All In With Chris Hayes, Monday, January 12th, 2015

Read the transcript from the Monday show


Date: January 12, 2015
Guest: Karen Tumulty, Phil Gourevitch, Chris Van Hollen, Erin Gloria Ryan,
Jason Bailey, Jenna Mock


CHRIS HAYES, MSNBC HOST (voice-over): Tonight on ALL IN.


HAYES: Breaking news from "The Washington Post".

ROMNEY: I`m running for office for Pete`s sake.

HAYES: A surprise political return.

Mitt Romney is getting the band back together.

ROMNEY: What`s up, gangsters? It`s the M-I-double-tizzle.

HAYES: Tonight, what we know and what we don`t about Mitt in 2016.


HAYES: Then, leaders of the world unite, as does the D.C. press

would have liked to have had the opportunity be there.

HAYES: The latest fallout from Sunday`s march.

Plus, a look at how Republicans stumbled out of the gate in Congress.

And the Hollywood award season has finally begun.

TINA FEY, ACTRESS: Welcome you bunch of despicable spoiled minimally
talented brats.

HAYES: All the hits and misses from the Golden Globe as ALL IN starts
right now.


HAYES: Good evening from New York. I`m Chris Hayes.

And it looks an awful lot like America is about to get its third
consecutive Mitt Romney for president campaign. "Washington Post"
reporting this afternoon, "Romney is moving quickly to reassemble his
national political network, having spent the weekend and today calling
former aides, donors and other supporters."

Romney reportedly told one senior Republican he, quote, "almost
certainly will run."

Reaching out in recent days to discuss his plans with former running
mate Paul Ryan, 2012 rival Newt Gingrich, and former Massachusetts Senator
Scott Brown.

All of this despite Romney`s insistent to "Meet the Press" last summer
he would not run for president in 2016, saying there were much better


ROMNEY: Look, I want to find the best candidate for us to take our
message to the American people, that we can bring better jobs, higher
incomes and more security globally. We can do that, and I`m convinced that
the field of Republican candidates that I`m seeing is a lot better
positioned to do that than I am. So, I`m not running.


HAYES: Romney first change -- signaled his change of heart on Friday
when he declared to a group of donors in New York, quote, "I want to be

The timing of his appeal to donors and supporters is not accidental.
It comes, of course, on the heels of former Florida governor and likely
presidential candidate Jeb Bush`s move to lock up the support of the GOP`s
wealthy donor clash. And it sets up a potential three-way battle between
Romney, Bush and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to be the establishment
candidate in the Republican primary.

Romney is reportedly telling supporters he will run to the right of
Jeb Bush, signaling to conservatives he shares his views on both
immigration and taxes. We also found out today that Romney`s former
running mate Paul Ryan is not a potential presidential rival. As Ryan told
NBC News that he will stay in the House and not seek the presidency in

Among those not welcoming the news of potential third Romney is
another guy, who aspires to the label of perennial presidential candidate
but can`t seem to muster the necessary commitment or support, Donald Trump.


MIKA BRZEZINSKI, MSNBC ANCHOR: Do you think that perhaps Mitt Romney
is trying to take Jeb Bush`s thunder away?

DONALD TRUMP, BUSINESSMAN: Well, I know for the fact they don`t like
each other. And I would say, the last thing we need is another Bush. And
as far as Romney is concern, he had a great chance of winning and he blew
it. He`s like a dealmaker that couldn`t close the deal. So, you just
can`t give him another chance.


HAYES: Joining me now: Karen Tumulty, national political
correspondent for "The Washington Post", whose byline is on that
"Washington Post" report today. This does seem like this is moving very,
very quickly.

KAREN TUMULTY, THE WASHINGTON POST: It does, it does. It reminds me
-- there is an old joke in politics I`ve heard it attributed to Mo Udall,
but I don`t know for sure that`s true, that the only cure for presidential
ambition is embalming fluid.

I think a lot of people dent know how seriously to take Mitt Romney
when he dropped this little bomb last Friday in a group of donors. But
it`s very clear from his actions over the weekend, he was calling around,
he called a lot of people. He`s already got some commitments of key
operatives on the ground in New Hampshire.

He basically has, you know, decided he truly wants to be president.
And as he told one person I talked to who heard from them this weekend,
that his wife, Ann, said to him, "Hey, if you want to be president, there`s
only one way to do it."

HAYES: This also clearly has do with Jeb Bush moving quite quickly
and quite decisively over the past several weeks, where it seems all but
announced essentially that Jeb Bush is getting in. And a feeling among
people and I talked to people in sort of finance donor circles in New York
who really do look at the list of candidates and they scratch their heads
and they think there isn`t a real front-runner right now.

TUMULTY: In fact, Newt Gingrich told me that that is exactly what he
told Mitt Romney. That there is a lot of runners, but there is no front

But right now, I think this primary is for the donors. A lot of
people thought that the reason that Jeb Bush moved out so early was that
there were rumblings of Mitt Romney. Now, the idea is that the reason Mitt
Romney is moving is because of Jeb Bush. I mean, these guys are, you know,
looking at each other like chess masters.

HAYES: OK. There is two ways to interpret this news. One is this it
is pathological. I mean, this is just an insane vanity obsession. The
other is that, look, if you become a major party nominee to be president of
the United States, in the country`s current political configuration, you
have near a coin flip`s chances of being the next president of the United

You know, people -- we fight these battles basically 55-45, 57-43, 51-
49, somewhere there. So, if you want to be president, and you can get the
nomination, you`re just right on the doorstep again.

TUMULTY: And you also have to figure if you come as close at Mitt
Romney did, you`d probably sit there and think about, well, if this little
piece had been played a little bit differently, if I had done this a little
differently --

HAYES: Right.

TUMULTY: -- I do think it`s interesting, though, that he is now
signaling that he intends to run sort of hard right to Jeb Bush. And that
I think is sort of new, that was a place he got shoved in the last go
round. Now, he says this is where I`m starting.

HAYES: Well, part of it also is one of the most successful things for
him in that last primary race was going to the right of Governor Perry on
immigration, which essentially destroyed Governor Perry before Governor
Perry imploded. He had been pretty handily destroyed by Mitt Romney
getting to his right on immigration. In some ways, it was kind of a high
point tactical moment for Mitt Romney during that entire race.

TUMULTY: And, don`t forget, Governor Perry is talking about running
again. So, and we`re going to have -- you know, it appears we`ll have Mike
Huckabee. These are going to be some very familiar names. In fact, you
know, I think in some ways, this is sort of counterintuitive.

But, you know, for Jeb Bush, this is probably mostly bad news. But
the only good news in all of this is that with Mitt Romney in the race, he
can actually position himself as the new face --

HAYES: A new voice, exactly.

TUMULTY: Otherwise, it`s very difficult for somebody named Bush to

HAYES: Let me introduce myself, my name is Jeb. You probably haven`t
heard of me. I`m not Mitt Romney.

Karen Tumulty, thank you very much.

TUMULTY: Thank you, Chris.

HAYES: The story of the GOP`s invisible presidential primary so far
is the story of a Republican donor class that really has yet to find a
candidate to coalesce around. As Karen just pointed out, Newt Gingrich
says he told Romney, "There are no frontrunners in the 2016 race. We have
runners, but no frontrunners."

Many of the wealthy GOP donors whose support is crucial to someone
like Romney seem to have misgivings about the prospective field of
establishment candidates, seeing Chris Christie as genuinely damaged as a
result of bridge-gate and other scandals. Jeb Bush is carrying baggage due
of his last name and perception he may be too moderate to survive a GOP
primary. Mitt Romney is the same old Mitt Romney, who`s lost twice

Romney appears to be banking on the idea his potential rivals are seen
as flawed enough the GOP establishment may be willing to give him one more

Joining me now, former RNC chairman and MSNBC contributor, Michael

And, Michael, the reason the that the kind of invisible primary for
this cadre of the donor class is so important, is that history of the
Republican primary is, for all of the caterwauling of the base, it is the
kind of the establishment choice who does emerge triumphant in the end,
whether that`s Bob Dole, John McCain or Mitt Romney the last time around.

MICHAEL STEELE, MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, isn`t that a kick in the
teeth, you know? For all of the noise that conservatives make about, you
know, we want one of our own to be the presidential nominee, they go to the
polls and they vote for the establishment`s guy. And that`s I think pretty
much how this can play out unless -- unless some of those conservatives are
able to galvanize a fresh kind of momentum, a little bit along the lines of
a Rick Santorum in the last campaign, was able to do around a couple of
issues, to position himself to go a little bit further, to last a little
bit longer than anyone ever expected him to do.

The other thing, Chris, that I`m fascinated by, a lot of folks are
just focusing on the top names you see run across your television set
everyday. I`m looking at the next tier of Republican governors who have
yet to step in, at the Mike Pences, the John Kasichs, Bobby Jindals of the
world, the Scott Walkers, when they get into this thing, that`s a whole
different dynamic because you`re talking about two former governors in both
Bush and Romney who did not govern through the deepest recession that our
country has ever seen. These other guys did and they have come out on the
other side and have a track record that they can talk to the nation about,
which will be very interesting.

HAYES: And they`re also I think in some ways, particularly compared
to Jeb Bush, a lot less rusty. I mean, you know, Scott Walker whatever you
think about him substantively, has won three elections in the span four


HAYES: With a lot of resources against him. And if I were Scott
Walker, I would be touring around and touting that to every donor I could

STEELE: Well, on that point, you can`t forget that a Scott Walker has
a national base now.

HAYES: Yes, from the beginning.

STEELE: Remember, the national party galvanized behind those three
efforts to get him re-elected. So, he`s got a national base. He is not
going to start in the woods like a lot of people suspect.

HAYES: Here`s the big question, the reason that this stuff matters
this early is because of how expensive it is, about how much train is
shifting from a resource perspective, particularly in the super PAC era
post-Citizens United, the ways in which we call the invisible primary plays

I mean, the big question, the big $64,000 question in this primary is
in the Republican is, will it be the rule pertaining again that essentially
the establishment candidate wins. I think there is good reason to feel
like it finally breaks this time around. But I`m curious what you think.

STEELE: Well, you know, I tried to break it in 2000 for 2012. We put
in place some rules that would allow for a longer process and to have more
of an opportunity for people who didn`t have money like a Rick Santorum or
a Newt Gingrich -- who ultimately found a sugar daddy, but that`s a whole
another conversation -- to sort of come to the table and ultimately play.

The RNC is changing their rules and they have changed their rules to
try to shorten the process. They don`t want what they call the "circus" to
take place again.

And it will be interesting to see how the conservatives on that stage
position themselves to stay in the game, because if they don`t, you know,
hit that top tier of cash, they`re going to be treading water on money and
the only thing they have is their message, and whether or not that is able
to carry them remains to be seen.

I`m still of the mind, Chris, that at the end of the day, I think the
party should nominate the most conservative person they can simply to work
with through this process with its base that says, we lose presidential
races because we don`t elect a conservative. Well, here is a chance
nominate one and see if the country is ready to elect them.

HAYES: Yes. And part of this also has to do with how the sort of
conservative vote, or kind of moderate vote to the extent it exists in the
Republican primaries, which is up for debate, the degree to which it gets
distributed over a number of candidates. That`s part of why the war
between, say, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul particularly is going to be so brutal
on that right flank, because if there were run of those candidates who
emerges dominant early on, that those voters could coalesce around,
particularly with a shortened calendar, they could hit a momentum up draft,
where the next thing you know, they`re the nominee.

STEELE: Be careful what you wish for, baby. It could come true.

HAYES: Michael Steele, thank you very much.

STEELE: You got it.

HAYES: If Romney and Bush are shaping up to be the GOP establishment
candidates, whatever happened to Chris Christie? Well, he just attended
his last Cowboys playoff season -- game of the season. And as his
administration finds itself at the center, brand new questions about using
the power of the office to bully political candidates. More on that ahead.


HAYES: The most wanted woman in France, the only suspect in last
week`s attacks who remains at large, managed to leave the country before
the attacks were carried out. Foreign minister of Turkey confirmed today
that Hayat Boumeddiene, the common law wife of the Paris attackers, arrived
ten days ago at an airport in Istanbul, where she and a companion were
picked up by security cameras, as you see here.

From there, Turkish officials reportedly traced her to the border with
Syria, where she crossed into an area controlled by ISIS. "The Associated
Press" reported today that French police believe there may be as much as
six members of the attackers still at large, including one who`s seen
driving a Mini Cooper driving registered to Hayat Boumeddiene. MSNBC has
not independently confirmed that report.

France continues to beef up security in the wake of last week`s
attacks, deploying 10,000 soldiers to guard Jewish schools and other
sensitive sites. And security was extremely tight in Paris yesterday as
world leaders gathered for a sign of unity and solidarity with the French

As many have noticed, however, the image of those leaders marching arm
and arm does not include President Barack Obama or any other high level
members of the U.S. government. The White House came under stinging
criticism for being AWOL at yesterday`s march.

Today, they answer those critics. That`s next.



not the United States should have sent someone with a higher profile than
the ambassador to France. And I think it`s fair to say we should have sent
someone with a higher profile to be there.


HAYES: The White House responding to criticism that no senior
administration officials attended yesterday`s record-setting march to
Paris, a massive demonstration of unity and defiance in the face of terror.
While some lower level State Department officials were present, the U.S.,
to some critics dismay, was not represented in the tableau of world leaders
walking arm and arm in the march.

In addition to issuing its mea culpa today, the Obama administration
announced that Secretary of State John Kerry will visit Paris later this

And while the image of world leaders marching together was instantly
iconic, on second look, it might have been quite what it was cracked up.
The zoomed out view circulated on Twitter revealed a large gap behind the
leaders with the rest of the marchers apparently nowhere in sight.

And while it`s been speculated this was done for security reasons, the
impression it gives of the stage photo op, somewhat undermines the power of
the moment, not a march meant to celebrate the freedom of expression
embodied in "Charlie Hebdo", some of the leaders who marched alongside the
French President Francois Hollande have records on press freedom that range
from poor to absolutely shameful and abysmal.

For example, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, whose country
imprisoned more journalists than any other country in 2012 and 2013, and
whose president has repeatedly taken cartoonists in particular to court.

Meanwhile this weekend, the surviving staff of "Charlie Hebdo" who
were at work on the next edition of the satirical magazine due to be put to
bed tonight, Paris time. An image of the color has been released and, true
to form, it depicts Prophet Muhammad holding a "Je Suis Charlie" sign, with
a heading "All Is Forgiven".

New issue comes out Wednesday, with a wider circulation of 3 million
copies and I for one cannot wait to see what paper makes of its unexpected
new allies.

Joining me now, Philip Gourevitch, staff writer for "The New Yorker",
and former editor of "The Paris Review".

So, what do you -- what do you make of the sort of president, the lack
of the American delegation and controversy today.

PHILIP GOUREVITCH, THE NEW YORKER: Well, I think that, obviously, it
looks bad in terms of the optics for the moment that he wasn`t there. But
I think -- as your report makes clear, it was a real motley crew of world
leaders to be supporting the spirit of free press and free expression that
frankly even in France is not as freer as it is here.

And I think that that compromised the political front that you saw to
that march, while behind it, you had this genuine moving popular outpouring
of a massive crowd.

HAYES: That`s what I want to distinguish between, all the attention
today is on that B-roll photo op of the world leaders, because it is
amazing, you never see Netanyahu or Mahmoud Abbas in the same line. It`s
like a "we are the world" concert march of world leaders.

But the most important thing that happened is that millions of people
took to the streets in an atmosphere of genuine fear and terror, right? In
total defiance.

This was an incredible citizen action. Forget the world leaders for a
second, there were two things that happened to me on Sunday -- there was
this what we`re seeing, which is citizens taking the streets saying we
refuse to be scared, we stand here, we stand in solidarity, and then there
was a bunch of world leaders with super spotty records on press freedom
essentially trying to get their own agenda through.

GOUREVITCH: I think that`s absolutely right and I think in some ways,
that`s a kind of large scale or very visible graphic illustration of what
actually is going to be happening nationally within France and probably in
Europe afterwards, which is that you have this kind of unity, you have the
popular sentiment for it. You have this mixture of fear and defiance that
goes into taking a mark like that. Everybody is saying, well, you know,
something might go off here but there are enough of us. Our odds are good
and we stand for this and we won`t be silenced, and we want to mourn, and
we want to reassert what we stand for.

HAYES: Reclaim the public sphere.

GOUREVITCH: The public sphere and the republican ideal and so forth -
- all of that mixed up in there. My favorite sign from the march was one
that got circulated quite a bit on Twitter and elsewhere, which showed a
French-looking Frenchman carrying a sign saying something to the effect of
"I understand the contradictions and the hypocrisies and the complexity of
the situation, I`m marching anyway."

HAYES: Right, exactly.

GOUREVITCH: And I thought, you know, there you go. OK, that was the
sentiment yesterday.

The morning after, we had three days last week where three gunmen
terrorized and paralyzed and laid siege to France. The morning after,
you`ve got 10,000 French troops being deployed into the streets of France,
that`s not usually the first sign of openness and free expression. It is a
sign of a place besieged and very terrified and very unsure of its next

You`ve got the French far right waiting in the wings. You`ve got all
sorts of fears. You have numerous small-scale but visible attacks on the
Muslim community, and by no means is the Muslim community is an Islamist
community. One of the things that`s striking about this attack is that the
jihadists in Paris were all French. They were Frenchmen. These were not
foreign forces.

So, you have real tension in a country that has been in political
crisis for 20 years and that represents a lot of the fault lines that you
see across Europe right now. I think that Hollande had his big moment
there and it`s going to be very, very rough sailing for now for the country
coming out of it.

HAYES: And one of the ironies here when you talk about that sign, I
recognized the complications and hypocrisy, I`m marching anyway, is that,
of course, there is all kind of sancrimony, sacralization that`s happening
around "Charlie Hebdo", and understandably because these people did
something in the face of violence that I feel like we all -- lots of people
want to stand up for.

But, of course, they were opposed to this. In fact, my favorite quote
on this is, this is (INAUDIBLE) cartoonist for satirical weekly who told
"The Dutch Weekly", "We vomit on all these people who suddenly say they are
our friends."


HAYES: And you have to think of, you know, the Saudi ambassador to
France is in that photo op three days or two days after the Saudi
government is lashing someone in the public square for running a liberal
blog, critical of Islam and the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

GOUREVITCH: The first 50 of a thousand lashes I believe. So, it`s a
20-week saga that we`re going to have here of this guy getting lashes.
It`s disgusting.

And I think that is -- there are hypocrisies and there are these
intentions, and freedom of speech is by no means as unlimited in France
anyway, so that you have Jean-Marie Le Pen, who is the founder of the
National Front, the far right, he keeps getting fined for making remarks
seen as revisionist about the Holocaust, and he lambastes political
correctness from the right, while they lambaste it from the left.

And the center is a very kind of weak and uncertain thing. The last
president, Sarkozy, was the most unpopular president in the history of the
republic until he got replaced by Hollande who is now the most unpopular.

HAYES: And hanging all over this is the continued dismal economic
morass of all the E.U., and that obviously colors all of this.

Phil Gourevitch, thank you so much for coming by.

GOUREVITCH: Great to be here.

HAYES: While all eyes are on Paris, the first week of the l14th
Congress got underway in Washington and it is probably a good thing for the
GOP that the world`s attention was elsewhere. A look at what you might
have missed, ahead.


HAYES: Governor Chris Christie and his lucky orange sweater once
again proudly in attendance at the latest Dallas Cowboys playoff game.
Unfortunately for the Cowboys and the sweater, it was the last playoff game
for that team this season. Christie paid for his own travel this time,
unlike last week`s game between the Cowboys and Detroit Lions, when Cowboys
owner Jerry Jones picked up the tab.

In the run up to this week`s game, Green Bay fans had a little fun
with the infamous hug. They reenacted the embrace in tail gate parties
prior to the game, prompting the "Milwaukee Journal Sentinel", they
hugged, and they hugged, and they hugged some more.

But later at the actual game, there was a damper on the Jones/Christie
hugging between the actual Jerry Jones and Chris Christie. Particularly
when late in the game, a high flying catch by Cowboys wide receiver Dez
Bryant was later ruled an incomplete pass. So, instead of Cowboys first
and goal, Packers retook possession, ran out the clock to 26-21 lead. Game

So, this was a picture of the visiting teams owner`s box after that
controversial Cowboys crushing call was made. Here is a close-up of the
New Jersey governor truly destined for meme-dom.

Green Bay politicos got to take their victory lap. Chief among them,
Congressman Paul Ryan, who is sitting in the seats freezing his butt like a
true Midwesterner, Governor Christie, did you need a hug now?

This hilarious brouhaha is the least of Christie`s problems, of
course. The federal bridge-gate investigation is under Christie`s closest
associates is reportedly coming to a close and now, add to that, a new
report by David Sirota of "The International Business Times" alleging the
Christie administration may have improperly used easy pass toll records to
shame at least one political opponent. No wonder big GOP donors are so
desperate for a third Romney candidacy.


HAYES: Due to last week`s horrific murders in France, the 114th
congress -- the 114th congress`s first week did not get a lot of air time,
which is probably a
good thing for the GOP.


UNIENTIFIED MALE: House Speaker John Boehner reelected, holding on
this his post despite an effort, an attempt at what some had dubbed a
conservative coup.

HAYES: In case you missed it, the 114th congress started out with an

UNIDENTIIFED MALE: John Boehner faced more defections from his own
party than any speaker in more than 150 years.

HAYES: 25 members of John Boehner`s own party voting against him.


Webster? Webster of Florida? Webster?

HAYES: Within hours came the speaker`s payback.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He is going to punish these people in ways he can.

HAYES: Two of the insurgents had been kicked off of the House rules

REP. JOHN BOEHNER, (R) OHIO: Because of some of the activities on the
floor, two of our members were not put back on the committee immediately.

HAYES: But maybe not permanently.

BOEHNER: We`re going to have a family conversation, which we had this
morning, about bringing our team together.

HAYES: Anyway, all of this infighting made the speaker sad.

BOEHNER: It does pain me to be described as spineless or a squish.

HAYES: Because John Boehner is not a squish. He`s a guy who stands
for things, stands by people, like the guy who once spoke to a white
supremacist group and now has a GOP leadership position. Boehner defended
him last week.

BOEHNER: I know this man. I work with him. I know what`s in his

HAYES: So, with a team in place, the House was ready to get down to
business. First up, voting on the rules for the new session. Buried in
that giant package of rules, an attack on Social Security.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So, House Republicans are posturing to force an
explosive battle over Social Security`s finances before the 2016
presidential election.

At issue, is a shortfall in Social Security`s disability program.

HAYES: The Republicans are essentially holding funds for the Social
Security disability program hostage over a projected short fall in 2016,
leaving 11 million people facing an automatic cut in their benefits.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Resolution is adopted without objection.

HAYES: Next, something called the Promoting Job Creation and Reducing
Small Business Burdens Act. In layman`s terms, a Wall Street giveaway. A
package of 11 bills designed to attack financial regulation, including a
delay to the Volcker
rule, which essentially bars high risk trading when a Wall Street bank does
it for its own profit and not a client`s.

The whole package was a financial lobbyist wish list. The Republicans
thought they could quietly get it passed. They thought wrong.

UNIDENTIIFED MALE: The yays are 276 and the nays are 146.

HAYES: With a suspension of the rules in play, the GOP need two-
thirds of the members to vote for it in order to pass it.

UNIDENTIIFED MALE: The bill is not passed.

HAYES: Most Democrats banded together. The tactic backfired, killing
the legislation for now.


LOU DOBBS, FOX NEWS: The House today also approved a bill to define a
workweek ad 40 hours.

HAYES: Seems pretty harmless until you start digging a little deeper.

DOBBS: The current threshold for the Obamacare definition of a
workweek is 30 hours.

HAYES: So, this legislation will increase the number of hours a
person must work before that person`s employer has to officer health
insurance under the Affordable Car Act, which the CBO says, will increase
the number of uninsured and increase the deficit by over $53 billion.

So, in case you missed it, and it`s likely you did, it was an eventful
week for the GOP as it took control of both chambers. Boehner tried to
take control of his party, the party took control of a legislative agenda,
one that threats funding for the disabled, offers huge giveaways to Wall
Street and attacks Obamacare.

Given all of that, they`re probably pretty happy no one was paying
much attention.


HAYES: Joining me now, Democratic Congressman Chris Van Hollen of
Maryland. And congressman, what do you make of the first week?

REP. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN, (D) MARYLAND: Well, I think you summed it up
pretty well. It began with that insurrection in Speaker Boehner`s party
with more Republicans than expected voting against him, and you`re already
seeing the impact both last week and this week when even in the aftermath
of the terrible terrorist attacks in Paris, Republicans are playing
politics with the homeland security bill, right? They`re threatening to
defund the Department of Homeland Security unless they get their way on
certain issues ideological issues and Boehner has been being driven to that
position by some of these Tea Party guys who want to use this as an
opportunity to go after the president on immigration reform instead of
focusing on protecting homeland security.

So, we`re already seeing the -- he said he is not a squish, but he is
already rolling over to the far right wing Tea Party folks in his caucus.

HAYES: I thought it was so fascinating this Wall Street financial
deregulation just as a statement of priorities. They suspended the rules.
They tried to get it passed. They actually thought they were going to get
enough of your colleagues to roll over, because it`s like, oh, who is
paying attention. This stuff is complicated. It`s in the weeds, big
finance wants it. They are going to come back at you again with normal
order and probably pass it and the White House has already issued a veto
threat. What do you think of it?

VAN HOLLEN: Well, I mean, here is a perfect example of Republicans
hoping the American people will forget it wasn`t that long ago where
financial speculation and gambling on Wall Street brought the economy to
its knees. Taxpayers had to help save the financial sector, and they`re
hoping that people`s memories are short and will go back to business as
usual and give these guys on Wall Street a break
again by essentially, as you saying, delaying the Volcker Rule, which is
supposed to curb some of the excesses that led to the financial collapse in
the first place and left taxpayers on the hook.

So, make no mistake, it`s very clear that they`re willing to put
taxpayers at risk again in order to protect special interests on Wall

HAYES: OK, you and the Democrats have issued your sort of set of
domestic policy agenda. Now, as a minority party in the House it`s pretty
hard to get a vote on anything, to even get amendments. You don`t control
a lot. What is the point of this? What do you want? What kind of agenda
do you want to lay out as a sort of alternative to what we`re going to see
from the Republican majority?

VAN HOLLEN: Well, Chris, I want to lay out a plan that very clearly
tackles the issue that I think is on the minds of most Americans and that
is while there is lots of good economic news, right, jobs are up, stock
market is up, there`s one economic indicator that has been flat-lined for a
very long time and that is real wages, real pay, take home paychecks for

And so what we`re proposing is a very clear plan to, number one, use
the tax
code, which by the way provides preferences for corporate jets and race
horses, but use that tax code to incentivize corporations to provide their
employees with higher wages, especially when these corporations are ducting
CEO bonuses. And what we`re saying is you can`t deduct these multimillion
dollar bonuses if you`re not giving your employees a fair shake.

And we`re doing other things, Chris, to clearly demonstrate that we
understand the issue of middle class squeeze, including some tax cuts
specifically aimed at working middle class families.

HAYES: And there`s is no clearer line here than the idea for posing a
new financial transaction tax on Wall Street while the majority party right
now is
trying to undo a lot of Dodd-Frank.

Congressman Chris van Hollen, thank you very much.

VAN HOLLEN: Thank you.

HAYES: Moving from Washington to Hollywood, and the first award show
of the season. All of the shutouts and surprises at the Golden Globes,


HAYES: We`ll it`s not a good day to be part of the U.S. military
social media team. The Twitter and YouTube accounts for U.S. Central
Command, which represents U.S. military forces in the Middle East and South
Asia, the were both hacked today.

CENTCOM`s Twitter avatar briefly replaced by this image of a masked
militant along with the phrases cyber caliphate and I love you ISIS.

The hackers tweeted out threatening messages from the account for
about half an hour. They also posted ISIS propaganda videos to the CENTCOM
YouTube page.

Both accounts were temporarily suspended. The FBI is now

CENTCOM released a statement emphasizing the hack involved only public
non-Defense Department sites and that no classified information was

Quote, "we are viewing this purely as a case of cybervandalism."

A rather embarrassing case of cybervandalism, all things told, since
it took place simultaneously with a speech by President Obama about cyber

Meanwhile in Hollywood last night, the entertainment industry faced up
to its own embarrassing hack.


TINA FEY, COMEDIAN: Tonight, we celebrate all of the great television
shows that we know and love as well as all of the movies that North Korea
was OK with.

AMY POEHLER, COMEDIAN: That`s right, the biggest story in Hollywood
this year was s when North Korea threatened an attack if Sony Pictures
released The Interview forcing us all to pretend we wanted to see it.


HAYES: Sony Pictures hacks loomed large at the Golden Globe Awards
last nigh. We`ll talk about the most offensive jokes, the least
intelligible speeches and whether the civil rights epic Selma got robbed.
All that and more next.


HAYES: I don`t think I`m alone in saying at this point that Tina Fey
and Amy
Poehler are my favorite award hosts. Last night they slayed it again,
hosting the Golden Globe Awards for the third, reportedly the last time.

If it is, indeed, their final go around, then their victory lap was
proof that Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are two of the best and most important
comedians working today.


POEHLER: Patricia Arquette is here, so wonderful. So, so wonderful,
in the film Boyhood. Boyhood proves that there are still great roles for
women over
40 as long as you get hired when you were under 40.

FEY: George Clooney married Amal Alamuddin this year. Amal is the
human rights lawyer who worked on the Enron case, was an adviser to Kofi
Annan regarding Syria and was selected for a three person UN commission
investigating rules of war violations in the Gaza Strip.

So tonight, her husband is getting a lifetime achievement award.


HAYES: After mocking movie stars, Fey and Poehler had a bit of fun
with their films.


POEHLER: The Theory of Everything, wonderful movie this year. Yes.
It combines the two things that audiences love, a crippling nerve disease
and super complicated math.

FEY: Selma: in the 1960s, thousands of black people from all over
America came together with one common goal, to form Sly and the Family

But the movie Selma is about the American civil rights movement that
totally worked and now everything is fine.


HAYES: Besides reaffirming the idea that Tina Fey and Amy Poehler
should host every award show, I think one of the big takeaways from last
night was the groundbreaking television the Globes honored.

All the shows nominated in the category of best comedy series, with
the exception of HBO`s sitcom Silicon Valley, are shows run by and about
women: Jane the Virgin, Transparent, Orange is the New Black and Girls.

The winner in that category was Transparent, a show about a retired
professor who comes out as a transwoman, making Amazon, not Netflix, the
first streaming network to win a best in television prize.


JILL SOLOWAY, CREATOR, TRANSPLANT: This award is dedicated to the
memory of Lila Alcorn and too many transpeople who die too young. And it`s
dedicated to you, my transparent, my mappa (ph). You`re watching at home
right now. And I just want to thank you for coming out, because in doing
so you made a break for freedom. You told your truth. You taught me how
to tell my truth and make this show. And maybe we`re going to be able to
teach the world something about authenticity and truth and love. To love.


HAYES: Increasingly, the Golden Globes are seen as a precursor to the
Academy Awards. And that does not bode well for the movie Selma. The only
prize it took home last night was for best song. I`ll talk about the near
shutout of Selma, plus the Bill Cosby joke everyone is talking about.
Stick around for that next.



POEHLER: Into the Woods. Cinderella runs from her prince, Rapunzel
is thrown from a tower for her prince, and Sleeping Beauty just thought she
was getting coffee with Bill Cosby.

FEY: You know, actually -- I don`t know if you guys saw this on the
news today, but Bill Cosby has finally spoken out about the allegations
against him. Cosby admitted to a reporter I put the pills in the people,
the people did not want
the pills in them.

POEHLER: No, Tina, that -- hey, that`s not right. That`s not right.
It`s more like I got the pills in the bathroom but I put them in the


HAYES: Joining me now, Jenna Mock, pop culture journalist and host of
So Popular with streams on Shift by MSNBC, Fridays at 11:00 a.m.; Jason
Baily, film editor for, author of the book The Ultimate
Woody Allen Film Companion; and Erin Gloria Ryan, managing editor of

All right, I thought last night was deeply enjoyable as a spectacle

That joke, the Cosby joke, they -- Tina Fey and Amy Poehler
essentially signaled they were going to make a Cosby joke. What did you
think of that moment?

ERIN GLORIA RYAN, JEZEBEL.COM: I thought it was great. I thought it
was really great. And actually I thought that that was a really
interesting that the Golden Globes tied into kind of more relevant news
stories of the week.

You know, the terror attacks in Paris, you think about bravery and you
think about humor and you think about going for it.

HAYES: Attacking sacred cows and violating taboos and...

RYAN: Exactly. And I think that the best comedy is brave. And you
have to be brave enough to know that you`re going to make people
uncomfortable and do it anyway. And they both went for it. It was so

HAYES: OK, but we -- here`s the one thought I had about that riff.
And the fist part of the joke, the joke about the Sleeping Beauty, it
occurred to me that if Ricky Gervais had made that joke, that he would have
gotten a lot of condemnation, because it was unclear who that joke is on,

I mean, it`s because it`s Tiny Fey and Amy Poehler that everyone reads
it as like this sort of subversive violation of the taboo as opposed to a,
quote, rape joke.

RYAN: Right. Well, you know, she`s got a history -- Tina Fey has a
history of making jokes at the expense of Bill Cosby.

HAYES: About this particular issue like on Weekend Update years ago
and also on 30 Rock.

JANET MOCK, HOST, SO POPULAR: Well, it also came emergence out of a
comedy space, right. Hannibal Burress talking about this issue is what
lead it to come to pop culture prominence again.

HAYES: Which itself is insane, right, that it was like there and then
it was like someone had a smartphone and Hannibal Burress.

MOCK: Yeah, and I noticed that a lot of people were still very, very
upset on Twitter, at least, about, you know, saying that rape is not funny,
because it`s not funny, right?

But what I found so interesting was the fact this bit, they point out
that it`s not right, right. And then they go to impersonate him. And use
the voice that everybody in America -- everyone in America recognizes. And
by doing that, they then put the admission in his mouth and in his voice,
giving these women probably the only time in their lives that they`re going
to have an admission from Bill Cosby.

HAYES: And part of what made it super uncomfortable in that room.

RYAN: But the joke was on him. The joke was on him, the joke wasn`t
on rape or on any of the victims, it was on him.

JASON BAILEY, FLAVORWIRE.COM: Exactly. That`s the key difference
between, you know, these two women making a joke about this and a meathead
like Daniel Tosh making a rape joke, which where the victim of the joke is
a victim of a rape as opposed to here the victim of the joke is Bill Cosby
and all of us a little bit in our sort of discomfort with the incongruity
between the voice and that persona and these monstrous things that he
probably did.

HAYES: That`s why that joke was so hard to watch, precisely that.

The big winner in TV -- I thought a few interesting things about the
TV category. One is the fact that network shows are essentially shut out,
right, completely shut out. Which isn`t -- which actually when you think
about what are the incentives here, right? Like networks need viewers, and
cable shows need prestige and buzz, particularly subscription services. So
it`s not that surprising that that would be the case, right?

BAILEY: No, absolutely. And, you know, we have seen this shift over
the past several years, really, as cable has sort of begin to cater more to
a niche audience, which is really about the only audience that you can

HAYES: Right, that`s right. Mass audiences are ebbing.

BAILEY: Right, exactly.

What`s really interesting, I think, about the Globes specifically with
this is that, you know, when you put the awards that the Globes gave in
film up against, you know, the films that are getting a lot of recognition
and that will probably get Oscar recognition, they`re pretty much running
on the same playbook. But when you put the Golden Globes up against the
Emmys, they`re much more interesting choices. And I don`t know if it`s
that`s because they are different times of year. If there are fewer other
sort of TV awards.

HAYES: And one of the big winners in TV last night, of course, was
Amazon`s Transparent. Here is Jeffery Tambor accepting his award for best
actor in a TV series.

that is a picture of Jeffrey Tambor. He said some things in his
speech accepting the award. He talks about sort of -- he had this great
moment where we said this award, dedicate my performance to transgender

Jill Soloway, who we played the clip of before we came, also really
eloquent. What did you think of Transparent`s sort of victory last night?

MOCK: I thought it was a great cultural space for transpeople, trans
community it pushed forward. I think it`s a different kind of face on what
trans looks like, right? You have a 70-year-old transwoman who was
formally a patriarch of a family and now this person is transitioning into
motherhood, into womanhood and seeing what that kind of looks like.

We have a whole new family to show, right? We talk about modern
family, but
this is the ultimate modern family is this family.

HAYES: It also occurred to me like so much to bring it back around to
Cosby, right, so much of what people talk about with Bill Cosby and the
legacy of the Cosby show was the unbelievable sort of cultural impact of
just the slice of life view of a black family, right and that for sort of
middle America TV audiences, this was seeing something that might have been
foreign to their own personal experience, but was incredibly powerful as a
cultural force.

And it occurred to me that Transparent is an iteration of that,
although it`s in a different space because it doesn`t have that kind of
network reach that something like the Cosby Show had.


What I think is also really interesting about just looking at the two
awards that Transparent won last night was if you want just some sort of a
barometer of how far the conversation on this issue has evolved in one
year, look back at Jared Leto`s speech last year at the Golden Globes,
which was just this sort of gross thing with all these little sneery jokes
about being in drag and all of this stuff.

HAYES: He won for Dallas Buyers Club, got supporting for playing a

BAILEY: Exactly.

And so when you compare the tone of that speech to, you know, the sort
of earnestness and warmth of both of these speeches that we`re talking
about, it is really striking.

HAYES: Alice Anders Stanley (ph) of the New York Times sort of
dismissing it saying the Sony cyberattack revealed Hollywood isn`t exactly
a profile in courage. It is an industry that rewards politically correct
free speech. She would then go on to misgender the lead character.
Although, again as the show of progress the New York Times then corrected

RYAN: It did. Yeah, they identified Jeffrey Tambor`s character as a
transman, and she is a transwoman. But I thought what was really
interesting is it`s not -- art doesn`t make you do a thing political
correct or not politically correct it`s what connnects with people and it`s
what want to watch and it`s what resonates with people. And I don`t think
that you can, from an inauthentic place, award something like this. I feel
like the awards are definitely something that
happens because people are interested in their stories.

HAYES: OK, but then -- so then this is the big -- this comes to the
Selma question, right, because the run up to the Academy Awards, and
increasingly Golden
Globes have been seen as a kind of early predictor. And last night Selma
was basically shut out except for best song.

What did you make of that as an Oscar watcher?

BAILEY: First of all, be clear that the Golden Globes has a
reputation as a
precursor that is not actually entirely accurate. Out of the last 10 years
-- they give two films best picture, because they split it out -- over the
last 10 years, only four times have they picked the film that ended up
winning the Oscar for Best Picture.

So it`s sort of perceived as Oscar momentum.

But it is -- and it is a matter of momentum. That is the main place
where it comes to the conversation. We have talked about how Oscar
campaigning is like political campaigning, and in that the momentum is a
big issue.

Selma basically was a victim of the fact that it opened very late in
year. It was being finished right up to the end. And a lot of these
awards and critics groups didn`t get the kind of screeners that other films
did and so it`s sort of -- that`s -- it`s sort of been a victim of that.

HAYES: And partly we`ll get to see if it sort of builds up momentum
between now and March.

Jenna Mock, Jason Bailey, Erin Gloria Ryan, thank you all so much.

That is All In for this evening. The Rachel Maddow Show starts right


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