Edward Snowden offers Christmas message

Merry Christmas from Edward Snowden, everyone's watching you.


Merry Christmas from Edward Snowden, everyone's watching you.

Merry Christmas from Edward Snowden, everyone’s watching you.

That’s the theme of Snowden’s “alternative Christmas message” broadcast by British network Channel 4 this year, in which the former NSA contractor turned leaker offers a relatively grim assessment of individual rights and personal privacy, saying, “A child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all.” 

Here’s the video, courtesy of the Associated Press: 

The “alternative Christmas message” is meant to be a provocative alternative to the Christmas speech given by Queen Elizabeth each year. Previous alternative Christmas messages have included Sacha Baron Cohen’s fictional character Ali G, cartoon icons Marge and Lisa Simpson, and former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.