Yes, Videos Are Playing Automatically in Your Facebook Newsfeed Now

Next we may see advertising videos showing up sometime before the end of the year.


If you've been on Facebook and noticed that videos in your Newsfeed are playing automatically, you're not imagining things. Facebook announced yesterday that it is experimenting with a new feature it says makes watching videos even easier.

Here's the gist: As you peruse your Newsfeed, videos posted there will play automatically, but on mute. If you want to watch the video in full screen mode simply click on it, Facebook says. If not then simply keep scrolling.

For now, Facebook says only videos posted by individuals, musicians and bands will play automatically. In the future, videos from advertisers may also display in this way.

Facebook has been experimenting with delivering ads over video for several months. Video ads that are 15 seconds or less could start showing up in people's Newsfeeds as early as this fall, reports say.

"We're doing this to make sure we create the best possible experience," Facebook said. "Over time, we'll continue to explore how to bring this to marketers in the future."

Related: Why Short Videos Are Wildly Popular Over Social Media