The Ed Show for Friday, February 13th, 2015

Read the transcript to the Friday show


Date: February 13, 2015
Guest: John Nichols, Larry Cohen, William Barber, Michael Brune, Jane
Kleeb, John Fugelsang

ED SCHULT, MSNBC HOST: Good evening Americans and welcome to the Ed Show
Live from Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.

Let`s get to work.


SCHULTZ: Tonight, Marco Rubio does his best Scott Walker impersonation.

GOV. SCOTT WALKER, (R) WISCONSIN: Marco is a great guy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The guys who were showing stuff right now are Scott


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... and Marco Rubio.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He took on the unions and he survived.

SCHULTZ: The race is on to become the most anti-union candidate for 2016.


SCHULTZ: And later, North Carolina becomes the new Selma.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m glad to see us standing for what`s right.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It will take a massive demonstration of our moral

SCHULTZ: Plus, mega-drought.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The record-breaking drought.

SCHULTZ: The scientists say it`s on the way.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If climate change continues (inaudible).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It might not be anything like we`ve seen in a
thousand years.


SCHULTZ: Good to have you with us tonight, folks. Thanks for watching.

So the question for the 2016 Republican presidential hopefuls is who could
be the best union buster in the bunch.

I`ll tell you what. These presidential hopefuls are trying harder than
ever to position themselves with the right-wingers so they`ll get the

Senator Marco Rubio is in deep trouble, falling way behind in recent polls.
Now his solution is a legislative attack on unions trying to sell it as
good for wages.

Scott Walker is leading the polls in Iowa among Republican caucus-goers at
16 percent. Florida Senator Marco Rubio is in a distant 9th place with 4
percent. So what he going to do?

Well, Rubio is trying to makeup those points by taking a page out of
Walker`s playbook and that`s exactly what he`s doing.

On Thursday, Rubio released his, Rewarding Achievement and Incentivizing
Successful Employees Act. Now the bill is cosponsored by a Republican
Congressman out of Indiana, Todd Rokita.

Now, their bill would amend the National Labor Relations Act. So if it
gets to the Senate, if it goes this far, all the righties are going to be
onboard with this. This is red meat to Lamar Alexander because they`ve
never like the National Labor Relations Board anyway.

Now, overall, this would affect 7.6 million unionized workers in this
country. The bill would allow employers to give merit-based wage increases
to individual employees. That really sounds good, doesn`t it?

Rubio`s website says that that RAISE Act would essentially make wages set
in union contracts a minimum floor while giving employers the flexibility
to reward diligent employees for their hard work.

That`s where it really sounds good. But let`s get into the devil of the
detail here. The bill sounds great on paper but it is a union buster and
that`s what they loved to do. The legislation is designed to corrupt the
collective bargaining process. This creates a climate in the workplace
that sets the table for, I believe discrimination.

I thought we passed all that.

This would give companies the template for undercutting any collective
bargaining agreement and cash sweeping any employee to go against the
unions the next time around.

Unions work because there is a solid agreement between all employees and
their employer, and don`t forget there`s a vote. You got to unratify union

This bill drives a wedge between union management and union workers because
workers are going to sit and say, well, gosh, do I really need to do this?
And allow employers to pick and choose favorites. Think about that.

What if the boss finds out what your politics is all about or what your
situation is personally? What if you`re a gay American? What if there`s
some discrimination (inaudible)? Well I`m going to give this person a
raise. I really don`t like that person.

Discrimination is written right into this bill. It creates multiple
classes of workers, pitting workers against each other. What`s fair what

The bill could create a multiple tiered collective bargaining system which
is just going to muddy the waters. The bill does nothing but mangle and
undermine the relationship between unions and employees. That`s going to
hurt workers in a long run as a whole.

Now, the Congressman from Indiana, Rokita, is already trying to tie this
bogus bill to the minimum wage discussion.


REP. TODD ROKITA, (R) INDIANA: It`s also perhaps not direct answer to, but
certainly a pivot for this whole idea about minimum wage which we know
doesn`t work. I want employers to hire more people not less. And of
course, as we know raising the minimum wage does the opposite of that. But
what a great answer this could be to that discussion, whether it`s at the
dinner table or talking across the country or even in the world in a forum
like this. Answer to the minimum wage, yes. The way to put more money in
people`s pocket is through something like the RAISE Act.


SCHULTZ: Did you hear that folks? He says, minimum wage doesn`t work,

I don`t know where these Republicans come up with these business theories
that it`s bad to put money in a worker`s pocket. And what do they have
against workers?

This bill that they`re talking about, that Rubio and this guy from Indiana
has come up where there`s no substitute for federal minimum wage increase.
But of course don`t let Republicans fool you.

In the end, the RAISE Act will potentially weaken union. That is the
mission here. It will end up lowering wages in the long run. It will pick
and choose, it will set discrimination guidelines and this is what
Republicans have wanted all along. They want dysfunction in the workplace.

I mean if they are for this, how could they be against raising the minimum
wage? This is government intrusion into the workplace where all employees
aren`t going to be represented. It takes fairness and throws it right off
the back door.

Gets your cellphones out, I want to know what you think.

Tonight`s question, "Is Senator Marco Rubio trying to destroy unions?"
Text A for Yes, text B for No to 67622, you can always go to our blog at and we`ll bring you the results later on in this show.

I`ve just never seen so many Republicans all of the sudden be so concern
about collective bargaining.

For more, let me bring in John Nichols with us tonight from the Nation
Magazine. Also with us this evening is Larry Cohen, President of the
Communication Workers of America. Gentlemen, great to have you with us...


SCHULTZ: Larry, you first. Where is the merit here? What am I missing?
What`s good about what you`re hearing?

80 percent of American workers haven`t had a raise in 30 years including
their predecessors in their jobs when you take into account inflation.
Productivity has soared in that time and none of that has shared with the

So he`s concerned about the 6 percent of American workers that have
collective bargaining not the 94 percent that haven`t seen a raise in years
and years.

Now, within the union contracts, we have 2,000 employers in our union
alone. There are dozens of examples of productivity-based pay increases.
The basic pay rates sets a floor and then production can determine how much
individual workers get. And in many areas, the discretion goes beyond that
but its objective and there`s a process for it instead of this willy-nilly.

But the idea that he would argue, that he`s going to help American workers
by focusing on 6 percent when the other 94 percent haven`t had raises in
decades. It`s an outrage.

SCHULTZ: Pretty amazing.

Now, one more question, Mr. Cohen, on this. Doesn`t this set the table for
discrimination? Doesn`t this set the table for playing favorites that if
the boss likes you, you`re going to get the raise, if the whole department
as working we`re going to, you know, make it look good and isn`t this a
union busting tool here?

COHEN: I think he thinks it will be union busting tool. But again, the
problem that he runs into is that the other 90 -- more than 90 percent of
American workers in the private sector don`t have collective bargaining.
And this is in fact, how the do get paid.

And in fact, when they even discuss pay with each other, they can be
reprimanded and even fired for doing it. So if he is really concerned
about American workers, he should be doing that. But yes, his intent is
clearly solely to put the focus on those 6 percent and to try to bust the
unions that we do have. The lowest percentage...

SCHULTZ: Johnny...

COHEN: ... of any democracy in the world.

SCHULTZ: And that is an amazing statement in it self.

John Nichols, what`s the political play here for Marco Rubio? Why now?

NICHOLS: Well, Marco Rubio has a book out. He is busily trying to
position himself for his presidential race or his hope for presidential
race. The problem is he is way behind in the polls nationally and in Iowa
and New Hampshire.

The interesting thing is that Marco Rubio didn`t count on Scott Walker
coming in so strong and really pulling a lot of those people looking for a
new face. So Rubio is doing the old political trick which is trying to
steal a page from somebody who is ahead of him.

In this case though, I think it`s important to see this not just as
presidential politics, it`s that but it is increasingly a part of the
Republican template for 2016. They are making assaults on labor rights.

A major part of their campaign, a major part of their message, you`re
seeing happening in Ohio, you`re seeing happening in Wisconsin again,
you`re seeing right-to-work battle all over. And here is the -- or I
should say right-to-work for the less. And here is the really vital, the
vital final component of this. What`s going on in the presidential race is
a sort of Orwellian rewrite of the language, a suggestion that minimum wage
doesn`t work and -- but some how messing with union contracts for people
who get paid more will work. It`s reversing the...


NICHOLS: ... entire order of the discussion.

SCHULTZ: Well, if they`re so concerned about minimum wage, Mr. Cohen, why
don`t they do something about it?

COHEN: Yeah. That`s exactly what they should be doing and that would give
a pay raise to at least 5 million Americans. And again, the whole world
has minimum wages. This idea that somehow we want to go back to 19th
century economics with the invisible hand, I don`t think most of Americans
want to go back to 1800s. We want 21st century labor policy and Americans
even in red states voted for minimum wages in referendum after referendum
even in the last election.

SCHULTZ: John, they`ve made no bones about the fact that they want to get
rid of the national labor relation board. And so, it seems to me that this
is just chip away, chip away, chip away. Your thoughts on that, I mean,
this is an orchestrated all out effort in this campaign coming up isn`t it?

NICHOLS: I think so. I think their trying to make it a real sort of core
issue for the Republicans. And frankly, a suggestion that somehow you`re
going to get a more prosperous American by getting rid of labor law,
getting rid of labor protections.

Now, this is a real change for the Republican Party. I can tell you as
somebody who`s working on history the Republican Party that there was a
time not that long ago where Republicans senators like Jacob Javits and
other and even President Eisenhower we`re bragging about helping unions and
being favorable and friendly to unions.

Now, we end up in a situation where the groups that actually do, do a lot
to raise peoples` wages to improve condition in the work place are under
assault by one of our parties. It really is a harmful politics.

SCHULTZ: Well, it`s going to pit workers against workers and it`s going to
create situations. I mean, if this bill were to past, if it wasn`t
filibustered. It probably going to pass to House, you know, and it`s
probably going to get move in the Senate and it may have to, you know,
their going to some conservative Democrats that might look at this thing.
I think this could end as a filibuster and I think that the President is
going to end up having to weigh in on this. And it might bring us back to
a real focus on minimum wages.

But it also shows me that Marco Rubio doesn`t know his rear-end from third
base when comes to business. Does he even know what climate is like in a
union shop, what a union worker suppose to do? Break rank and go into the
boss and say, "Hey, I`m doing a better job everybody else you going to give
me a raise". Does -- we just doesn`t understand the function of the whole
thing. Larry, what about that?

COHEN: You nailed it, he doesn`t understand it. I don`t think he cares as
John said in the last platform. They basically -- the Republican Party at
their last convention with Romney basically said, let`s get rid of
collective bargaining. Yet in 1976, the last time the National Labor
Relation Act was extended to hospital workers, Gerald Ford Championed it,
signed the bill and Republicans voted for it.

So what we see is an ideology from the right-wing talking over that party.
And we will fight it on the shop floor and in the offices, and we`ll fight
it politically as well.

SCHULTZ: And I would just want to go back to your original comment Mr.
Cohen saying that there are opportunities for contracted, collected
bargained employees to do better than what they`re doing right now. And I
would venture to say that Rubio probably doesn`t been know that.

COHEN: That`s right. And almost all of our contracts that does kinds of
things exist.

SCHULTZ: I`d like to know how many paychecks he`s ever written out for
workers. I think we got to the fundamental of this. How much does he
really know about business? John, I don`t believe he has a record of
business, does he?

NICHOLS: Well, like awfully lot of these Republican candidates, he has a
record in politics. Aside from Scott Walker, he`s one of the longest
political careerists in this race. He was a legislator before he became a
senator and, you know, look public service can be very, very honorable.
But the fact to the matter is that we got a lot of people running around
saying they want to run government like a business, they want to do things
in more...


NICHOLS: ... efficient ways. But messing with labor contracts from above
and from outside, that`s not something that make sense in a business
setting and it certainly not something that make sense for raising wages
and improving the condition of American workers.

SCHULTZ: Gentlemen, good to have you with us. John Nichols of the Nation
Magazine, Larry Cohen President of the Communication Workers of American.
Keep up the fight my friends. Thanks so much.

Remember to answer tonight`s question there at the bottom of the screen,
share your thoughts with us on Twitter @edshow, like us on Facebook. You
can follow us @WeGotEd as well. We always want to know what you think and
we appreciate your comments.

Coming up. Inspiration from the big screen reignites a powerful movement
for equality in the south, Reverend William Barber joins us.

Plus, Dire new warnings about climate change and a mega-drought like
nothing we`ve even seen as what scientist are talking about.

The stories` coming up. Stay with us we`ll right back at the Ed Show.


SCHULTZ: Welcome back to the Ed Show.

Thousands of activists have a date in Raleigh, North Carolina this
Valentines Day. At this year`s Moral March -- for love and justice, the
march kicks off a new year of activism and protest for the Moral Monday
Movement. Moral Monday activists have spent years fighting the people
whose rights have come under attack by North Carolina`s Republican
controlled legislature.

This year particularly important for the movement, this fall North
Carolina`s Republican House Speaker Thom Tillis defeated incumbent
Democratic Kay Hagan for the United States Senate seat.

Tillis is responsible for some of the states most extreme right-wing
policies. The Governor of Raleigh, -- Pat McCrory is also for reelection
in 2016.

North Carolina is set to be pivotal battleground state this election cycle.
And make no mistake it isn`t just about North Carolina. This movement
speaks to Americans across the Nation.

Last year, somewhere between 80,000 and 100,000 people from 32 states
turned out to have their voices heard. This year`s march will focus on
issues ranging from voting rights, to the need to expand Medicaid and of
course dealing with minimum wage.

Joining me tonight is Reverend William Barbar. He is the President of the
North Carolina NAACP. Reverend, always great to have you with us.

I want to ask you first about the movie Selma and in what impact this has
had? You have been quoted in saying that North Carolina is the new Selma.
Are things coming together and emotions being sparked with the touch of
history in a real reminder about what the Civil Rights Movement was all
about? What about that?

first, thank you for having us.

You know, when we look at the extreme turn here in North Carolina and we
look at what has happened and we look at the fact that North Carolina, we
have the first case after the Shelby decision. On July the 6th, we`ll be
in federal court, 30 days exactly to the date when the Voting Rights Act
was signed.

We must win this case and we`re fighting to win this case, but when we see
people coming together more about 180 organizations now, thousands of
people who are fighting back against the regressive tide that this
legislation has denied Medicaid expansion. They denied raising the minimum
wage. They denied earned income tax credit. They cut money for public
education and they passed the worst voter suppression laws we`ve seen since
the 1960.

This is a battle and Selma for us is not just a movie, this is our Selma.
We have to stay and we have to fight back now.

SCHULTZ: So what`s going to be different between -- in this election cycle
as opposed to the last one? Are you going to be able to get more people

BARBER: No doubt. One of the things we learned from this election is, you
know, Thom Tillis didn`t win the Senate but think about it. He won 49
percent of the vote, 51 percent of voted against him.

We are the only state where incumbent Tea Party members of the State
General Assembly actually lost because there`s a movement here.

We`re saying to progressives, we don`t endorse candidate but you got to
run. You can`t run away from your record and you have to stand.

We also found -- we also see ourselves where they`ve passed the worst voter
suppression. They threw $100 million at us and the best they could do is a
1.3 percent victory, 30 votes per precinct.

That`s how we run the state, people are not discouraged. They`re saying
we`re going to register. We`re going to organize. We`re going to fight.
We`re going to be in the courts. We`re going to be in the street. We`re
going to mobilize.

In 2016, we will be a major battle right here in North Carolina and I don`t
see people wanted to turn back at all. Thousands of people will turn out

We`ve been in the legislature everyday this week, everyday this week.
Young people, culture artist, people had a die-in yesterday over Medicaid

We`re fighting to raise the minimum wage. We, in fact, we said to
Republic, you put much (ph) amendment on the ballot. Put money amendment
on the ballot and let the people vote on raising the minimum wage and
indexing it with inflation.

We are in this for the long haul. We are not in this for just a moment.
We`re in this for a -- movement.

SCHULTZ: How many people are you expecting tomorrow, Reverend?

BARBER: Well I can tell you, we already have more busses lined up than we
had last year.

Last year, it was 80,000 to 100,000 people, but Ed, we`re also doing
something else. We`ve had 200 events around the state since 2013 all
around the state. We`re organizing. We had -- in 60 counties now in North
Carolina, so it`s not only the people that show up tomorrow which I believe
will be in the thousands.

We are building local power. We are going into the districts of the new
speaker and Senate Leader Verga (ph) who is anti-labor, anti, you know,
programs that help the poor.

We`re going to be organizing right in their districts but I can tell you,
I`m hearing the people that coming from all over the state. They are all
different colors, races, creeds, sexuality.

I`m on my way now to in a religious, interfaith ecumenical group with
Muslims and Christians and Jewish, people -- and Hindu coming together.


BARBER: People are standing up. They recognize, this is the moment. This
is the moment. 50 years after Selma, this is the moment and this is the
moment right here in North Carolina and we are committed not to lose this

SCHULTZ: Reverend, describe the Republicans, their attitude in North
Carolina, do you communicate with them? Do you go visit with Republican
lawmakers? What do they say to you? How abstinent are they? Are they
movable? Are they workable on any of these issues you`re concerned about?

BARBER: Well some of them they`re not, some of them we`re going to have
bit them in the court, some of them who we`re going to have to shift the

You know, the state is changing because of this movement. When we started,
only 40 percent of North Carolinians versus one at (ph) Medicaid expansion
now over 58 percent want it.

When we started, people didn`t want to raise taxes in order to fund
teachers but now a 61 some percent of North Carolinians said they would be
willing to raise taxes in order to pay teachers.

So we are seeing a shift and people want a minimum increase, but they`re --
Ed, the problem is that not Republicans. Now, we have a Republican Mayor
in Belhaven who is working with us on Medicaid expansion at Sadar (ph)
Hospital, but what we have in North Carolina are extremists, they`re not
Eisenhower Republicans, they are not Teddy Roosevelt that Republican,
they`re not Lincoln Republican. They are extremists. They are against
everything except giving tax cuts to the wealthy, making sure people can
get a gun easy than they can -- than register to vote. That seems to be
their entire platform.


BARBER: The rest of it Ed, is deny, deny, deny. Deny Republican case,
deny labor rights, deny immigrant rights, deny Medicaid expansion. It
makes no sense and people are beginning to see how it`s detrimental to all

SCHULTZ: All right. Reverend William Barber, it`s always great to have
you with us. Great work, keep it up. We`ll follow these marches and see
what kind of impact they have and I know they will.

Thank you Reverend. I appreciate your time tonight on the Ed Show.

Coming up, the link between climate change and a mega-drought, it`s in the

Plus, look at the NBC All-Stars or should I say, yeah, the NBC, not just
the NBA All-Stars in the two-minute drill.

Stay with us. We`ll be right back.


SCHULTZ: Welcome back to the Ed Show.

And there`s other news tonight. Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber announced
today that he is resigning from his position.

The Governor has been plagued by an ethics scandal involving his wife.
Oregon first lady Cylvia Hayes was guiding state employees on the
implementation of a new policy while allegedly doing private consulting
work for a group pushing the same policy.

Kitzhaber has been under increasing pressure to resign even from Democrats.
He said in the statement today that he was sad a person could be tried and
convicted in the media.

Kitzhaber went on to say, "I understand that I have become a liability to
the very institutions and policies to which I have dedicated my career and,
indeed, my entire adult life."

Kitzhaber has served as Oregon`s Governor since 2011. His successor will
be Oregon Secretary of State Kate Brown.

Brown will be the nation`s first openly bisexual Governor.

Stick around, Rapid Response Panel coming up. We`re right back on the Ed

Market Wrap.

Market ending higher from back to back weekly gain. Dow closed about
18,000 for the first time this year, while the S&P jump 8 points to hit an
all-time high. The NASDAQ was up 36 points in matching a ties from DoCoMo

New data shows the eight remaining casinos in Atlantic City saw a nearly 19
percent increase in revenue last month. The overall revenue from internet
gaming slot machines and table games came in on over $197 million.

That`s it from CNBC, first in business worldwide.


SCHULTZ: Welcome back to the Ed Show.

We`ve got two stories in this blog tonight about climate change and they
are related. A new study shows southwestern portion of the United States
is on course for a mega-drought unless we make some changes.

The study release by Science Advances says a mega-drought will last for
decades or longer. It says mega-droughts should be considered a natural
hazard on par with earthquakes and hurricanes. They are caused primarily
by human induced global warming.

Scientists, those who know, say reducing greenhouse gas emissions lowers
the risk of a mega-drought.

Now, with a business as usual scenario where worldwide greenhouse gas
emissions continue on their current course, the risk of a mega-drought goes
up 80 percent between the years 2050 and 2100.

Conservative lawmakers seemed to be extremely comfortable with business as
usual no matter what science you throw to them. Now, they`re getting their
pockets lined by the oil and gas industry.

Republicans in Congress voted for the Keystone XL Pipeline to be built
while denying its potential negative environmental impacts. In the State
Department, study was flawed.

On Wednesday, the House passed the Keystone XL bill with vote of 270-152.
President Obama made it clear that he plans to veto the doggone thing. And
it`s really political theatre in a big ways to taxpayer of dollars at this
point because there`s other issues around it.

The pipeline`s progress is being held up on a local level. Nebraska
landowners got a big winning court on Thursday. A Nebraska judge issued a
temporary injunction barring TransCanada from using eminent domain of
taking the land. The landowners will not be forced to sell rights to
TransCanada for construction of the pipeline.

This pipeline can`t be build unless those landowners say, come into my land
and do it, or if they exercise their right to keep them out.

Now think about this. You`ve got the House and the Senate that have put a
lot of energy into passing this and they finally got it done. You got all
kinds of money, of special interest money floating around. Mitch McConnell
talks about a lot of crazy special interest out there want the Keystone
Pipeline stopped, yet all of these senators are taking a quarter of million
dollars from the oil and gas industry. Is that not special interest?

Joining me now in our Rapid Response Panel Michael Brune, he is the
Executive Director of the Sierra Club, also with us tonight, Jane Kleeb,
Executive Director of Bold Nebraska.

You know, in some strange way, I`m really glad that this has gotten to this
point that it`s going to the President`s desk that the House of the Senate
has passed it. Because now a lot of people in the country think, well, I
guess we`re going to get Keystone and then they wake up to this. Well,
wait a minute, there`s a property rights issue in Nebraska, not so fast.

And this may draw a lot of people into the conversation and pay more
attention to it because people when they have property they value it.

Jane, what`s your reaction to this injunction and give us a time table at
this point.

JANE KLEEB, EXEC. DIR. BOLD NEBRASKA: Yeah. So we actually had a lot of
happy landowners yesterday when a judge told TransCanada they cannot use
eminent domain in our state which was very good news. Because if the
President were to have granted a permit to TransCanada on the federal level
that means -- or rejected a permit on the federal level, that means
TransCanada could have literally turned around, Ed, and sold those
easements to any pipeline company. Could have been a pipeline company in
Iran, China, wherever.

So it`s a huge state of property rights. And so, the time table now is the
President is essentially is going to get a bill on his desk from Congress,
maybe on the 23rd or 24th of February. He`ll have 10 days to veto that
bill which we are confident he will do.

The question mark that we have is, will he veto the bill and also reject
the presidential permit because he has to do both of those things at the
same time. So we`re not sure about that piece. But we could have a
decision really at the end of February or early March.

What`s the next legal step, Jane, for those who want the pipeline now that
this judge has made the ruling?

KLEEB: For Nebraska, this essentially is now headed back to the Supreme
Court. Really the only reason we lost in the Supreme Court was on a
technicality reason. Meaning that, the landowners didn`t have standing.
They weren`t injured yet by TransCanada. TransCanada hadn`t yet invoked
eminent domain on them.

Now that they have, this case is going back to the Supreme Court. We feel
very confident we`re going to win there which means TransCanada is back to
square one. They will not have a route in Nebraska and they will not have
eminent domain rights.

And so, you`re looking at a two to three-year process here in Nebraska if
TransCanada wants to try to get a permit.

SCHULTZ: OK. Mike, what do you make of the oil and gas industry cash
sweeping these U.S. Senators? I mean, this is special interest as it gets,
isn`t it?

we`re seeing is we`re seeing some of the riches companies, riches
industries in the history of the world who are trying to buy policies and
policy makers at the same time.

Now, what is happening is that you have almost the entire party that is
voting against the interest of their constituents, against their own
economic interest of their constituents and against where we want to go to
in this country.

You know, the other piece of news that we`ve seen this week is a jobs
report coming from solar industry that says that 21 time -- the solar
industry is creating 21 times the amount of jobs that -- compared to the
rest of the economy. So, we need to move beyond Keystone, we need to move
beyond this particular pipeline.


BURNE: This pipeline is not in the interest of Nebraska landowners. It`s
not in our national interest. We going to get the beyond this and address
the bigger concerns that this study comes out about the threat of droughts,
the threat of wildfires and the threats of climate disruption around the

SCHULTZ: Here`s what Speaker Boehner said about Keystone pipeline earlier
this week.

Listen to this.


REP. JOHN BOEHNER, (R-OH) HOUSE SPEAKER: Keystone has been reviewed and
approved numerous times. Even the president`s own State Department will
say that it creates 42,000 new jobs. But instead of listening to the
people, the president is standing with a bunch of left-fringe extremists
and anarchists. The President needs to listen to the American people and
say "Yes. Let`s build the Keystone pipeline".


SCHULTZ: Mike is the Sierra Club filled with anarchist?

BRUNE: No. You know, we`re filled with scientist and teachers and
neighbors just people who live down the street, you know, and I`m not an
anarchist, I`m not an extremist, I`m a father of young children and I
believe that our country should be powered with energy that is safe and
secure and sustainable and that we can do this, we can actually put more
people to work and clean up our air and our water and stabilize our climate
with the same set of clean energy solutions.

But what you hear from Boehner, what you see coming from the Koch brothers
and the Tea Party is taking us in the opposite direction. Anytime that you
can get Nebraska ranchers and farmers together with scientist from around
the world together with teachers, and the student, and activist, and
investors, all around to setup solutions, you know, you`ve got something
that`s compelling and we know that we`re going to be successful it`s only a
matter of time.

SCHULTZ: This report that has come out from Science Advances just makes me
think about this situation.

This was the scene 80 years go this April. It`s famously known as the
"Dirty `30s", a dustfall drought extended from South Dakota and one all the
way across the country of the east coast, agricultural prices dropped and
American fell on hard times economically.

Jane, when you hear that we`re going to have massive droughts in this kind
of conversation is coming from scientist. How does that ring you ears? I
mean, that just to make your fight even that much greater doesn`t it.

JANE KLEEB, EXEC. DIR. BOLD NEBRASKA: No questions. So we have a lot of
old timers who will tell stories of their grandparents and the great
grandparents struggling without water and the Ogallala Aquifer is critical
resource which the Keystone XL puts directly at risk.

The University of Nebraska came out with a climate change report also and
essentially said if we keep ongoing down the status quote path of this old
dirty outdated energy, 30 percent of our crops are going to be at risk.

And so, if you -- if farmers and ranchers who`re already living on the edge
of kind of making sure that they`re making a profit on their small family
farm and ranchers. If you take out 30 percent of their profits they`re
done. And they`re only thing that`s holding up Nebraska economy.

So our Governor, our members of Congress have got to start getting on the
path. We know what the problem is.


KLEEB: The problem is fossil fuels. So let`s start to come up with more

SCHULTZ: Michael -- Absolutely. Michael, your reaction to this report I
mean, we haven`t heard things like this before.

BRUNE: Well, the thing is that we`re living through this. This isn`t
something that`s going to happen in the future, for a front page article in
California today was how the current job that we`re suffering through could
be lasting 30-40 years. Front page story in the New York Times today was
how the drought in Pakistan is creating a severe water crisis there.

We are seeing extreme weather that`s happening right now. This isn`t
something that, well, might take place in 2040 or 2060 when our kids or
grandkids or our great grandkids are our age, this is something that`s
happening right now.

And the only thing -- the reason why I focus on this, the only thing that`s
more tragic than on all that, is that we have the solutions to meet this
crisis that are available today. Clean energy solutions, you got solar
panels on the roof of your house Ed, I`ve got solar panels on the roof of
my house, Jane in Bold Nebraska have created a solar barn to talk about the
advantages of clean energy. We can fight this.

SCHULTZ: But you got...

BRUNE: We can create more jobs. We got a...

SCHULTZ: You got deniers in the Senate.

BRUNE: Yeah, we do. We do.

SCHULTZ: You`ve got deniers who`re in the legislative power. We`re not
going to have anything done for two years on this until the next election.
Great to have both of you with us. I...

BRUNE: Thanks, Ed.

SCHULTZ: ... appreciate it. Michael Brune and Jane Kleeb, thanks so much.

BRUNE: Thank you.

SCHULTZ: Plus, celebrating 40 years of biding (ph) satire that change the
political landscape.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mrs. Clinton asked us not to let you into any fast food

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I just want to mingle with American people, talk
with some real folks. Maybe get Diet Coke or something.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right, fine. But please, don`t tell Mrs. Clinton.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Jim, let me tell you something. There`s going to be a
whole bunch of things we don`t tell Mrs. Clinton.



SCHULTZ: Tonight in the two minute drill. It`s going to be All-Star
weekend on the Big Apple. 2015 NBA All-Star game is schedule for Sunday at
New York`s Square Madison Garden.

You know, what I say? Heck with the game, I want to see the slam dunk
contest. And we got something cool this year, as virtual reality cameras
are going to worn by some of the players, we`re going to get some neat
angles, no doubt.

Next up, a Ravens` remorse Former Baltimore Ravens Running Back Ray Rice
was suspended last session by the NFL after video service of him hitting
his then fiancee in a hotel elevator.

He issued an apology to the city of Baltimore and the Ravens fans this
morning. In a letter printed by the Baltimore Sun he wrote, "I`m truly
sorry for letting you down, but I hope it`s helped you learn that one bad
decision can turn your dream into a nightmare. There is no excuse for
domestic violence, and I apologize for the horrible mistake I made."

And finally you`ll get kick out of this.



You got it a California high school athlete scored that amazing quick long
range goal from half field -- is that what they call it in soccer? I don`t
know. I was never a soccer player.

Lots more coming up with the Ed Show, stay with us. We`ll be right back.


SCHULTZ: Live from New York. For the last 40 years, one show has mastered
the art of political satire.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. President, it just occurred to me. What if
something should happen to you? You`re the only who knows what`s going on.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And that`s the way it`s going to stay.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, Barack and Michelle. Hey, before you would say
no, there`s a new dance club that my friend, cockroach, and I just want

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I will instead ask each candidate to sum up in a single
word the best argument for his candidacy. Governor Bush?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yeah, I will ask the legislatives to pass then I
(inaudible) and I...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m now from the home of the Attorney General of the
United States it`s time for Janet Reno`s Dance Party.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mrs. Clinton asked us not to let you in any more fast
food places.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I just want to mingle with the American people,
talk with some real folks and maybe get a Diet Coke or something.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Fine. But please, don`t tell Mrs. Clinton.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Jim, let me tell you something. There`s going to be a
whole bunch of things we don`t tell Mrs. Clinton.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know I`m not a crook, Henry (ph). You know that
I`m innocent.


TINA FEY, ACT AS SARAH PALIN: You know Hillary and I don`t agree on

AMY POEHLER, ACT AS HILLARY CLINTON: Anything. I believe that diplomacy
should be the cornerstone of any foreign policy.

FEY: And I can see Russia from my house.


SCHULTZ: Saturday Night Live celebrates their 40th Anniversary this
weekend. Every cast member and host has been invited back for the
commemorative show. Yes, Sarah Palin will be part of it all. We can`t
wait, right?

Joining me now John Fugelsang a Liberal Commentator and Comedian and also
radio talk show host.

I want to ask you, who do you think is the most talented person that`s ever
been on Saturday Night Live, John, there`s one for you.

JOHN FUGELSANG, LIBERAL COMMENTATOR: Well, a lot of these guys are friends
of mine, Ed, but, you know, my vote goes for Darrell Hammond. I think he
is one of the greatest impersonators in all of standup and all of SNL

And I love Deena Carty and I love Phil Hartman but I do think that Darrell
had really channels people like Dick Cheney, of course, he did Al Gore, he
did Bill Clinton and he famously did John McCain and he is just -- he is a
natural born genius.

SCHULTZ: You know, the way the show evolved over the decades, it`s become
very important. Saturday Night Live`s political critique has really now
part of the American consciousness, isn`t it?

FUGELSANG: Yeah. Its have been flowed. I mean when the show first began
in the early Belushi days with Aykroyd and Chevy and Garrett Morris, it was
really almost deconstructionist. It wasn`t just taking on politics. It
was taking on society and how we viewed T.V.

They would have sketches that just ended and went nowhere. And that was
the point of the sketch.

It was really revolutionary stuff and as the show has grown and become more
establishments, sometimes they play it safe and sometimes they really go
for the jugular (ph).

I mean, I`m someone who became a political comedian in part because Denise
Miller before the fall meant so much to me and I think he is great joke
writer and, you know, I really missed the Denise Miller era of just that
the weekend update, the anchor desk being a place for escaping political

SCHULTZ: It`s become a necessary stuff for candidate, hasn`t it? I mean,
this is the show that you kind to got to get on and it connects some
special way. It gives a candidate a chance to open up and see a page of
your life and maybe somebody isn`t going to see in a regular newscast.

FUGELSANG: Yeah. I agree. I mean it`s one of the shows. I think that
all began when Nixon first that you`re going to Laugh-In which was
considered quite shocking at the time.

Look at Steve Forbes, he is guy who got more good P.R. from his one
appearance guest hosting on SNL than from running for President twice. We
got to see a likable playful side of Forbes that a lot of folks haven`t
seen before and I like that. I like seeing how, you know, these
politicians do and how they think on their feet in the movement of life
T.V. working with artist. It tells you a lot about how stiff they are and
how witted (ph) they are. I think Kennedy would have been with SNL.

SCHULTZ: Nobody -- yeah. Nobody is off-limits, are they?

FUGELSANG: No. Not really and that`s kind of what I respect. I mean, you
played the clip the Tina Fey as Sarah Palin. If you want to have an
example of how effective SNL is and ridicule and ridicule is a very
important component of good satire.

And lot of times when SNL does it is Satire, a lot of it this disparity
but, you know, U.S. people about Sarah Palin, they all say the same thing.
I can see Russia from my house and that`s of course something Sarah Palin
never actually said but everyone thinks she did because Tina Fey`s
performance in that sketch was so iconic. It really influenced the whole
culture and the political landscape.

SCHULTZ: What`s it do for somebody`s career to be a part of Saturday Night
Live`s Cast.

FUGELSANG: You`re asking if I can never got to beyond. Well, I mean...

SCHULTZ: Well, I think you ought on...

FUGELSANG: Well, thank you.

SCHULTZ: ... I mean, that`s the really the gold standard early in a
career, isn`t it?

FUGELSANG: Well, it`s a great showcase for actors and for sketch comedians
and for stand ups as well. I mean, you know, I think that we`ll someday
see an actor get a dramatic Oscar for -- who was launched on SNL.

I mean, Eddie Murphy is someone who has a terrific actor, a very underrated
actor and I hope that in his 50s, he does a lot more interesting roles
because, you know, he really showed at a very young age on SNL how deep he
could go, how intense he could go into a character and how fearless he
could be.

Obviously, there`s great, great actors who been on SNL and they didn`t go
on to film stardom. But, I mean, look, Bill Murray alone is a reason to be
thankful for Saturday Night Live. He`s given us a lot of great laughs and
a lot of great artist.

SCHULTZ: How would John Fugelsang do on Saturday Night Live, I mean...

FUGELSANG: Let me tell you...

SCHULTZ: ... I`m all about you getting on there. What would you do? What
would you do? Will you do -- could you host it and come out and knock our
shocks off?

FUGELSANG: I mean, you know, that`s the only show my name hasn`t embedded
(ph) about for this week. I got to say, I got Michael McCain on my radio
show yesterday and when he went on the show, he was 46-years-old. He was
the oldest actor they ever hired as a newbie on that program.

I would love to go on that show somebody because I`d like to make weekend
update the thing that took on the two-party system and then really got more
into the satire. But for now I`m happy with the show as it is and I can`t
wait to see it on Sunday.

SCHULTZ: All right. John Fugelsang, always great to have you with us.

FUGELSANG: Good to see you.

SCHULTZ: Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.

That`s the Ed Show, I`m Ed Schultz.

PoliticsNation with Reverend Al Sharpton starts right now.

Good evening, Rev.


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