The Ed Show for Tuesday, January 27th, 2015

Read the transcript to the Tuesday show


Date: January 27, 2015
Guest: Paul Douglas, Reese Halter, Terence Moore, Sage Rosenfels

ED SCHULTZ, MSNBC HOST: Good evening Americans and welcome to the Ed Show
live from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.

We start tonight with important updates on the blizzard in the northeastern
portion of the United States.

At this hour, blizzard warnings are still in effect from Rhode Island to
the north coast of Maine. State of emergencies are still in effect for
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Maine where snow is still
falling. The storm is hitting New England the hardest, no doubt. And in
Massachusetts, the blizzard lived up to its historic prediction.

The critical spot at this hour is in Marshfield, Massachusetts. An 80-foot
section of the harbor seawall collapsed causing flooding of at least four
feet. Nine homes were severely damaged and another 50 to 100 residents are
being urged to evacuate.

High tide in Marshfield was expected just moments ago at 5:00 P.M. Eastern
Time and we of course will bring you any updates as we get them.

Today, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker said, "Transit would stay
shutdown all day." The governor made clear road conditions were still very


GOV. CHARLIE BAKER, (R) MASSACHUSETTS: For those I`ve talked to, who been
out driving around, many of our public safety folks. There still a lot of
driveways that haven`t been shoveled, a lot of walks that haven`t been
cleared. There`s still a lot of work to do.

And, by the way, because the snow, in many parts of Eastern Mass., is
falling as hard now as it`s falling at any point since the storm begun.
They`re having trouble keeping up with it, on the streets, as it is right


SCHULTZ: We are expecting an update for Massachusetts Governor Charlie
Baker at any moment.

A travel ban is still in effect with the majority of the state. The
heaviest snowfall is in Framingham, Massachusetts where 30 inches was

The Island of Nantucket is without power after 78 mile an hour wind gust
battered the island. Over 7,000 flights have been canceled through
Wednesday in New York, Philadelphia and Boston areas.

Travel bans have been lifted in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
Overall, the storm spared New York City. New York City`s mass transit
system is slowly restoring service and traffic is rolling through the city.

Long Island seems who have been hit the hardest with 28 inches of snow
being reported. Things maybe picking up in New York City after missing the
brunt of the storm but Massachusetts and Maine are still being hit hard.

For more, let`s go now to NBC news correspondent John Yang in Portland,
Maine who appears to be right in the eye of the storm.

John, what is the latest there tonight?

JOHN WANG, NBC NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Ed, 18 inches so far and counting, the
blizzard warning has remained in effect in Portland until 4:00 A.M.
tomorrow morning. This is -- the pace it`s been coming down on a rate of
about two to four inches an hour all day long. It`s going to keep up the
forecasters say, into the evening and not taper off until tomorrow morning.

Wind gust up to 40 miles an hour creating windchill of about two below.
You`ve got a lot of blowing snow which is a real concern here.

These streets -- they`ve been working hard here in Portland to clear these
streets and to plow them down to the pavement. But all most as soon as
they do that, you`ve got a wind blowing over and covering the streets with
snow again.

There are about 2,000 people throughout Maine without power. There is a
concern about coastal flooding and erosion although nothing like you`re
seeing farther south in Massachusetts. Ed?

SCHULTZ: Any kind of evacuations taking place in the area where you are,
John? I know that they`re concern about the coastal flooding and also high

YANG: Not so far. The one little bit of luck is that the peak of the
storm has been at low tide here, so that they haven`t have a sort of surge
that you seeing in Marshfield, Massachusetts or in the -- in that area.

They have been watching it very carefully but so far no great problems.

SCHULTZ: John, I see that there are some people out and about who are
venturing out. So it`s not totally bad. I mean, there are some folks out
there who are enjoying it or at least seeing what it`s like to walk around.
Have you come across any interesting people making their comments? There`s
one recreator right behind you, right there.

YANG: You`ve got a couple of people on cross-country skis. This is Maine
after all. They enjoy their cold weather, they enjoy their winter sports.

We had talked to some people earlier today who were just out. They said
they got tired of sitting inside, wanted to see what was going on outside.

SCHULTZ: Well, cabin fever is something very real. It looks like that`s
the cure for it right now.

But again, officials are urging no travel in the area of course. It is
very terrible conditions and we`re certainly not out of it yet. John Yang
reporting from Portland, Maine tonight here getting things going.

Some have been very critical of meteorologist for over predicting snow fall
in New York City and some surrounding areas. Roughly eight inches fell in
the city while reports on Monday were calling for possibility of two feet.
Social media has been critical of forecasters who missed the mark.

Earlier today, meteorologist Gary Szatkowski tweeted out, "You made a lot
of tough decisions expecting us to get it right and we didn`t. Once again,
I`m sorry."

Well, I think the system has worked. It`s better to be safe than sorry.

Government officials listen to forecasters as they should have and the
public listen to warnings from governors and mayors which they should have.

Earlier today, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said he had no regrets.


MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO, (D) NEW YORK CITY: Would you rather be ahead of the
action or behind? Would you rather be prepared or unprepared? Would you
rather be safe or unsafe? My job as a leader is to make decisions and I
will always air on the side of safety and caution.

Now, we have consistently, not just for the day of yesterday but several
days, reports talking about two feet or more snow.

In situation like this, you can`t be a Monday morning quarterback on
something like the weather. There is no perfect capacity to project the


SCHULTZ: The travel bans that were put into affect and closing the public
transit system kept the public safe. This could have been a historic storm
and we could have had much worst results.

Having lived in the mid-west I can tell you that this was the right call to
make. There shouldn`t be any criticism. There should be a lot of people
thankful that we`re not reporting a bunch dead bodies tonight.

Get your cellphones out. I want to know what you think. Tonight`s
question, "Did officials make the right call on the blizzard?" Text A for
yes, text B for no to 67622, you can always go to our blog at
We`ll bring you the results later on in the show.

For more, let me bring in Paul Douglas, Senior Meteorologist of Media Logic
Group in Minneapolis.

Paul, always great to have you with us. This has been really a mixed bag
because in some of the areas, the snow was still coming down and coming
down hard and there still some really rough areas out there. But it didn`t
seem to be as widespread as some expert have predicted.

Did the forecasters do their job correctly? I`ll start with that tonight.

perfect situation Ed, and it never will be. The models are good and
getting better about one percent every year. They`re not perfect, they
never will be perfect. Even the much vaunted ECMWF, the European model was
predicting close to two feet of snow for Metro New York City.

And so, you look at the weather models which we`re all pretty much in
alignment, much of the day yesterday. Then late last night, the 00z run
which became available right around 10:00-11:00 at night did show that the
heaviest snows would stay just east of Manhattan.

We have eight inches in Central Park. You go literally 40-50 miles east
into Nassau County, you have reports of 20, 21, 22 inches of snow. I`m not
sure of the super computer models will ever be able to refine those kinds
of variations over such a small geographic area.

And to be honest, meteorology is not an exact science unlike politics,
foreign policy. I think we give the illusion, the grant illusion Ed, that
because we have super computers, because we have Doppler radar that we can
predict down to the inch. And I`m not sure that`s ever going to be

You know, predicting the future is...


SCHULTZ: There`s no doubt about that. We were talking last night about
the unpredictability of these Alberta clippers and how they can change in a
heartbeat. But, you know, if I was living in Boston right now, I think the
forecasters got it correct.

DOUGLAS: Yes I mean -- absolutely.

SCHULTZ: I mean it doesn`t look there at all. There`s a lot -- there`s
millions of inconvenienced people because of the storm. But criticism for
forecasters is just part of the business, isn`t it?

DOUGLAS: Yes. You developed a thick skin. And again, people -- if it
doesn`t verify in my yard, the forecast is wrong. Even though you say,
"Hey, 10 miles to 20 miles down the road, they got such and such", it
doesn`t matter. It matters what wind up in my yard.

You know, I`ve worked with the number of television anchorman over the
years in Minneapolis and in Chicago Ed, and whenever they gave a hard time
about a busted forecast, I would -- off-camera, during the commercial break
say, "You know, you can dress a monkey in a sport coat to report what
happened yesterday, why don`t you look at all the trends and predict what
the news will be tomorrow?" And at the sports guy, why don`t you predict
the sports score and why? And then we`ll be on a level playing field.


DOUGLAS: I would love to just report what happened weather wise, we have
all this models, we`re downing in data, what do you believe and when? This
was still a massive storm. Tell folks in Boston that it was bust.

New York City, you know, it was still a plowable storm last night. It was
still dangerous with the winds and the windchill. Could there have been a
better forecast? Yes. But I think official, NOAA, local meteorologist and
The Weather Channel all did what they had to do.

As you said Ed, very accurately, they eared (ph) on the side of caution and
public safety. That`s what we have to do.

SCHULTZ: Well -- yeah. The travel bans and shutting down public transit,
clearly was the right thing to do because had they had not done it and the
storm had hit, who knows what...


SCHULTZ: ... kind of problems, we could have had accidents and then
getting to people who are injured or retrieving people in dangerous
situations puts rescuers and emergency personnel in ominous positions.


SCHULTZ: I mean, it was really -- based on the models and the computer
technology and everything you guys are working with in your industry, it
was really a no-brainer to do that, wasn`t it?

DOUGLAS: It really was. All the evidence was there, the potential was
there. We had the unusually warm Gulf Stream waters. All the ingredients
aligning for a very significant storm and it was a significant storm. It
was just shunted eastward by about 40 miles.

Burt again, when you`re talking weather, if the track is off by 40 miles,
it can make the difference between 8 inches of snow and 21 inches of snow.
That was the case in New York City.

But again, given all the information, I think I do it all over again. And
I`d rather apologized for missing the snowfall totals for being a little
late on the snowfall totals than apologizing that somebody`s loved ones got
in a traffic accident or people died. Again, pick your poison, in this
kind of a situation, it`s never going to be perfect but you have to do what
you think is right, for the greater good and for public safety.

SCHULTZ: Yeah. And Paul, how much more severe weather do you think we`re
looking at for New England as this unfolds?

DOUGLAS: Well, there`s no question that tonight`s going to be a very rough
night, more flooding and high tide, more very heavy snow especially near
the coast. But the storm system is now accelerating to the north and east
and about another 12 to 18 hours.

But the pattern in such, Ed, with El Nino -- kind of a low grade El Nino
beginning to kick in, that favors big storms across the South and tracking
right up to East Coast.

So although the odds of another blizzard of this caliber are small, I think
we`re going to see a parade of coastal storms right into February and
March. So, folks out there shouldn`t be letting their guard down just yet.

SCHULTZ: All right, Paul Douglas, great to have you with us tonight,
senior meteorologist at the Media Logic Group in Minneapolis. Always a

DOUGLAS: Thanks, Ed.

SCHULTZ: ... thank you Paul, appreciated it.

Coming up -- you bet. Remember to answer tonight`s question there at the
bottom of the screen. Share you thoughts with us on twitter @Edshow and on
Facebook. We appreciate the like and we certainly what to know what you

Coming up, a new White House proposal could mean another deep water
disaster. We`ll look at the environmental impact of East Coast drilling.

And later, I`ll take you to ground zero in the fight to stop Keystone. The
pipeline is a hot issue in the mid-west. You`ll hear from the residents
who are battling back against big oil.

Stay tuned. You`re watching the Ed Show in MSNBC. We`ll be right back.


SCHULTZ: Welcome back to the Ed Show. Thanks for watching tonight.

We have some breaking news. Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker just
announced moments ago that the travel ban in the state of Massachusetts
will be lifted tonight at midnight. So that travel ban will be lifted
tonight at midnight and we will bring you any updates as we get them.

In other news, President Obama has a plan to open up areas of the nation`s
federally owned waters to oil and natural gas drilling in the Atlantic
Ocean. Parts of the plan is expected to include leases of the Southern
Atlantic states including Virginia and both North and South Carolina. The
governors of those states support off-shore drilling.

Opening the eastern seaboard to oil companies is a prize the oil industry
has been working towards for decades. This comes just days after President
Obama call on Congress to expand protection of Alaska`s Arctic refuge.

Oil and gas drilling is prohibited on 12 million acres. The area includes
1.4 million oil-rich acres along the coast. Both proposals are part of the
interior department`s latest five-year plan that they want to implement.

The department wants to sell federal leases for oil and gas development
from the years 2017 to 2022. The plan is subject to months of public
hearings and could be revised but it`s -- does not require Congressional

Environmentalists think the proposal is simply inviting another possible BP
disaster of sorts.

Dr. Reese Halter, Conservation Biologist at the MUSE School and author of
"Shepherding the Sea" joins us tonight to discuss this.

Doctor, good to have to you with us tonight. Again, could this off-shore
drilling in the South Atlantic invite another disaster like we have seen
down in the gulf, and how serious would the risk be to our coast if this
plan is implemented?

evening, Ed. The fact that we`re even considering going in there is
outrageous. Absolutely a disaster can happen. Look, the more times we get
stuck in to drilling the more chances accidents happen.

Now, let me tell you why every American should care. One in three
Americans suffer from pain. Ed, the strongest pain, heart and cancer
medicines come from our oceans. Going into the ocean -- which by the way
is very ill, going into drill jeopardizes our drugs. It jeopardizes our
health. And, by the way, the oceans are the main life-support system for
our planet. What`s going on here?

SCHULTZ: Well, how -- the drilling techniques, would this be deep water
drilling similar to what we have seen down in the Gulf Coast or would this
be swallow water drilling where if there was a problem they`ll be able to
get to it quickly?

HALTER: Look, a variety of that. There`s deep drilling, there`s the
shallow drilling, there`s this a sonic sonar slaughter that sends pulses at
252 decibels into the ocean every 10 seconds nonstop for two months that
kills millions of creatures. The thing that is Ed, we`ve got to begin to
seriously distance ourselves from fossil fuels. Capitulating here, going
back to the old ways that`s not the future.

We`ve got between 1,300 and 1,600 sperm whales in the Gulf of Mexico that
are the sickest whales ever sampled on our planet post BP. Come on.

SCHULTZ: Now, why would it be OK to drill off the South Atlantic Coast,
off of Virginia, off of North and South Carolina but not OK to do it in the
Arctic, what`s the difference?

HALTER: There is a -- you`re asking me -- I would say there is no
difference. The difference is we`re making concessions in an area that
there should be no concessions.

Around the world, in the last 18 months, the viewers have to understand.
We`ve had disasters in Brazil in the North Sea and off Nigeria. We`ve had
mass stranding.

Look, when these pulses go into the water, in Brazil we had 900 long-beaked
dolphins dead, their eardrums shattered. In Madagascar, when they were
doing this, 100 melon-head whales dead, their eardrums shattered.

It is a horrid death and -- but besides which, these are heat-trapping
gases that were adding to an overheated atmosphere and -- look, by all
accounts, what we can plan for is a more extreme droughts, more intense
precipitation events and -- when are we going to begin to future-proof our
planet for our children and our grand children, Ed?

SCHULTZ: Well, there`s -- that`s an excellent question because President
Obama is pursuing an aggressive climate change agenda. And so, this would
send a mixed signal, no question about it. For years, the oil and gas
industry has trying to do some drilling off to South Atlantic and it should
be pointed out that this does not involve the east coast of Florida.

It`s further up the coast line but this is considered to be some of the
best clamming and oyster areas on the entire East Coast. And the
aquaculture that takes place along the East Coast is a multimillion dollar
industry that if there was some kind of an accident, God forbid, that this
would put that industry in the Carolina very much in jeopardy.

And so, the question of whether it`s a, shallow water drilling or deep
water drilling I think is very important. I think shallow water drilling
would probably be something that would be easier to get done. If there was
a problem, they could get to it quicker. But deep water drilling -- and
you don`t have to go very far off the coast do you Doctor and get into deep

HALTER: No, no, you don`t, Ed. You don`t -- let`s not forget there was
318 Olympic swimming pools off crude with high methane from the gulf and
another three Olympic swimming pools of (inaudible) and oil dispersing.
This is absolute madness.

And, by the way, the viewers need to understand, it`s all subsidized. You
know, if you don`t...


HALTER: ... subsidize these offshore drilling they`re not going to do it,
Ed. Come on. We`re handing the car keys to our children`s future to
people who are not vested in innovation, our best friend here.

SCHULTZ: Certainly, mixed message being sent from the White House on
exactly where they`re going to stand on this.

Reese Halter. Doctor, great to have you with us tonight, I appreciate your
time, always a pleasure.

Coming up...

HALTER: Thanks Ed.

SCHULTZ: ... the Keystone push hits a road block in Congress. We`ll hear
from residents who are fighting the pipeline through eminent domain and
property rights in their own backyard. They say they have the legal muscle
to get it done.

And later, deflate-gate puts Patriots owner Robert Kraft on defense.

I`m taking your questions next in Ask Ed Live. Just around the corner here
on the Ed Show on MSNBC. Stay with us. We`ll be right back.


SCHULTZ: Welcome back to the Ed Show from the North Country. Good to have
you with us and I appreciate all the viewer`s questions in our Ask Ed Live

Our first question tonight comes from Steve. "Did you see the 60 minutes
interview this past Sunday with Speaker Boehner and Senator McConnell?"

Yes I did and I almost threw up. No seriously, I did see the interview. I
talked about it on my Podcast and you get that at wegoted. And my question
was, "What`s changed?" Nothing.

The Republicans are still sending a message that they`re going to
everything they can to defeat this president on every issue. There`s not
going to be any compromise and it`s their way or to highway.

Everything from minimum wage to you name it, you name it. The Republicans
-- there is no leeway anywhere. There`s no negotiation it seems like.
It`s their way or the highway. And they think that they have been mandated
by the American people to view the world in their very narrow vision. So I
was disappointed. So the process goes on.

Our next question is from Larry (ph). He wants to know, "Do you have any
plans for your birthday?"

Birthday? Somebody`s got a birthday? Really? Son of a gun, how about

Well. Do I have any plans? No, I don`t -- you know what? I`m probably
going to get my wife Wendy and my two dogs, Ducky (ph) and Baxter (ph), and
get on the four-wheeler and ranger around the lake and see if anybody is
catching a fish. How is that for entertainment?

There`s a lot more coming up on the Ed Show. Stay with us. We`ll be right

Market Wrap.

Stocks slide but end off the session lows. The Dow falls by 291 points
after plummeting nearly 400 points earlier. The S&P sheds 27. The NASDAQ
drops 90 points.

Shares of Caterpillar slid more than 7 percent today after earnings fell 25
percent missing estimates.

Microsoft shares lost more than 9 percent after it results failed to

And Apple shares are higher after hours. Earnings far exceeding estimates,
iPhone and iPad sales coming in much better than expected.

That`s it from CNBC, first in business worldwide.


SCHULTZ: Welcome back to the Ed Show. Thanks for watching tonight.

While much of the country was focused on wintry weather, Congress wasted
your taxpayer dollars and time by taking a cloture vote on the Keystone XL

The Democrats produced the first filibuster of 2015 by stopping the bill.
President Obama has already promised to veto the pipeline bill. The
ongoing congressional fight is all about political theater.

I`m here to tell you the biggest blow to this pipeline is coming from
outside built way. This weekend, I traveled to Nebraska. I spoke with
landowners whose livelihoods depend on the land along with the route that`s
the pipeline is proposed on. That these Americans are standing up to
special interest in refusing to let their future be decided by Republicans
who just don`t understand the issues.


They smile and giggle and enjoy the laughs of any next door neighborhood.
But underneath, they live in fear that an oil pipeline carrying the world`s
dirtiest oil will end up on their land. In some cases, just feed away from
where they sleep.

They affectionately called themselves the pipeline hasty (ph).

Some of these 100 landowners in York and Holt counties of Nebraska claimed
they have the legal muscle to stop Keystone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So this is the pipeline hasty (ph).

We go to parades, we protest, whatever we can to bring attention to what`s
going on.

SCHULTZ: The Keystone XL project has boiled down to what these folks of
Nebraska knew all along. It was going to be about property rights and
eminent domain.

So, it doesn`t matter whether the President supports it or he doesn`t
support it or how many votes there are in the House or the Senate.

Legally, this pipeline just can`t be built for possibly years to come.

Brian Jorde is the lead Attorney of the eminent domain cases.

Jorde claims, there is no way this pipeline will be constructed any time

The President hasn`t said no to this. He`s given some indications that
he`s not for it. How frustrating is that to the landowners?

either way but again what the President does is irrelevant to what we`re
doing here in Nebraska. So he could yes tomorrow and our challenge is
still go on.

than a single oil pipeline.

SCHULTZ: So, tell me about the liability. What do you mean by that, if
there`s an accident on their land?

JORDE: That`s right. Because the landowners still have the liability for
any negligence that may occur and you know a negligence is just an
accident, something that I didn`t mean to do.

So TransCanada can say, "Well, wasn`t it you that drove your combi across
the easement, maybe you were part of the problem. Maybe it`s really you
and so now you`re fighting 100 lawyers of TransCanada over who did what."

SCHULTZ: So, it will be the little guy against the big corporation that`s
got the deep pockets that could drive the whole thing?

JORDE: Than landowner would lose everything they have.

SCHULTZ: This six-year fight has separated friend and families for all
different reasons. But mostly it boils down to the families, the future
and the content in the pipeline.

Terry and Becky Vanhousen own a feedlot where the pipeline is projected to

TERRY VANHOUSEN, NE LANDOWNER: Oh, they want to shove that pipeline to our
field. And what I`m worried about is where it goes, for the incline and
everything and it gets cold here. It will heat that pipe and it`ll crack
and will go down into our water system. And its two miles from my feed
yard which I have fields in-between.

I got seven neighbors. And it will affect the water in all of them and
then it will eventually get through my feed yard. And, with all that
chemical and that tar sand, it would probably kill the cattles.

SCHULTZ: What do you say to those who say, this is the latest state of art
technology on this pipeline and you don`t have to worry about that.

VANHOUSEN: Everything a human builds can be broken.

SCHULTZ: TransCanada is breaking out the checkbook, hoping they can cash
for landowners in approving the project.

Recently, the offers have been staggering.

I`ve been told that you were offered $250,000 to allow this pipeline to
come over your land, is that true?

JIM CARLSON, NE LANDOWNER: Yes. That was their first offer. The best
offer I`ve got amount of about $307,000.

SCHULTZ: And you say no to them.


SCHULTZ: Can you be bought?

CARLSON: No. Because my land is worth more to me and my family than any
amount of money they could offer me, or would offer me I should say that.

SCHULTZ: So this is as much emotional as is it anything else.

CARLSON: It`s about the land. It`s about what it`s in the pipeline. And
it`s about what should stay in Canada and yet refined. And then if they
want to pump that oil down through in my farm, I can`t accept that.

SCHULTZ: What`s moving people on this issue is what it means to the
landowners and what it means to their families.

BECKY VANHOUSEN, NE LANDOWNER: It is emotional. We`ve got two kids who,
you know, our son is with us farming right now and, you know, if there`s a
leak in the pipeline, in the aquifer, you know, what happens to our kids
down the line?

T. VANHOUSEN: That`s really is -- yeah. It isn`t just us. It`s our
neighbors. It`s our irrigation. It`s our cattle. It`s our living.

RICK MAMMOND, NE LANDOWNER: The main way you get to Nebraska, in red state
Nebraska is by telling them that this product is, this tar sludge is not
for us. That it`s going to duty-free refiners on the coast is it`s going
to tie us better on the global marketplace. And how can a foreign company
for-profit take our land through eminent domain in perpetuity, I mean, the
whole thing rotten.

JORDE: Oh, they`re incredibly determined. We`ve got an excellent core
group. Over 100 cases of eminent domain were filled. This time around
only 20 on the first pipeline, so we have 500 percent increase in this
solidarity of landowners.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So there has been a real (inaudible) bitch (ph)
attitude here on the heartland against the pipeline.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People are opening their eyes to the real risks and one
just want to be treated fairly, want to be paid properly.

SCHULTZ: These farmers take pride in the fact their land is the bread
basket of America, building the Keystone XL over the Ogallala Aquifer has
far too many environmental risks.

ART TANGERUP, NE LANDOWNER: I started to call them aquifer-deniers, you
know, as well as climate-deniers, they`re aquifer-deniers. They just
refuse to admit that it exist out here and the danger that there is to it.

T. VANHOUSEN: You read about TransCanada, their pipelines have cracked got
into rivers, got into the water, it flooded Mayflower.

We got the cleanest water in the world. I took this right out of the
spigot in my office before I come here and look how clean that is. We want
to keep it that way. That`s our living. Irrigation, raise corn, raise
beef, feed the world.

RICK HAMMOND, NE LANDOWNER: You can`t get (inaudible) by talking about
climate change or the devastation to the Canadian forest. You can`t get to
him that way. You can get to him if you say, "They`re taking our land for
their profit" and then they listen.

SCHULTZ: Folks here in Nebraska are expressing concerns over
misinformation being spread by lawmakers.

SEN. JONI ERNST, (R) IOWA: One you`ve probably heard about is the Keystone
Jobs Bill.

REP. JOHN BOEHNER, (R-OH) HOUSE SPEAKER: We built pipelines everywhere in
America everyday.

SCHULTZ: Do you giggle at some of the stuff you hear that`s


SCHULTZ: And then, you call your neighbor and say, "Did you hear that?"



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A lot of it comes out in Washington D.C.

SCHULTZ: They don`t know?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yeah. Well just watching the Senate debate and House
representatives debate, a lot of that is -- they just are so out of touch.

SCHULTZ: I want you to respond to what some of the Democrats are saying
about this pipeline, that the oil will stay here.

JANE KLEEB, EXEC. DIR., BOLD NEBRASKA: You know, all you have to do is
actually look the TransCanada`s application or listen to them when they are
testifying in front of Congress. They have admitted over and over again
that they cannot guarantee a drop of that oil will stay in United States.

We know that for a fact and Joe Manchin needs to actually get on the page
of facts.

SEN. JOE MANCHIN, (D) WEST VIRGINIA: This time it will be built and that`s
inevitable. It`s going to be built. It`s just a matter of what time. Can
we build it quicker? Do we create the jobs? Do we create the economy and
prosperity from it or do we drag it out?

KLEEB: Versus a talking point memo that he was given by TransCanada or

SCHULTZ: From every landowner I`ve meet who`s fighting against the
Keystone XL pipeline one thing is unanimous.

Can you be bought?




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s not about the money. It`s not about the money
at all.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s about the future generation.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. They`re ruining the environment.


SCHULTZ: The property rights issue could play out in Nebraska for at least
two and a half to three years. If I was a vetted man, I`d say that there`s
no way this pipeline is going to get build during President Obama`s
presidency. So there`s really no need for him to make a decision on this,
and clearly it`s going to be a hot issue in 2016. But those landowners
can`t be bought and that is a big hurdle to climb.

Still to come, the tale of the tape, there are new details in deflate-gate
controversy. We`ll bring you the latest.

Stay with us. We`ll be right back on the Ed Show on MSNBC.


SCHULTZ: And in tonight`s two-minute drill, beast mode. The Seattle
Seahawks` Marshawn Lynch, well he actually was the star of Super Bowl Media
Day today.

You see back in November Lynch was fined $100,000 for his failure to meet
the NFL`s Media obligations. Lynch was reportedly threatened with the
$500,000 fine if he failed to make himself available for today`s events.
Lynch showed up on the podium for sure but that doesn`t mean he changed his


MARSHAWN LYNCH, SEAHAWKS RUNNING BACK: You all can sit here and ask me all
the questions you all want to. I`m going to answer with the same answer.
So, you all can shoot if you are please. I`m here so I won`t get fined.


SCHULTZ: Lynch kept his word and answered every single question like this.


LYNCH: I`m here so I won`t get fined.

I`m here so I won`t get fined.

I`m here so I won`t get fined.

I`m just here so I won`t get fined.

Hey, I`m here so I won`t get fined.

Hey, hey, I`m here so I won`t get fined.

Hey I`m just here so I won`t get fined.

I`m just here so I won`t get fined.


SCHULTZ: Lynch may not have said a lots but he certainly said enough.
After his interview the hash tag, "I`m here so I won`t get fined" trended
nationwide on Twitter.

Stay tuned, the latest on deflate-gate coming up. We`ll be right back on
the Ed Show.


SCHULTZ: Welcome back to the Ed Show. To bring you up to date, we have
some breaking news at this moment.

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker just announced the travel ban in
Massachusetts will be lifted tonight at midnight. If we have any other
updates, we`ll get them right to you.

Now to football, Super Bowl XLIX is only five days away and today was Media
Day in Phoenix. Everyone should be focused on the big game but instead
it`s all about the deflate-gate.

On Monday, Patriots owner Bob Kraft came out and strongly defended his


BOB KRAFT, PATRIOTS OWNER: And I want to make it clear that I believe
unconditionally that the New England Patriots have done nothing
inappropriate in this process or in violation of NFL rules.

Bill, Tom and I have had many difficult discussions over the years. And I
have never known them to lie to me. That is why I am confident in saying
what I just said, and it bothers me greatly that their reputations and
integrity and by association that have our team has been called into
question this past week.

If the Wells investigation is not able to definitively determine that our
organization tampered with the air pressure on the footballs, I would
expect and hope that the league would apologize to our entire team and in
particular, Coach Belichick and Tom Brady.


SCHULTZ: Bob Kraft is basically daring the league to punish the Patriots.
He is sticking by Bill Belichick`s defense that weather and temperature
changes played a role in the football`s pressure. Just before Kraft`s
press conference, Jay Glazer of FOX Sports report that NFL has zeroed in on
a Patriots locker room attendant.

According to sources, "There is surveillance video showing the attendant
taking the footballs from the official`s locker room into another room at
Gillette Stadium before bringing them out to the field."

The FOX Sports report has not been confirmed by NBC News. The locker room
attendant has reportedly been interviewed by league officials. It`s not
clear at this point if the attendant is responsible for any wrongdoing.

For more, let me bring in Former NFL Quarterback Sage Rosenfels, and also
with us tonight Terence Moore, National Sports Columnist, gentlemen great
to have you with us tonight.

Sage, I don`t know if we`ve got a politically correct term here about a
locker room attendant, back when I played they were called ball boys. Who
are we talking about here? Who has the authority to touch the footballs
and manage them before a game from your experience? What can you tell us?

SAGE ROSENFELS, FMR. NFL QUARTERBACK: Well, really we really ought to be
talking about the ball boys, and each NFL team has -- usually about three
or four guys who worked full-time. But then on game day whether it`s home
or away, usually higher, you know, three or four, five guys to help out.
There`s so many things going on and usually one of the ball boys is one of
those guys that`s hired basically just for Sunday.

SCHULTZ: Terence, what do you make of Mr. Kraft`s comments? He says that
he believes that nobody`s lying and that he`s worked with Brady and
Belichick for 15 years. He`s putting his credibility on the line. He`s
just trying to get rid of this thing isn`t he?

Super Bowl. And the general consensus of the people I`ve talked to, Robert
Kraft is about to become the most embarrassed owner in the history of the
National Football League.

The Patriots are clearly guilty here. The NFL is the most videotaped
entity on the face of the earth and so they got the goods. They probably
knew within 48 hours that the Patriots were guilty with this.

And you got this ball boy stopping in the room before going out to the
field. I mean, what`s he doing? Praying with the footballs?

So, the question here is not who did it. The bigger question is whether or
not this ball boy or whoever else was in that room is going to squeal on
who told them to do this. And somebody did tell them to do this.

SCHULTZ: Sage, what`s your response to what you just heard there?

ROSENFELS: Well I pretty much agree. I mean, I think that everyone knows
that there some untruths being told here. And I think it`s a case of -- if
that ball boy is going to sell out Tom Brady who, you know, there`s a good
chance that when Tom Brady was a rookie with Patriots, the ball boys is
probably 5 or 10-years-old and has looked up to Tom Brady`s entire life as
his idol.

So, I think there`s a pretty good chance that -- that ball boy is not going
say much and he just going to say, "He did it on his own and they`re going
to move on" and the Patriots probably wont get in very much trouble.

I think what Robert Kraft said really was all about telling Roger Goodell
that you`re my employee, you work for me. You work for us 32 owners and
you better be careful with your investigation because you don`t want to
tarnish the shield. I mean the NFL was obsessed with the shield.

They don`t care about the player so much as far as how much they
investigate them, they`ll find whatever they can to blame the players, but
as far as ownership and the organizations, they want to look like
everything is squeaky clean and I`ll think that Roger Goodell is going to
have a super thorough investigation to truly find the Patriots at fault

SCHULTZ: And, Terence, I want to play a clip with Seattle Seahawks
defensive back Richard Sherman. Here`s what he said on Sunday.


RICHARD SHERMAN, SEAHAWKS CORNERBACK: The past is what the past is. The
present is what the present is. And will they be punished? Probably not.
You know, not as long as Robert Kraft and Roger Goodell are still taking
pictures at their respective homes, you know. That he was just at Kraft`s
house last week before the AFC championship. You know, you talk about
conflict of interest.


SCHULTZ: Terence Moore, what`s your response on that?

MOORE: Well, you know, today is Media Day. I spend a lot of time around
Richard Sherman. And there was one particular reporter that kept bothering
him -- and there was a nasty exchange between the two of them. And the
reporters was trying to get him to back down, he would not back down. And
he brings up an excellent point here.

And the one thing that I would disagree with Sage on, I think this goes
beyond Tom Brady, I think the person behind this is Bill Belichick. And
Ed, I`m mentioned this to you before, Bill Belichick is the most detailed
head coach maybe in history of the National Football League. And today in
his press conference, somebody asked -- well, I should say Media Day.
Somebody asked Bill Belichick, "What was the greatest game that you can
remember playing in back in high school or college?" And he went back to a
game in 1971 give all the details that you would want and more and gave the
final score 30 to 7.

Somebody who`s got that kind of detail there is no way in the world that he
did not know what happened here.

SCHULTZ: All right. Well the owner has come out and said emphatically
that he thinks they`re not lying. We shall see as it all unfolds.

Sage Rosenfels and Terence Moore, great to have you gentlemen with us
tonight. I appreciate your time.

That`s the Ed Show, I`m Ed Schultz.


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