credit.

TAYLOR: Fourteen million is a mild change?

GROTHMAN: The highest in the country.


GROTHMAN: We have the most generous in the country and because we
have the most generous, you`re mad because it`s not the most generous by a
wide margin. It`s ridiculous.

SCHULTZ: All right. Is a billion dollar cut in education a mild
change, Senator Miller?


MILLER: That`s the biggest change we`ve had in public education.
That is stripping away of our children to have access to the American

SCHULTZ: Mr. Grothman, I want to give you a chance. I want to know
about the cuts in education. You have not cut a billion dollars out of

GROTHMAN: In the state of Wisconsin, all public employees, including
myself and Governor Walker, are paying for more of our pension. For that
reason the cost of anything in the state of Wisconsin, be it the cost of
clerical help, be it the cost of the university --

SCHULTZ: Mr. Grothman, respectfully, I ran into teachers this weekend
who just got the pink slip because of budget cuts in this state. Are these
teachers lying to me?

GROTHMAN: There are very few less. In some cases individual school
districts have found it unnecessary.


TAYLOR: Senator Grothman, I understand that you want to share the
talking points that you and your colleagues have decided you want to say.
But be honest. This is the largest cut in education that`s happened in the
state`s history. In addition to that, things like Milwaukee and Kenosha,
other places have had huge effects. Class sizes are larger. You know, at
least be honest.

MILLER: There are 2,000 less teachers.

GROTHMAN: That is not true. I have interviewed every superintendent
in my area. Not one superintendent said there`s been any cut of nay
nature. There are some districts in which enrollment is going down. Of
course, enrollment is going down when somebody has been laid off.

There are some district where is they decided to not have the teachers
pay for their pensions, would rather layoff teachers. But that`s a matter
of local control.

SCHULTZ: Rather lay off teachers. That`s the cut we`re talking
about. All this kind of jerry-rigging you`re doing with the business.

Let me tell you something, Mr. Grothman. A cut is a cut. If you tell
a retired teacher that they have to pay more into their health care,
they`re on a fixed income, they`re going to respond to that. That`s a cut
to their kitchen table. That`s a cut to them.

I want to give you one final question. Is it true there`s a surplus
in the budget in Wisconsin? Yes or no.

GROTHMAN: As we speak, yes.

SCHULTZ: You`re saying --

TAYLOR: I think the first thing I want to say there`s a surplus then
that $26 million they took for foreclosures, why don`t think give that
back? If there`s a surplus, why don`t they put it in education? There`s
not a surplus, because they know what they did was they used the credit
card and put it on our children and grandchildren and used budget tricks.

SCHULTZ: All right. We got to run. We`re out of time. Senator
Glenn Grothman, I appreciate your coming on. Also, Senator Lena Taylor and
Mark Miller, great to have you with us tonight. I appreciate it.

Tomorrow`s recall election is about the boots on the ground versus big
money. Democrats Tom Barrett and Mahlon Mitchell are here with the latest.

And in Florida, bad news for Republicans trying to suppress the vote.
That story ahead.

This is THE ED SHOW live from Madison. We`re right back.


SCHULTZ: There`s a lot more to come on "the Ed Show" coming up.
Democrats on the ground are confident going into tomorrow`s election. I
will talk with candidate Tom Barrett and Mahlon Mitchell about their

Reverend Jesse Jackson rallied the troops in Milwaukee last night. He
will join me to discuss why he says this election is an important movement
for civil rights.

And with the justice department`s deadline approaching with Florida
governor Scott Walker has comply with their request to stop voter purge
that would be Governor Rick Scott. And details on that, is coming up.

You are watching "the Ed Show" live from Madison. Stay tuned. We`re
right back.



right down the street. I can vote. I will vote.


SCHULTZ: Last night I had chance to see firsthand the enthusiasm for
this recall election. Reverend Jesse Jackson rallied hundreds of voters in
northwest Milwaukee. He called this election one of biggest moments in the
history of our democracy. He compared it to (INAUDIBLE) refusal to give up
her seat. The reverend also compared Governor Walker to Alabama`s governor
George Wallace.


JACKSON: Now we have a governor, Wallace in Alabama and Walker in
Wisconsin trying to take back acts to voters. To take the basic right of
the voter.


SCHULTZ: Reverend Jackson is convinced that African-American voters
and Latino voters in Milwaukee County have the power to change Wisconsin in
tomorrow`s election. They just have to get out and vote.

Joining me now is the Reverend Jesse Jackson, founder of the Rainbow
P.U.S.H. Coalition.

JACKSON: Yes, sir.

SCHULTZ: Reverend, good to see you.

What about Milwaukee County? You told me that Milwaukee County is the
key to this whole thing. Why do you believe that?

JACKSON: In 2010, 2,000 people, 90,000 voted less in 2008. If they
vote in 2008 number, it changes two-thirds of Milwaukee`s majority. Once
census in Milwaukee, people are coming alive. They come alive because they
feel threatened. The voting right has been threatened by the attempt to do
the ID deal which was voter ID which rejected. They cut off the $800
million -- President Obama of the $800 million to bill fast trail to
connect Milwaukee and Malison. They quickly back to work. It left people
in isolation. The result is in Milwaukee in the city, blacks are 35
percent unemployed. Black male 55 percent employed.

SCHULTZ: But, will they get out and vote? Is this a big enough issue
for them? Do they want to change that bad they will mobilize?

JACKSON: Those who want the work and inclined to vote, Menesis are
mobilize to vote. Students who are 18 are eligible to vote. Those who
want voter registration, access to voting. So, all those things are higher
turnout because there`s real hard work on the ground. They were - they all
want money, we went to ground where it works.

SCHULTZ: What about the Latino vote. How important is that going to
be in Milwaukee?

JACKSON: Well, if you have the sense of organization, because in some
sense that unemployment is high and rejection is great. They want
something as basic as the dream act which will be in fact, realized.

But one says in Milwaukee, is exceptional high unemployment. I mean,
35 percent black unemployment, 55 percent for black male employment who is
number one is Latinos. And so, when you reject a jobs plan then you are
obviously, an enemy with the people.

SCHULTZ: Why did you compare Wisconsin`s governor walker to Alabama`s
segregation`s as George Wallace?

JACKSON: Well, one has tried to block the vote and lost. And Walker
is trying to stop the vote and will lose. I mean, the genius of the
Wisconsin being their own sites same day Richard, you really can register
and vote on the same day and buy you the voter ID. He intended in fact, to
suppress that vote to make it more difficult for seniors to vote, for
minorities to vote, and he`s losing those battles. So, anyone that seeks
to block the vote must be seen as evident to Milwaukee.

SCHULTZ: Why do you see this as the civil rights issue of our time?
I mean, you know, we have had the gay marriage issue, they don`t ask, don`t
tell. There have been a lot of social things that have taken place in the
Obama years.

But, you have really singled this out as a major civil rights issue.
Why is that?

JACKSON: Not the king glass act to know it was funny. For workers
right to collective bargaining. So, if he`s using his power to take
workers from the table. The one thing to purge voters but to purge workers
with table. The right to collected the bargain is an American right. It`s
morally right. It is a modern right.

And so, if he`s able to set the tone in this campaign, to set the tone
to undermine collective bargaining for workers, of public workers, police,
teachers, firearm, that`s a real threat to (INAUDIBLE).

SCHULTZ: What if Walker retains his seat? Does it mean anything for
the country? Does it send a message? I mean, Paul Ryan just down the road
here. The Congressman author of the Ryan budget, chairman of the house
budget committee. He was out there singing the tune this weekend that this
is going to have big implications politically.

JACKSON: It is. We fall down and get back up. We will not stop. We
are long disciplined. They have the most money and they have the
machinery. But this -- will to collective the bargaining will not go away.
Fighting for the right to vote will not go away. Fighting to get mass
transportation to connect people with jobs, these basic pies will not go
away. And so, even the more, if we win, we celebrate. If we do not win,
we keep on fighting the big election of November 6th.

SCHULTZ: But, Walker owns the air waves in this state. I mean,
there`s been over $30 million spent. You can`t go anywhere, a radio
station would seem to be owned by the governor in every television station.
Is this ground game going to beat that?

JACKSON: Well, that`s the struggle. He is fighting in every fight on
the ground. We will see tomorrow night. It seems like sitting governor
would have enough report with his people, not that the track that buy them
again. And he will not succeed in this again. People are determined to
get their right to collective bargain back, to protect the right to vote
and women`s right for gender equality. These very easy staff will not go

SCHULTZ: All right, Reverend Jesse Jackson. Thank you for joining us
tonight. I appreciate it so much.

Coming up, Mayor Tom Barrett and his running mate, Mahlon Mitchell
will be here live.

And Florida`s supervisors of elections are ignoring Governor Rick
Scott`s demand to purge voter rolls after the department of justice said
the voter purge was illegal.

The latest coming up. Stay with us.


SCHULTZ: Up next, Florida election officials are fighting back
against Governor Rick Scott`s attempt to suppress the vote. We`ll have

And on the big finish, Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett and Mahlon Mitchell
join me to discuss their expectations for tomorrow`s election.

Don`t forget to listen to me on Sirius XM channel 127, Monday through
Friday noon to 3:00 p.m. And you can follow me on twitter @edshow and you
can like "the Ed Show" on facebook. We`re coming right back. Stay with


SCHULTZ: Welcome back to "the Ed Show."

With the justice department`s deadline just two days away, it looks
like Florida voter purge is still at the stand still, at least for now.
Florida elections supervisors have halted the voter purge after the justice
department sent a letter to the state saying the process violates federal

The president association of supervisors said there are just too many
variables with the entire process at the time for supervisors to continue.
The general council sent a letter to all 67 supervisors in the state saying
I recommend supervisors cease any further action until the issues raised by
the department of justice are resolved.

In other words, the supervisors are ignoring the voter purge of
Governor Rick Scott in Florida and his secretary of state. Florida
secretary of state has said the voter purge will continue. The quote was
"we have an obligation to make sure that the voter rolls are accurate and
that we are going to continue forward to do everything we can legally to
make sure that the ineligible voter cannot vote," his spokesman said.

Now Wednesday, June 6th is the deadline for Florida secretary of state
to tell the justice department whether Florida will officially halt its
voter purge. If Governor Rick Scott and his secretary of state do not
comply, the justice department could take further legal action, which I`m
sure many people in this country would love to see.

Tonight, in our survey I asked, should the voters of Wisconsin recall
Scott Walker, 94 percent of them said, yes. Six percent said no.

Next up, Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett and Mahlon Mitchell will join me
live. Stay tuned.

You are watching "the Ed Show" live from Madison. We are right back.



TOM BARRETT (D), MILWAUKEE MAYOR: I am going to win it. We saw just
in the last tracking poll two nights ago, and this was 800 samples, I was
one vote behind. Not one percentage point behind, but one vote behind, and
we have literally thousands of people on the streets this weekend. So we
are very, very positive.


SCHULTZ: Welcome back to "the Ed Show" live from Madison.

Mayor Tom Barrett predicting a big win over Scott Walker in tomorrow`s
recall election. You can tell the Democrats are feeling good about the
ground gain here in Wisconsin.

The Barrett campaign says their volunteers have knocked on over
900,000 doors and made close to 900,000 phone calls. Those numbers are
expected to double by tomorrow night.

Meanwhile, the pressure is piling on Scott Walker. New reports show
Walker is now a target of the John Doe investigation. Legal sources say
that Walker faces serious legal challenges, including a possible
indictment. Regardless of tomorrow`s results, Governor Walker denied the
reports over the weekend.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have you or your lawyers received a letter
indicating you`re a target of the investigation?

percent wrong. Couldn`t be more wrong. This is more of the liberal scare
tactics out there desperately trying to get the campaign off target. There
is absolutely no truth to that whatsoever.


SCHULTZ: Barrett has been pressing Walker on the John Doe
investigation in commercials and debates. His strategy could pay off big
in tomorrow`s election.

For more, I am joined by the mayor of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Tom
Barrett, candidate for governor, and also Mahlon Mitchell, president of the
professional firefighters of Wisconsin, a democratic candidate for
lieutenant governor.

And a quick note, we have again invited Governor Scott Walker to come
on this program tonight, and he again, for some reason, has turned down Ed
Schultz. I just can`t figure it out.

SCHULTZ: Mayor Barrett, you have made the John Doe investigation a
major part of your campaign. Do you think this new report is going to hurt
Scott Walker?

BARRETT: Well, let me say Ed, I think that Scott Walker has made the
John Doe criminal investigation part of this campaign, because it`s his
actions and his failure to produce basic things like e-mails or tell the
people of the state who is paying his criminal defense fees that made this
such an explosive issue here on the eve of this election.

Scott Walker could have resolved this by vindicating himself, if he
could vindicate himself, by releasing those e-mails. Of course, he chose
not to do so.

SCHULTZ: Tom, have you heard of any dirty tricks as of late that are
being played as far as Robocalls are concerned? We`ve got unconfirmed
reports there are Robocalls going on in the state from someone saying that

BARRETT: There are six or seven people.

SCHULTZ: Go ahead.

BARRETT: The answer to that question is yes, I`ve heard six or seven
reports. I have not confirmed them, Mahlon may have confirmed them. I
have not confirmed them, but I can tell you that I recorded a robocall to
go to all the people who signed the recall petition telling them that if,
in fact, they have received a call saying that it was not necessary for
them to vote that that was wrong information.

But again, I`ve heard unconfirmed reports that people who signed the
recall petition have been called and have been told they do not have to
vote tomorrow if they signed the recall petition. I have not verified that
personally, but, obviously, it is a matter of concern to me.

SCHULTZ: Mahlon Mitchell, what can you tell us about that?

Their live shot from Milwaukee just disconnected here on "the Ed
Show." We`re going to try to reconnect quickly. So that is the situation.

What we have been told by some, and we want to emphasize that these
are unconfirmed reports, that there are some robocalls. You just heard
Mayor Tom Barrett say that his camp has also heard it.

But, let me be very clear what the facts are. And the facts are that
if you signed the petition, so be it. Tomorrow is an election, and your
vote will only count if you go to the polls and vote no matter what side
you`re on. We want to be very clear on that. That you have to vote
tomorrow for your vote to count. Signing any previous petition has
absolutely nothing to do with tomorrow`s outcome in the race.

And we are told now that they are not going to be able to come back.

And I just want to say that this has been an amazing political story,
certainly one of the most unusual stories that I`ve ever covered in my
career. For 16 months, this state has been the focal point of workers`
rights. For 16 months, this state has had to put up with an attack on
workers and public education which is now spread out all over the country.
For what reason? It`s all about the budget, we`re told.

But if you talk to union organizers and union people in this country,
they think it is an attack on them and organized labor to finally go after
the last batch of democratic foundation when it comes to the voting bloc in
this country. It`s very clear that there are number of Republican
governors in this country who have gotten with a radical agenda to go after
workers in the middle class.

This is also the first test and measurement of an election since the
passing of citizens united by the Supreme Court which the president of the
United States called out in the state of the union address in 2010.

It`s the money versus the people. It`s the air war versus the ground
game. It`s two ideological titans coming together on the voting bloc
battleground to decide how this state, and maybe this country, is going to

They have to be thinking if they can save Scott Walker, they can
probably save anybody. He has got a criminal defense fund. He is the only
governor in America who has a criminal defense fund. No governor has
raised this kind of money to keep his job. It is only the third recall in
American history. It was North Dakota in 1921. It was California in 2003.
And not only this country but the world is now watching what is going to
unfold tomorrow in 2012 here in Wisconsin. Can the money and the messaging
overcome the will of the people?

It`s a fascinating political story. It`s one for the archives. It`s
one that we have never seen before and we are going to see, I think, an
outcome tomorrow that is going to be a real message to all politicians and
all politicos across this country just how important money and politics,
and how they are connected at the hip.

We`ll find out tomorrow maybe at this time as our coverage will
continue from Madison, Wisconsin, if the people still matter.


SCHULTZ: That`s "the Ed Show." I`m Ed Schultz. The "Rachel Mad Dow
Show" starts right now.

Good evening, Rachel.


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