99 Percent of November's Franchise Growth Was in the Restaurant Industry (Infographic)

According to the ADP National Franchise Report, the U.S. added 13,070 new franchise jobs in the last month, with 12,970 of them in the restaurant sector.


The U.S. added 13,070 franchise jobs in November, with a full 99 percent of them in the restaurant industry, according to the latest ADP National Franchise Report

In November, the restaurant industry was responsible for 12,970 new jobs. Even as minimum wage debates raged on at fast food chains, restaurants were able to hire more employees in November than October (11,520 new jobs) or September (9,190 new jobs).

Conversely, jobs in the auto parts and dealers, business services and gas stations and auto repair industries shrank in the last month. Auto parts and dealers saw the most significant shift with a loss of 2,620 jobs, down from a growth of 5,150 in October and a six-month average of 1,320 new jobs a month.

November's overall growth represents a lag from October's numbers, when the franchise industry was responsible for adding over 25,000 new jobs. Despite this, the franchise industry's growth continues to outpace the national average, due primarily to the restaurant industry.

Related: Franchise Jobs Power 20 Percent of Total Private-Sector Growth in October (Infographic)

"Although there was a slowdown in franchise job creation in November compared to October's report, a year-over-year analysis reveals the rate of employment growth among franchise business continues to outpace the national average," said senior director of the ADP Research Institute Ahu Yildirmaz in a statement. "In fact, the franchise employment year-over-year growth rate is 2.7 percent, compared to the national employment growth rate of 1.9 percent."

Check out the infographic below to see how different industries stacked up in November.


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