Americans Less Happy with iOS 6 But Loving Latest Android 4 Series

Owners of iPhones were quick to download Apple's new iOS 6, but it seems they're not too happy with the results.


Owners of iPhones were quick to download Apple's new iOS 6, but it seems they're not too happy with the results.

A tech analyst firm from Canada, OnDevice, surveyed nearly 16,000 U.S. iPhone users who had upgraded their phones to iOS6, and it compared their level of satisfaction with that of users of the older iOS 5. On a scale of 1 to 10, the iOS 6 users showed an average satisfaction score of 7.65, compared with 7.75 for iOS 5 users.

"While the decrease is small, it does highlight that the new operating system is not an overwhelming success," OnDevice reported. "Typically, satisfaction increases with each new release."

The OnDevice report didn't specify what iPhone users were dissatisfied with. However, Apple forums have been filled with complaints about connecting to Wi-Fi; Apple's own maps app leading users astray; and  battery life problems . Meanwhile, iOS 6 isn't offering any new, buzzworthy features like Siri, iOS 5's voice assistant.

Android users, by contrast, are happier than ever with their operating system updates, according to the report. OnDevice asked more than 6,000 U.S. Android users to rate their level of satisfaction with Android 4 series (Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean). Satisfaction scores increased more than a full point from the Android 2 series (Eclair, Froyo and Gingerbread), rising to 8.07 from 7.01.

[SEE ALSO:  Americans Like Android Phones Better Than the iPhone ]

Overall, Android users are more satisfied with their phones than iPhone owners are — as previous studies have shown.