The Ed Show for Friday, May 2nd, 2014

Read the transcript to the Friday show


May 2, 2014

Guests: Jim McDermott, John Fugelsang, Holland Cooke, Jane Kleeb, Lena
Taylor, Mark Pocan

ED SCHULTZ, MSNBC: Good evening, Americans, and welcome to the Ed Show,
live from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. I`m ready to go! Lets` get to work.


UNIDENTFIED MALE: This is what everyone is talking about.



BAIER: I redo (inaudible) dude.

UNIDENTFIED MALE: Yeah, but here`s an understanding, it would always
exclusively use the word "dude" in a sentence.

UNIDENTFIED FEMALE: Right. If you (inaudible) the tune by which Vietor.


UNIDENTFIED FEMALE: Tommy Vietor refunded .

UNIDENTFIED MALE: That is why he passes his operated and that`s just a
tone that they have had when people have asked the hard questions, they
tried to -- they use words solid.

UNIDENTFIED FEMALE: Because, you know, when you consider this 200 plus
years of military (inaudible) .


UNIDENTFIED FEMALE: . that was thrown out the window when there -- Hillary
Clinton in (inaudible) there in Benghazi.

UNIDENTFIED MALE: Yes, I felt like I had to come back with that dude.





ED SCHULTZ, ED SHOW HOST: Good to have you with us tonight folks. Thanks
for watching.

Right up front, it has been a great day for the president of the United
States. I mean for years, Republicans have been complaining about the
Obama economy. Oh yes. When is it his economy?

Remember that back in 2009, Righties have been trying to get the president
to admit everything is his fault.


UNIDENTFIED FEMALE: What we need the President to do is to say the Obama
economy is not working.

BOEHNER: The Obama economy is producing slow economy growth, high
unemployment and stagnant wages.

UNIDENTFIED FEMALE: The Obama economy is making life more difficult for
all Americans.

REP. PAUL RYAN, (R) WISCONSIN: I think people are going to conclude that
the Obama economy is not working.

UNIDENTFIED MALE: If I were President Obama, I`d keep the champagne on
ice. This is not an economy to be proud of.


SCHULTZ: Well Mitch, it`s time for you to whip out at least maybe a half a
bottle of champagne. The Obama economy is booming considering where we
were. The economy added 288,000 new jobs in April. Unemployment is not
listed at 6.3 percent for the Department of Labor statistics.

By the way, this brings us to 50 straight months of private sector job
growth, all positive numbers. The private sector has added 9.2 million
jobs since March of 2010. And the Bush tax cuts, remember that
conversation, well, they expired back in January of 2013.

This was a big issue in 2012 in the election year. The economy has just
done fine since then. In fact, we have not had a month where we have gone
backwards since the (inaudible) creator said that taxes go at bottom. Now
look, I don`t want to hear any Republicans start saying that we just can`t
raise taxes on the job creators because that kills jobs.

It is by the numbers a bogus argument. The Republicans had nothing to do
with this economic recovery. That`s what should in the history books, but
who knows how it`s going to turn out. The economic news is good despite
that they`re blatant obstruction to this President of the United States.

So the great economic news is actually bad news for republicans but they
don`t want to admit it. On top of the great economic news, what do we
have? Oh gosh, we better apologize over eight million people have enrolled
in that thing they called Obamacare. And of course the economic in
Obamacare often running in positive territory right now, despite what you
hear in the Right-wing chamber.

So Republicans, oh god, what are they going to do? Hey, they are switching
targets. Oh that`s a very similar shiny object, the Republicans just can`t


UNIDENTFIED MALE: Hey, let`s talk a little Benghazi.

UNIDENTFIED MALE: Today`s hearing on Benghazi instability and a new

UNIDENTFIED MALE: It exposes the lie of Benghazi.

UNIDENTFIED MALE: There was a pretty serious incident going on in

UNIDENTFIED MALE: The entire Benghazi fiasco.

UNIDENTFIED MALE: Did they actually go to the sound of the guns? Did they
actually go into Benghazi?

UNIDENTFIED MALE: You know we done a lot of strays in Benghazi but this is
the one you`ve really got to pay attention to.


SCHULTZ: Wow, I`ll tell you what when all else fails, fallback on
Benghazi, it`s your best player, right? These guys remind me of two very
special members of my family.

See Republicans are all upset because some e-mail about Benghazi was just
released. The e-mail reveals White House officials had tried to shape the
way Susan Rice discussed the situation about Benghazi on talk shows.

Now we already knew all of these. It`s old news. The Republicans, you
know what they are? They`re in the ditch picking up garbage. That`s all
they`re good for these days.

And on Thursday, former White House spokesperson Tommy Vietor spoke to Fox
News about this very issue. He made clear, Republicans are making
something out of nothing.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: According to the e-mails in the timeline .


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: . the CIA circulates new talking points after they`ve
removed to mention about Al Qaeda.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And then at 6:21 the White House, you .


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: . add a line about the administration warning of
September 10th of social media reports calling for demonstrations. True?

VIETOR: I believe so.

HANNITY: Did you also change a tax to demonstrations in the talking

VIETOR: Maybe. I don`t really remember.

HANNITY: You don`t remember?

VIETOR: Dude, this is like two years ago. We`re still talking about the

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dude, it is the thing that ever is talking about.

VIETOR: . mundane process and it`s instead -- we`re about the processing
of editing talking points. That`s what Bureaucrats do all day long. You
are producer and encrypts multiple times.

HANNITY: The key parties attack.


SCHULTZ: It must be what part of the country you`re from because I`ve
always gone a view the termed "dude" is a term of endearment. Dude. Dude.
How many different ways can you say dude?

Dude, I`m trying to tell you something. Hey dude, what`s happening? You
know what, I think President Obama is a dude but of course I`m from the
middle of the country. Tommy Vietor and that was exactly right.

It`s a two year old story or its 20 months and the same old talking points.
What`s the issue here? In midst of all this great news, this is where they
are. What you see with the word dude has all the squares that Fox News
just totally outraged.


UNIDENTFIED MALE: For him to come back and kind of dismissively use the
word dude in a sentence.


UNIDENTFIED FEMALE: Right. That is the most disturbing sound. Dude, are
you really the spokesperson? I feel if though after listening to that
interview though. What difference does it make, right? Or dude, it`s been
two years, get over it.

UNIDENTFIED MALE: Right. Well that .

UNIDENTFIED FEMALE: Right paraphrase is (inaudible) unacceptable when it
comes to life sake. And dude, it was like two years ago. First of all get
your math right is what many are saying.

You know overall though Chris (ph) the tone here when you hear "Dude, it
happened over two years ago."


SCHULTZ: The Republicans, bottom-line here, they are choosing to focus on
a non-story that is Benghazi. I just want to remind our audience and
conservatives that were seven, there were seven attacks on U.S. embassies
and consulates overseas during George W. Bush`s presidency.

Funny, I never heard Republicans talking about security issues under Bush
and Chaney. Then we have one of the deadliest embassy attacks in American
history. Let`s roll it back. I believe this happen under, yes Ronald
Reagan`s watch.

Back in 1983, do we remember that a suicide boomer detonated 2,000 pounds
of explosives in front of the U.N. embassy in Lebanon that killed 60
Americans including or 60 people including 17 Americans? We never hear
Republicans talked about that.

Of course that`s a long time ago. There`s no doubt its absolutely horrible
that four Americans lost their lives in Benghazi. But Republicans need to
focus their time on helping people here in this country. And we have lost
Americans overseas for generations. It`s terrible but there`s nothing

There`s no negligent here. The Republicans could care less about the 28
million minimum wage workers who need a raise. They don`t care about the
2.6 million Americans who need an unemployment extension check and the
certainly don`t care about the eight million people who had health
insurance, thanks to that thing they hate and have tried to repel over 50
times, ObamaCare. The Republicans work hard every single day to take away
your healthcare. That`s their plan.

Benghazi fever is filled by one thing and that is right-wing radio in this


SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, (R) SOUTH CAROLINA: Our Democratic friends, for the
most part, have been in the tank over Benghazi. They think it`s to get me
reelected. I mean, some guy said this about me yesterday on the left, the
only reason I cared about this was because I have six tea party opponents.

Well, if that`s true, I`m the biggest scumbag in America. I don`t think
that`s true. I know it`s not true. The scumbags are the people in the
White House who lied about this.


SCHULTZ: Wow. Any apology coming, any time soon senator? The Republicans
need to drop the Benghazi side show and focus on the lives of the American
people and where this country is headed in a positive direction. You know,
Senator Graham, you seemed very angry. But you know what? What you said
is beneath the position of a United State senator.

And I ask you tonight folks, when was the last time you heard the United
States senator referred to somebody in the White House, staffers are doing
their jobs as scumbags? That`s where they are. And of course, James
Dobson saying that President Obama is the abortion president.

The people in the White House are scumbags according to United States
senator. The same group had voted down a minimum wage. It`s the same
group that wants to get rid of healthcare. The same group that has
obstructed this president at a historical level. This is what they come
out with, this is where they are, this is who they are. They can`t run
from their record.

Get your cellphones out, I want to know what you think. Tonight`s
question, "Are Republicans angrier than two black labs fighting over a
toy?" Text A for yes, Text B for no to 67622. You can go to our blog at, we`ll bring you the results to the poll later on in the show.

For more, let me bring in Talk Radio Consultant and Media Consultant,
Holland Cooke. Also with us tonight, liberal commentator John Fugelsang.
Great to have both of you with us tonight.

It`s Benghazi, we got all kinds of good stuff going on but it is Benghazi.
John, your reaction to the outbreak of Benghazi fever.

JOHN FUGELSANG, LIBERAL COMMENTATOR: Well Ed the only way these guys can
exploit this four tragic deaths more did actually fire Benghazi T-shirts
out of one of those NASCAR guns at the hearings. They don`t care about
these four innocent dead people. We went from using a terror attack in
2001 to cheer on the President to using a terror attack in 2012 to smear on
the President.

They exploited 3,000 terror dead to attack Iraq and now they exploit four
terror dead to attack Iraq. Remember the quint days of United We Stand,
Ed? Well this is all about one thing and it`s not about a cover up. If
they care about the cover up, Oliver North we`ll breaking rocks in a
Federal pen right now. This is about 2014, the GOP has no ideas and
they`ve got to get the base out, this gets them angry and I`m sorry but the
Democrats are taking this like a real pi¤ata, they`re like an S&M slave who
forgot his safe and they keep getting pummeled on this.

The Democrats need to turn this around and call these guys out to what they
really doing across exploitation, a four tragic deaths for a really
disgusting political game.

SCHULTZ: Holland, what role does right wing talk radio play in this whole
mess? You often talk about the Crazy Uncle Act. But it almost seems like
some of these law makers are being empowered by these right-wing talker
that just no on Benghazi like it`s the best bone that the Dog ever pass up
in the field. What role do they play?

HOLLAND COOKE, TALK RADIO CONSULTANT: I can`t imagine that anyone`s mind
is going to be changed by these new revelations, these new documents. If
you were already outraged you might slightly more outraged. If you`ve
already process this and it`s in the past. You might still be yawning, so
doesn`t really have a lot of buzz value for talk radio. And doing what I
do for a living, doing what you do for a living, we oath to be great eve`s
droppers. And I got to tell you when I`m loitering and I`m listening at
Dunkin Donuts at Panera.

I have never heard the word Benghazi. You know, what I hear at Panera, job
interviews but I don`t hear Benghazi. And I heard some great talk radio
this week when the stations were talking about things that mater. In a
number of states and municipalities, E-cigarettes are hot item now. Should
we ban them? Smoking is an addiction, it`s a parents concern. Will kids
latch on for this new gadget? That was great talk radio because it had
Curve Appeal. I just don`t hear buzz about Benghazi.

SCHULTZ: I don`t either, John why would -- go ahead John.

FUGELSANG: Well again, it is not about buzz and it`s not about making
converts, it`s about getting that 23 percent. It`s about Republican no
mater what to show up and vote even though they have no reason to still
trust the Republican Party. If the Democrats were smart, they would start
taking their case to social conservatives as to why they should kick the
GOP to the curve. In the mean time there going to be bludgeon with this.
That GOP wants this narrative out there and the Democrats are going to have
to respond. I think anyone who says dude to begin a sentence over the age
of 18 is committed an impeachable offense frankly.

And I think they sadly gave Fox News a great big candy wrap Christmas
Present with that.

SCHULTZ: You know, it just goes to show how mission oriented the right-
wing talkers are.

FUGELSANG: It works man, it works.

SCHULTZ: Yeah, they`re mission oriented. It`s not about entertainment,
it`s about the name calling, it`s about the disparaging, it`s about going
after Obama. What Glenn Beck has recently said about Hilary Clinton having
a lesbian sex in the Oval office. I mean this is the kind of stuff that`s
being thrown out there. And the only thing they have.

COOKE: You don`t think they want to talk about these employment numbers
today, do you? It`s like a fad explodes out first thing in the morning
with Benghazi.

FUGELSANG: You`re right.

COOKE: .and great big letters.

FUGELSANG: You`re right Holland. But again the Democrats are letting them
drive a narrative. I`d like to see more high profile Democrats coming out
and say, "You guys have blame Barack Obama, you blame Susan Rice and you`ll
be blaming Hilary Clinton until Election Day 2016. When do you Republicans
going to get around to blaming the actual terrorist who kill these people?"


FUGELSANG: I beg your pardon.

COOKE: Well let`s see what.

SCHULTZ: Go ahead.

COOKE: .comes out in these hearings, we`re going to have a select
committee. When is this going to be on T.V.? July, August, I can hear the
snoring now.

FUGELSANG: It`s not it, but again it`s about getting the base angry and
getting the base out to vote. And in that sense the GOP is playing it very
smart. They don`t have to adhere to logic or morality, they can be
hypocrites on this. And they tremendous hypocrites Ed, you show the graph
of all the people we lost during the Bush Administration and again with
Ronald Reagan and the troops kill in Bayreuth and then Reagan turns around
and sells arms to the same Iranians who help killed our Marines in

It`s completely hypocrisy for the Republicans to be angry about this. They
don`t care, they care about getting their base out vote when they`ve given
them no other reason and this is going to help them.

SCHULTZ: Well I think Obamacare is blowing up on them, I think that they
thought that this was going to be a big boondoggle that they be able to run
on. The economy continues to move forward, certainly not on the pace we
want. But wait a minute, you know, over 9 million jobs is pretty damn good
conserving where we were.

COOKE: It`s getting better.

SCHULTZ: They get the hecklers from the stands all along. They`ve been
hecklers from the stands all along.

FUGELSANG: Absolutely.

SCHULTZ: I`ll guarantee you, this number right here, 288 in April and 6.3,
that really bothers Republicans. They want this president to fail on the
economy, they want him to tank the economy, it`s not happening, it`s
blowing up. All they`ve got left is Benghazi and of course there`s a
Hilary connection and they`re going to try to choose as the best they can.

COOKE: Good news is unwelcome.

FUGELSANG: But they don`t have to be logical. You know why? Benghazi and
it works.

SCHULTZ: Holland Cooke, John Fugelsang, great to have with us on the Ed
Show tonight, thank you so much. Remember to answer tonight`s question
there at the bottom of the screen. Share you thoughts with us on Twitter
at Ed Show and on Facebook, we want to know what you think.

Coming up a look inside the Wisconsin Republicans annual state convention
rapid response panel weighs in. But first new developments in the Keystone
XL pipeline debate, the senate plans to vote early next week for power to
approve the pipeline. We`ll unpack that story, stay with us we`ll be right


SCHULTZ: What`s hot, what`s not, it`s not Benghazi. The trenders social
media action, this is where he check us out, appreciate the tweets @EdShow.
And on the radio, you`re going to find me on SiriusXM channel 127 on
progress channel, Monday through Friday, noon to 3:00 P.M.

The Ed Show social media nation has decided. We are reporting. Here are
today`s top Trenders voted on by you.


UNIDENTFIED MALE: I got the horse ride here. The name is Paul Revere.

SCHULTZ: The number three Trender, forcing around.

UNIDENTFIED MALE: The big hats, this year`s soccer suits, the mint juleps.

UNIDENTFIED MALE: Now you have my attention.

UNIDENTFIED MALE: Kentucky derby 140 is ready to roll in (inaudible)

SCHULTZ: The Triple Crown Quest kicks off tomorrow with the Kentucky

UNIDENTFIED MALE: It`s like there on NASCAR.

UNIDENTFIED MALE: Number five is the favorite Californian chrome working
to win its fifth straight wins.

UNIDENTFIED MALE: Except the vehicles only have one horsepower.

UNIDENTFIED MALE: Rosie Napravnik is looking to become the first female
jockey to win the Kentucky derby.

UNIDENTFIED MALE: The competition is always here but you always got a
chance in this business.

SCHULTZ: The number two Trender, forced analogy.

UNIDENTFIED FEMALE: Why do we also take a page from the LBJ playbook?


UNIDENTFIED FEMALE: He put money into public education. We got Medicare.
We made a lot of progress.

SCHULTZ: Conservatives pushed more Bundy style slave analogy.

UNIDENTFIED FEMALE: You do have a slave mentality today.

CLIVEN BUNDY, NEVADA RANCHER: And I`ve often wanted the oath to be better
off as slaves or are they better off under government subsidy.

UNIDENTFIED FEMALE: We have a people enslave on the government DOL (ph).

BUNDY: They have more occurred -- there`s young children, they put the
young man in jail because they never learn how to pick cotton.

UNIDENTFIED FEMALE: (Inaudible) people to have more kids out of wedlock.
(Inaudible) more people to go to prison instead of getting a job. But we
do have a problem with slavery today as Lincoln did back in the day.

BUNDY: They did get no more freedom either they got less freedom.

JOHN TRAVOLTA: It`s like looking in a mirror.

SCHULTZ: In today`s top Trender, pipe dream.

UNIDENTFIED FEMALE: Is it time to build the pipeline? Yes or should we
get about a vote on the senate floor to express strong support. I think
the answer to that is yes.

SCHULTZ: Keystone backers push for a senate vote.

UNIDENTFIED FEMALE: Some of us who supported have a little trouble
understand why it`s such a big deal.

UNIDENTFIED FEMALE: It`s literally in our backyard.

UNIDENTFIED MALE: This thing is going to get into our water supply.

UNIDENTFIED FEMALE: They need to honor our treaties.

UNIDENTFIED MALE: Is this pipeline project in the interest of the Untied
States or is it not?


SCHULTZ: Joining me tonight by phone is Jane Kleeb. She is the executive
director of Bold Nebraska. This bill Jane, that is been introduced just
got the support of 56 senators, 11 are Democrats. How was this going to be
viewed by the activist against the pipeline?

They`re going to get this passed, but what is it really mean? It`s so
symbolic I think.

and it`s really just a piece for folks political ads back home and tough
reelection campaigns. And so, folks like Senator Landrieu want to be able
to say in the TV ad that she voted to support the pipeline or approve the
pipeline three times and the President is standing in the way. So that`s
what this is -- that`s what it`s about, you know. And it`s really
unfortunate because Senator Landrieu actually today, you know, told press
that she was concerned about the Nebraska route and that she thought that
the land owners have a valid concern.

But, you know, that`s just words to us. If she really did think that we
have valid concerns, she should be standing with land owners and saying,
"We`re not going to rush this process and we`re not going to vote to
symbolically approve the pipeline."

SCHULTZ: They continue to purport this idea that it is such a huge benefit
in the job market. From your perspective, what jobs are we talking about?
How many and how long short term, maybe middle term and long term jobs?
What is it?

KLEEB: We have Keystone 1 in the southern leg of Keystone XL to actually
show us the real jobs that are created. So essentially, you`re looking at
800 construction jobs for about a year to put the pipeline in the ground.
And then you`re looking maybe anywhere from 10 to 35 permanent jobs.

Those would be the jobs that would be, you know, in the control rooms,
things looking for, you know, spills and so essentially, you know, folks in
their home offices up in Canada. So you`re not looking at this huge 42,000
million, you know, the job numbers have literally been all over the map
from the Republicans in TransCanada and all the front groups that they use.

So that`s the real jobs and Ed this 500 land owners just in Nebraska alone.
Those farmers and ranchers support way more jobs in the 800 constructions
jobs which to be happening in our state if the President approves this

SCHULTZ: So, the Republicans loved to talk about a stable economy, long-
term sustainable jobs and we are talking from your perspective the
information that you have 10 to 35 jobs. Once this pipeline is done, if it
is done were talking about a handful of folks. Yet the Republicans are
running around telling the country that "Oh, this is a big job creator."

The other thing I want to know is how can the Republicans and even in the
advertising that`s going on in Nebraska right now step forward and say that
the price of gas in America is going to go down if the Keystone XL Pipeline
is approved and constructed. What about that?

KLEEB: I mean it`s amazing. Representative Terry was telling folks that
their home energy cost are going to go up unless Keystone XL is approved.
And other say that there are, you know, our individual gas prices are going
to go down, it`s just not true. We know that oil is traded on the
international market.

Things like wars had definitely have an impact on gas prices, supplying
demand clearly. But this pipeline is an export pipeline. It has nothing
to do with the types of gas that we`re putting into our car. And in fact,
it would bypass a lot of Midwest refineries where this is essentially a lot
of oil going into the Midwest refineries right now from the Bakken area.
And so that oil will get diverted to the export market. And the Midwest
gas prices, those are the ones that would actually go up if Keystone XL got

And so, it`s just bunch of hot air from the Republicans.

SCHULTZ: And there is no way that this pipeline is going to fundamentally
change how gas prices are speculated on in this country. It won`t change
anything and anybody that says that, knows nothing about the story or how
gas prices are set in America. The next thing that I think needs to be
pointed is that Canada is starting to really put on the pressure. Canada`s
Energy Minister is calling on President Obama to depoliticize this story.

Everything about energy on America is political. It`s political, it`s a
political decision that the major oil companies get tax payer subsidies.
So you -- I just don`t think that you can take the politics out of this
story in anyway shape or reform. It is the Republicans who have
depoliticize this in Nebraska. Can you give us some example of that Jane?

KLEEB: Yes, absolutely. I mean, Canada is actually looking for a bail out
from America. They have invested in this really awful energy source, the
tar sand. It is landlocked. First, nation`s communities up in Canada are
blocking it on their coast. They thought they could get an easy path to
the heartland on America. We stood up to them. And, you know, you didn`t
stand up to them is politicians in our state.

You have politicians in Nebraska who literally have taken payments from
TransCanada for "pipe easement" or the "store pipe" on their land, when
they don`t have any pipe stored on their land. This is the type of bribery
that is happening in our state and it is not, it is bribery. They bribe
local officials, they spend a million dollars lobbying our 49 states

Also they can get an easy path. And what has that got them? It`s gotten
TransCanada twisted in to knot and they now have no route in Nebraska.
That`s what happens when citizen stand up to corrupt the politicians and
the citizens stand up to corrupt the companies like TransCanada.

SCHULTZ: So the senate vote that is coming probably next week is symbolic
at the least and at the most. This is all about how they`re running their
elections back home and how they think the polls of the people are going to
be on the story.

Jane Kleeb, thanks for your time. Have a great one, appreciate your time
tonight here on the Ed Show. Still ahead, with Wisconsin Republicans
aren`t sure about this whole United States thing is going, you know.

Rapid Response Panel weighs in on that. And later Seattle, the city takes
a bold stand to combat income inequality. Congressman Jim McDermott weighs
in on that. But next, I`m taking your questions, Ask Ed Live. Coming up
next in the Ed Show here at MSNBC, we`ll be right back.


SCHULTZ: Welcome back to the Ed Show. I appreciate all the questions.
Love hearing from our viewers tonight in our ask Ed Live segment.

Our first question comes from Richard. "If Republicans take both the House
and the Senate, will they try to impeach President Obama?

Yes, absolutely for number of reasons. Number one, they can`t stand the
guy, they fear him, they want to tarnish him, and it would be a serious get
back. They would definitely, as I see it, impeach President Obama. And
they`d loved to see Joe Biden as the next president of the United States in
2016 because that might make it a little bit harder on Hillary and it might
put to Democrats off a little bit more. They`d like to see a little fight
over there.

Our next question is from the Green Democrats. "Why do we fawn over
corporations with incentives but not the working people?"

Well, let`s take the working people first. There`s been an attack on labor
in this country that is well-documented over the last 30 years. It`s
really been wretched it up over the last several years attacking voices in
the workplace, doing everything they possibly can, the union bust across
America, right to work legislation in a lot more states. So, it all favors
the corporations.

So, it is the Right-wing, because the Republicans where they are right now,
they don`t think any Americans deserve any fruits of their labor. That`s
where they are. They`re drawing that line on the sand when it comes to the
working folk of America.

Stick around. Rapid Response panel is next. We`re right back.

JOSH LIPTON, CNBC CORRESPONDENT: I`m Josh Lipton with your CNBC Market

Worries over Ukraine right back (ph) early gains. The Dow drops 46 points,
the S and P falls 2, the Nasdaq slips 3.

April`s job growth, the strongest in two years. Employers added 288,000
jobs last month for the unemployment rate fell to 6.3 percent.

Meanwhile, factory orders rose for the second month in a row in March.

And J.P. Morgan shares are lower in the after hours. The company has
disclosed $4.7 billion in exposure to Russia.

That`s it from CNBC, first in business worldwide.


SCHULTZ: Welcome back to the Ed Show. Thanks for watching tonight. Scott
Walker, Governor of Wisconsin. His colonies (ph) are so out of touch.
They don`t even know if they want to be Americans or not. I mean, I have
never heard of anything like this before.

Wisconsin Republicans, what they`re going to be doing? They`re going to be
meeting in Milwaukee this weekend for their annual convention. And part of
their agenda is to vote on a measure for the state to secede from the union
if this situation becomes unbearable, whatever that is.

One major issue that they are not paying enough attention to is job
creation. And this of course is what Governor Walker sold. He made a lot
of empty promises about jobs while campaigning for his first term. He
released a new campaign ad this week.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The goal is that everyone who wants a job, can find a
job. Less dependents on government, more dependents on individual hard
work and pride. That`s profits (ph). That`s what leadership feels like.
And thanks to Governor Walker, Wisconsin is back on.


SCHULTZ: Yeah. Get those governments or state incentives right the heck
out of the way of those job creators, that`s the Republican way, right?
And Wisconsin it is.

The ad paints a pretty rosy picture, but is far from the truth. You see,
Wisconsin is ranked 35th in the country for private sector job growth.
Governor Walker promised repeatedly to create 250,000 new private sector
jobs during his first term.

Well, there are only a few months left in Walker`s terms, he has created
far or less than 250,000 jobs. What is the number? The budgets in
developed and related programs Walker has created have only made a 106,000
jobs. It must have been a recall or something. People don`t have
confidence in what`s going on, right?

Joining me tonight is our Rapid Response panel. We`ve got Wisconsin`s
State Senator. Lena Taylor is with us tonight, and also Congressman Mark
Pocan, great to have both of you with us tonight.

From the Badger State, State Senator, you first Lena. How can Walker claim
progress on the economy and job creation when data proves absolutely the

STATE SEN. LENA TAYLOR, (D) WISCONSIN: Well Ed, the fact have never matter
to them about telling the truth or dealing with the actual factual
situation that we`re in the State of Wisconsin. You know, if he continues
to say a message whether that is true or false, he believes that he can,
you know, lower (ph) the voters I guess in low tax payers and to believing
that whatever it is that he says is true.

The fact show everything to be different especially when you look at the
unemployment numbers in my city, among African-Americans in particular, 55
percent of African-American men are unemployed. Why is that not the
special session item that we`re doing?

SCHULTZ: What kind of things, Lena, are they doing? What is Wisconsin
doing, because if you were to compare Wisconsin`s record with what more
data (ph) and the Democrats are doing in Minnesota, it`s only a border, I
mean, it`s two totally different worlds. I mean, the economy is booming in
Minnesota whereas Wisconsin is struggling. What do you make of that?

TAYLOR: You`re exactly right. It`s because we`re spending our time all of
these, you know, extreme policies that really have nothing to do with what
matters to individuals which is making sure that he keeps his promise the
he said, 250,00 jobs. At least three-fourths of Wisconsinites are very
concerned about the fact that he has not kept that promise. Instead, we`ve
been doing things like voter I.D. legislation, you know, racist mascot

We`ve been doing things to address issues that are not frankly the concern
and I can`t tell you why. We`re doing things like tweaking away at
people`s voting rights with changing so many election laws. And I know, in
the end, 54 percent of individuals say maybe that they still -- that was
confidence on the right track, but it`s because they don`t know that Walker
has also deviated from the facts when he tells us that we`ve balanced our

Mark Pocan is someone who was a former coach here of our finance committee.
He could speak about how the governor has taken our daily, you know,
finances. He put that on the credit card, so to say, and then said that
he`s balanced the budget. He`s not done that. It cost us at least with
$91 million in interest .


TAYLOR: . while giving people something he calls tax, you know, credit
that`s about $50 something. I mean, it really is .


TAYLOR: . shameful. We should be dealing with jobs all around. What are
we going to do to change the plight of our start ups and change the plight
of businesses especially among African-Americans because we .


TAYLOR: . are the population that is in the most unemployed.

SCHULTZ: Congressman, if Wisconsin`s ranked 35th out of 50 states in the
private sector growth, why does Scott Walker still have a side set on the
White House? What is this all about?

REP. MARK POCAN, (D) WISCONSIN: Well Ed, I think this is where it could
back fire on him. People in Wisconsin are extremely hard working. We have
a great work ethic and we expect that of others. And Scott Walker is
working really hard at running for president, but he`s not working so hard
at creating jobs in Wisconsin. And I think that`s going to back fire.

I think people are going to say, "If you really want to president, fine.
Go ahead, run for president, good luck, but we want someone to work hard
for Wisconsin." And when you`ve got a state like in Minnesota, that was a
great comparison. There`s probably no state more demographically similar.
And they`re succeeding and we`re failing, it`s because our governors got
his eyes on the White House and not on the State of Wisconsin."

SCHULTZ: Well, I mean, it`s not like .

TAYLOR: And Ed .

SCHULTZ: . Minnesota`s, all the other side of the country, but the fact
is, is you`re the same in region. You`re competing for the same
businesses. It`s the same work ethic. All of the ingredients are there.
But Walker`s vision for Wisconsin has totally failed and he has not been
able to deliver the mail, yet, he`s running around the country, you know,
saying that he should be in the Oval Office.

Senator Taylor, explain to our audience, what are the Republicans voting on
that they would actually have a provision in their platform, that they
would secede from the union if things got bad? What`s this all about? Who
are these folks?

TAYLOR: These are the extremists. These are the extremists that are
trying to run not only the GOP, but they want to try to be a part of
running this nation. And so, you know, we should be really concerned. So
they want to say that they would succeed in union if -- that they would
succeed the union if things get bad. But they also want to say that if
they don`t agree with federal policy that they don`t have to even follow
federal policy, you know, something that Mark .

SCHULTZ: Yeah. It`s Bundy talk (ph).

TAYLOR: . something that Congressman Pocan said, I need you to know Ed, if
that -- this is the same pattern that Walker did when he ran for county
executive and then ran for governor. While he was county executive, he
wasn`t doing his job. He was concerned about running for governor. While
he`s governor, he`s not .


TURNER: . doing his job, not keeping his promises, but he`s trying to run
to be president of the United States. These are .


TURNER: . you know, challenging times for Wisconsin.

SCHULTZ: Congressman, how much did the vote in the Senate not to raise the
minimum wage hurt the entire effort and what do you hear back home on this

REP. MARK POCAN, (D) WISCONSIN: I just think they`re completely out of
step with the country. I think Democrats, Independents, Republicans all
support an increase. America deserves a raise. And the fact that they
don`t want to put us anywhere close to everywhere in the 1960`s even at a
level, I think they`re completely wrong. All they want to do is take care
of the special interest in that Paul Ryan budget, you know. Ed, you want
to talk about, you know, Scott Walker.

Look at Paul Ryan`s budget as well. That budget doesn`t have a single tax,
doesn`t get rid of a single tax break for special interest to reduce the
deficit. But they lower the top rate to 25 percent and that means the
$2,000 increase for every middle class family. That`s Scott Walker, that`s
Paul Ryan, that`s the extremist into Wisconsin Republican Party who are
trying to succeed from the nation and that`s what we going to be aware of.

If they take the Senate because of things like minimum wage, that agenda,
that Paul Ryan agenda is what you`re going to see.

SCHULTZ: Congressman Mark Pocan, State Senator Lena Turner, great to have
both of you with us tonight. Keep up the fight. Thanks so much for being
on the Ed Show.

Coming up, lessons in history in feminism from Glenn Beck University.
Pretenders is next. Stick around.


SCHULTZ: And in Pretenders tonight, lesson sham and scam, Glenn Beck.
Beck wants to sell you an education he never bothered to get. You see, the
college dropout runs on unaccredited online university. One of Beck`s so
called teachers at Beck University sees (ph) for the good of society, a
woman`s place is outside the voting booth.


two were considered one, that us the biblical precept that is a family that
is voting. And so, the head of the family was traditionally considered to
be the husband and even biblically still continues to be so.

As we moved more away from family unit, you need to be independent from the
family, don`t be chained down and be a mother. Don`t be chained down and
be a father, don`t be chained down to your parents and, you know, we`ve
moved into more family anarchy kind of thing. The more you weaken the
family, the more it hurts the entire culture in society.


SCHULTZ: Well, the showman that`s in professor`s clothing sees a woman`s
independence as anarchy. Beck is stacking his faculty with frauds. If
Glenn Beck believes he can teach sexism as schooling, he can keep on



MAYOR ED MURRAY, (D) SEATTLE: We are blessed with businesses that were
willing to sit down in the table and agree to $15 an hour. That is
something that shouldn`t be lost on folks.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is an awesome victory for the 100,000 workers
earning less than $15 and hour in Seattle.


SCHULTZ: Welcome to the Ed Show. This is a story for the folks who take a
shower after work. And they`ll going to be showering after this when if it
all comes for fruition.

Just one day after Senate Republicans block an effort to raise the federal
minimum wage, let`s hand it to Seattle. They are doing things the right

The Mayor`s name is Ed Murray. He announced the plan on Thursday to raise
the city`s minimum wage to $15 an hour over the coming years. The proposal
would gradually raise Seattle`s minimum wage from $9.32 an hour which of
course a lot of people would be happy with right now, according to the
Republicans, to 15 bucks an hour over the next seven years. I like it
because it`s a plan.

Republicans have proven, they think folks on minimum wage, well, they just
have it too good. Progressive mayors like Ed Murray are putting them right
to shame.

Joining me tonight, Congressman Jim McDermott of Washington. Congressman,
good to have you with us tonight. Appreciate your time. What is your
prediction Jim? We hear all the Republicans say that this is going to a
job killer. How do you think Seattle is going to respond to this increase.
It`s going to affect over a 100,000 workers. Congressman, what do you

REP. JIM MCDERMOTT, (D) WASHINGTON: I`m so proud to represent the most
progressive city in the country. We understand Ed, that if workers don`t
have money in their pocket they will not buy things, so there`s no demands
so the economy does not recover. And the way to do that is to put money in
worker`s pockets by raising the minimum wage. That`s one of the ways. We
need to put money out for building projects, infrastructure projects that
creates jobs.

But this is a wonderful thing and it`s going to move our area forward and
the rest of the country is just going to run to catch up. It is -- $15 an
hour is not a living wage in Seattle. $16.4 is considered a living wage
and that`s spending .


MCDERMOTT: . $200 a month on food. If you call that a living wage, you`re
talking about right up on the balls (ph).

So, we`re really trying to get people in the middle class who were trying
an opportunity to really make it.

SCHULTZ: Congressman, how do you think small businesses are going to
respond to this? Will it hurt small business? That`s the Republican line.

MCDERMOTT: Well, the Mayor spend a lot of time in a big conference room
full of people, small business, big business, labor people, community
activist, and they came up with some compromises which I would like to have
go faster. I`d like the $15 an hour tomorrow like they have it in the
little town of Sea-Tac (ph) down the road. But, they`ve came to an
agreement that they will gradually raise it. And small business people
said we can go along with this if we do it gradually.

So, I think .


MCDERMOTT: . if you work with the people, you can make the moves.

SCHULTZ: 9.32 an hour is where is right now on the federal level that we
can`t even yet, you know, a little over $9 and we`re asking for 10.10. So
thanks to Republicans and the Senate, the fight to increase the federal
minimum wage is that a stand still and is it going to be there for long in
your opinion?

MCDERMOTT: I think as long as the Republicans control the House and the
Senate doesn`t want to do -- make the economy work. You will have a low
minimum wage. If we call the Senate and we pick up the House in the next
election, it`ll go right away. Because everybody knows that if you give
the money to people, it`s like the unemployment insurance.

When you don`t pay unemployment insurance, you got four million long-term
unemployed with no benefits. They have no money .


MCDERMOTT: . in their pocket to spend. And if you give people $15 an hour
in their pocket, they will spend it. They`re not saving it, buying bonds
and all kinds of stuff. They`re spending it on things .


MCDERMOTT: . in their life.

SCHULTZ: Well, I like the way you started this interview that you`re proud
to represent the most progressive city in America. I bet a lot of people
are going to be like that. Seattle is the city to watch right now to see
how this all unfolds. Congressman, have a great weekend. Jim, good to
have you with us. Jim McDermott from Seattle.

That`s the Ed Show. I`m Ed Shultz.

Politics Nation with Reverend Al Sharpton starts right now. Not in 30
seconds, but right now. Good evening Rev.


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