Let Me Start: GOP civil war

The Republican civil war heats up: Sen. Rand Paul — the only “no” vote on confirming James Comey to head …


The Republican civil war heats up: Sen. Rand Paul — the only “no” vote on confirming James Comey to head … Read More

The Republican civil war heats up: Sen. Rand Paul — the only “no” vote on confirming James Comey to head the FBI — is under fire by another New York Republican. This time, Staten Island Rep. Michael Grimm doesn’t want to see Paul head to New York for a fundraiser after his comments about Hurricane Sandy relief aid. Meanwhile Sen. Paul is hitting back against New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, saying the governor is hiding behind the 9/11 attacks. Folks, this has become a shooting war on the Republican side — and the top target happens to be the guy leading the early polls for the 2016 GOP nomination. Sit back and enjoy this one…

The Weiner Scandal: Politico is reporting on the growing concern in Clinton World for Anthony Weiner’s wife Huma Abedin.

Sarah Palin trails in a hypothetical matchup against Alaska Sen. Mark Begich.

Mideast peace talks resumed last night in Washington, but one key faction wasn’t at the table.