8 Ways to Protect Yourself From Microsoft's Dangerous Internet Explorer Bug

Take these quick, easy steps to fend off hackers taking advantage of a serious flaw in the popular web browser.


Internet users can’t get a breather from security threats, even as we’re still reeling from Heartbleed. 

And now, if you’re using Internet Explorer, you have even more to stress out about. 

Your computer could be completely taken over -- as in remote controlled -- by hackers. Not good, and you’re especially at risk if you’re still running XP. 

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News of Microsoft’s dangerous web browser bug made the rounds over the weekend and the tech giant is still racing to fix it. The vulnerability, uncovered by the Milpitas, Calif.-based cyber security firm FireEye, is a particularly nasty one. It leaves users wide open to cyber thieves who could exploit the flaw to pollute computers with malware and, yes, even remotely control users’ computers, according to a sobering security advisory Microsoft released over the weekend.       

You could take your chances, sit back and wait for Microsoft and its security team to “take the appropriate action” to protect you, which “may include providing a solution through our monthly security update release process, or an out-of-cycle security update, depending on customer needs.” Translation: Help is on the way, but not soon enough. 

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Or you could take matters into your own hands (hopefully before hackers get their hands on your matters) and protect yourself by taking the following simple protective steps and fast:     

1. Don’t use Internet Explorer at all.  
Even the U.S. Department of Homeland Security says you should stop using it until Microsoft until untangles this big mess. Seriously. Instead, surf the web using a different browser, like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, especially if you’re running Windows XP, which you really shouldn’t be anymore. You don’t want to be the next victim of “Operation Clandestine Fox,” do you?   

2.Disable Adobe Flash.
FireEye said disabling the Adobe Flash plugin within Internet Explorer “will prevent the exploit from functioning.” Basically, doing so will stop hackers in their tracks. Yeah, you’d better get on that right away.   

3. Get behind a firewall.
Firewalls help safeguard your computer from hackers who could steal your identity, banking information, credit card numbers and more. Most computer operating systems already have a firewall built in. Double check that yours does and that it’s turned on. 

Related: 4 Ways to Protect Yourself From the 'Heartbleed' Bug

If you’re running a Windows operating system, check if it automatically comes with firewall protection here. You can also add additional firewall protection to your computer and network for free from ZoneAlarm or Sygate Personal Firewall Free.

4. Install antivirus and antispyware software. 
Installing antivirus and antispyware software and regularly keeping it updated is critical, even when you’re not reacting to the latest threats. Antivirus software detects and removes malware, including adware and spyware, and filters out potentially dangerous downloads and emails.

Brian Underdahl, author of Cybersecurity for Dummies (Wiley, 2011), suggests CheckPoint Software Technologies' ZoneAlarm Extreme Security, a comprehensive antivirus software security package. It costs $54.95 for one year and $84.95 for two years. Some other popular, equally effective antivirus tools include Bitdefender Small Business Security ($150 for one year) and Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus 2013 ($39.99 for one year). 

5. Apply all software updates. 
If you insist on still using Internet Explorer, install all of the latest software patches from Microsoft. It’s a vital preventative step to add to your security hygiene routine. You can get all of the latest Microsoft software updates here

6. Use Internet Explorer in “Enhanced Protected Mode.” 
This enhanced security feature, which was first rolled out with Windows 8, helps stave off cyber criminals looking to mess with your system settings, install harmful software and steal your personal data. 

Enhanced Protected Mode is turned off by default in Internet Explorer and on the Windows 8.1 desktop. When it’s enabled, it only loads add-ons, including browser toolbars and extensions, only if they’re compatible with Enhanced Protected Mode. 

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To turn it on, go to your Internet Explorer “Internet options,” then select “advanced.” Next, navigate to the security section. Choose “Enable Enhanced Protection Mode.” Select “OK” and restart Internet Explorer. 

7. Download thistoolkit.
Microsoft advised in a blog post over the weekend that Internet Explorer users should install its Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) 4.1 to “help protect against this potential risk.” Even Microsoft admits that the toolkit isn’t completely hacker-proof, though. What is anyway these days? 

8. Don’t click on suspicious links. 
By now, this should be old hat. Avoid sketchy looking URLs like the plague. Also, don’t open emails from anyone you don’t know or even suspicious seeming emails from someone you do know. If you accidentally open an email that contains suspect attachments or links, don’t click on any of them. 

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