Colorado prof's speech at Wisconsin campus draws backers, protests

A University of Colorado professor has gone on the road to defend his essay that compared some people who died in the World Trade Center attack to a Nazi war criminal.


A University of Colorado professor has gone on the road to defend his essay that compared some people who died in the World Trade Center attack to a Nazi war criminal.

The comments sparked outrage and protests at the University of Colorado.

Security was tight Tuesday night at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater where about 300 people turned out to hear Ward Churchill speak. His appearance drew some protesters as well as demonstrators backing him.

In his speech, Churchill said his essay was an attempt to understand the terrorists' motivation. He says while the Nine-Eleven attacks weren't senseless, his work didn't advocate the attacks or say they were justified.

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A: University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill addresses an audience at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater in Whitewater, Wis., Tuesday, March 1, 2005. The UW-Whitewater Native American Support Services and the Native American Cultural Awareness Association invited Churchill, a longtime American Indian activist, to speak six months ago about racism toward American Indians.