Bieber Eclipses Pope in Twitter Vote

The race between Pope Benedict XVI and Justin Bieber is on.


The race between Pope Benedict XVI and Justin Bieber is on.

Twitter's announcement that Pope Benedict XVI had launched a Twitter account and would begin tweeting live to answer questions on Dec. 12 has sparked a new competition to see who is the most popular on Twitter — the pontiff or Bieber.

Already, the so-called smackdown has logged more than a 900,000 votes, with teen heartthrob  Bieber  out in front by a mile, receiving more than 10 votes to each one for the pope.

The contest is being run through, a new real-time Twitter voting platform, designed by a pair of Italian hackers, Nick Balestra and partner Matteo Agosti. Each time the hashtag #popevsbieber is included in a tweet along with @pontifex or @justinbieber, a vote is tallied. Re-tweets count too.

While he may not beat the Bieb, the pope is still making a good showing on the social network. He has already reached No. 13 in overall Twitter influence in just a few days, according to Twitalyzer, a company that keeps track of the prominent on Twitter. (Bieber, however, is currently No. 3.) [Read more:  Pope Challenges Bieber for Twitter Supremacy ]