Queen's kin banned from driving for 6 months

A cousin of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth was banned from driving for six months on Thursday after he was convicted of speeding.


A cousin of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth was banned from driving for six months on Thursday after he was convicted of speeding.

The Duke of Gloucester, president of an organization that promotes safer driving, admitted doing 70 mph in a 60 mph area in his Ford car in Cambridgeshire, eastern England, in August.

The Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) said the Duke would lose his membership as a result of the ban.

But officials have yet to decide whether the 60-year-old will have to step down as the organization's president.

“The president has offered his resignation,” an IAM spokesman said. “The ruling council will decide on this matter when it meets in the new year.”

The Duke was banned after being convicted of his fourth speeding offence in three years.

Magistrates in Ely also fined him 60 pounds ($115) and ordered him to pay 35 pounds ($67) in court costs.