Persistent deliberative state

My name is Will.  This is what I clicked.


March 25, 2005 | 8:21 PM ET

The Moderate Voice writes a long post on the and is part of a trend I noticed today of bloggers who are looking at the broader political impact of Schiavo, as opposed to the specifics of her case.

looks at the damage the right-to-life position is doing to the conservative movement.

Politically charged photo of the day:

on the political parallels between the gun lobby and the right-to-life lobby and their ability to assert political influence.

asks bloggers not to be sucked in by the rhetoric.

As for specifics of the case, it's hard to ignore the strength of the scientific argument.  Alas (a blog) offers an we've seen around the Web, and some strong words from a representative of the American Council on Science and Health.

Speaking of Schiavo, as long as you're writing your living will, please include your .

Jon Stewart gets the last word.  is the leading link for the clip, which is probably why he's had to resort to Bit Torrent to help with the traffic load.  has other formats.

Was Doogie Howser ?

for Google News and a lot of people are interested in that lately.

The big water-cooler story in this neck of the cube farm: .  Since there's really one big question everyone wants to know, here's the surprisingly room-for-imagination answer:

Of course, the big question is whether it will be possible to see dinosaur DNA. "We don't know yet. We are doing a lot in the lab now that looks promising," Schweitzer said.

I know the subject of Canadian copyright law isn't exactly setting the world on fire, but what caught my eye in was this line:  "Interestingly, the government has posted the full text of from the public review process."

We've seen the "selling out" discussion with artists and rock stars and it makes sense that it takes place in any community where most people make no money and a few do well.  And so it is that we find of Boing Boing and their ads.  --and yes, I realize the irony of even mentioning the matter in a space like this.

" -- and the fun -- of writing a book is dealing with the unique relationship that the author has to his or her reader."

DJ Spooky explains some elements of mixing in a video on .  (Yet another disclosure:  Though I never would have guessed it, this site appears to be part of a Microsoft venture.  In the video, Spooky even mentioned a Microsoft DJ summit. (?)  Anyway, the MS in stands for yadda yadda yadda.)

We just missed the deadline on the food blogging event in the Is My Blog Burning series, but that means we can click a more complete list of recipes.

I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of "" inventions.

Video of the Day:  After some reverse searching I found this explanation :

A clip from Tim Hamilton’s short Truth In Advertising, in which the obvious is stated nakedly to comedic effect by office workers. Fan(s) of Tim Hamilton’s millisecond- lived show The Downer Channel will recognize a few faces.

NOTE:  While there's no nudity or anything, the clip does have some pretty strong language, so wait until you get home or close the door to your office or turn the volume low before you .

draws links today, probably for Kyrgyzstan coverage.

Speaking of Kyrgyzstan, it apparently the "" theory.

Commuter Click:   I know there are few things more radioactive than Nazis, so let me point out for folks who don't read this page regularly that the Commuter Click is a popular page that is longer than I want to read from my computer monitor so I plan to print it out to read on my commute home from work.  I'm taking the popularity of the link to be a recommendation from the blogosphere, but that's not always the case.  I haven't done much more than a quick scroll through the piece so I can't give it a personal endorsement or even a summary.

I thought the popularity of this was an anomaly, but it's actually growing in popularity as the week passes. Related (sorta): .

(meaning, how to print your own t-shirt without the use of an actual silk screen)

  I don't know what kind of work most Clicked readers do, but there's worthwhile advice on this list even if you're not a freelancer.

Groundbreaking work in the field of .  (Thanks Lori)

March 24, 2005 | 10:13 PM ET

ABC is getting low marks from bloggers for its handling of the Schiavo story.   paints the big picture, and it isn't pretty.  (He doesn't have anchor tags, you have to scroll down to "the shame of ABC.")

Speaking of all that, for folks following the talking-points-memogate story, .

From a blog called :  "But at its core, the Schiavo case is not about bioethics, living wills, or medial choices. It’s about the failure to protect the institution of marriage."

describes what he sees as a game of Hardball with China.

Commuter Click:

Following on yesterday's lead item the artist's Web site is .

Speaking of Banksy, along with yesterday's Wooster Collective link and the one above, reporting of the story saw a lot of link attention.  You'll note at the bottom of his entry, he credits (a regular visit of mine outside of MSNBC) with the tip.  Scrolling up Cityrag we find an entry about .  This moshing angry girl has become a sort of new , but while I'd run into photoshop threads of her, this is the first time I've seen a reference to the source.  (I guess her folks .)  Some of the threads I've seen use the word "skank" which I took to be derogatory so I didn't use , but it turns out that's a reference to a .  P.S. Dear Cityrag, My, what a handsome blogroll you have ;)

Have you ever watched TV while on the phone with a friend who was watching the same show?  Do you hate it when everyone you know watched a show and talk about it and you missed it and watched something else?  Maybe you need .

-Where is the line between political blogger and political activist who qualifies as needing campaign finance regulation?

A Yahoo

Last minute e-mail addition:

Hello Erik,I'm sure someone else has already pointed this out to you, but in case they haven't, Minnesota school-shooter Jeff Weise left some flash animations on before he blasted himself off this mortal coil.  Here are links:As you can see, these flicks give just a SLIGHT clue as to this guy's state of mind.  Chilling stuff...Yours,Michael TullbergL.A., CA

Dear Michael,
Thanks for those links.  It's amazing how this guy's online material enables him to speak from the grave.
P.S. My name is Will (this is what I clicked).

"" or "What things you won't be able to afford in the future"  This turns into a subscription article, but the little slide show is fun to think about.

Just because you have a right to your opinion doesn't mean your opinion is right... at least, to the contrary, then everyone's always right -especially the people who agree with you.

:  A watch that can monitor body rhythm and wake you at the appropriate point in your sleep cycle.  And it looks like it works.

(fun even if you just look at the pictures).

Tom DeLay warns of a .

.  Stop clicking on it!  And in the name of all things good, don't buy anything from it!!  (Less exacerbated title for this item: Spam works.)

Glenn makes an appearance on common link lists today, this time for his outline of a rift on the right.

Speaking of Web stats (see yesterday) on online media consumption.

.  Unleash all manner of natural (and unnatural) disasters on a Web site of your choosing.

The new is out online.  This doesn't have the "eagerly awaited" quality of a Star Wars III, but I found myself watching the whole thing because Will Farrell is funny.  (Unless you choose the Quicktime link, it tries to install some kind of AOL player on your machine.)

Video of the Day: Helicopter master.  Colleagues gathered around my cube and I were a little bummed it didn't end in a burst of flame and smoke, but still cool to watch, and if you're looking for flame and smoke, I found it on .

UPDATE:  Reader Melissa cautions of a bit of porn in the ads on the helicopter link.  I didn't even notice, sorry about that.  the plane crash page is safe, but beware that you may be clicking into the NSFW wilderness from there.  Thanks Melissa!

A for your car.  I can't read the Japanese, so this may be a parody, but if it's serious, I don't think it's going to catch on.  In fact, there's something a little gross about it.

More from the mailbag:

One for the blog:
I found less than reassuring after I read

Dear Clay,
The good news is that we don't have to do any un-learning if the emergency plan changes.

The Real Life Rube Goldberg clip is from a movie made in 1987 called "The Way Things Go" which is 30 minutes of a Rube Goldberg-like chain reaction.  The video can be ordered from on both VHS and DVD.  I originally saw the full video a number of years ago on PBS.  Great stuff!

Dear Joel,
Thanks for the tip.  On your guidance I found the DVD .

If you're a nerdy Lunix aficionado, then that method you linked to will certainly work I agree.   But for something a bit more easier, might I recommend ?

Dear Kade,
Hmmm...According to my calculations, I'm not nerdy.
Thanks for the link,

In yesterday's Clicked blog, you wrote: "Tom Maguire has the push-back I was looking for yesterday in response to Mark Kleiman picking on Bush."

Picking on? PICKING ON???? What is Bush, a buck-toothed kindergartener on the playground? He's currently the most powerful man on the planet, and he's using that power like a cudgel. It's no secret that the Busies feel it's their Holy mandate to radically change America on political, economic, and political grounds, that they have no reservations whatsoever in destroying anyone who gets in their way, and you accuse a blogger of "picking on" him.

Those words demean his dissenting voice.  It also changes you from a disspassionate observer to an active player.   Perhaps you felt it was just a flippant remark, but in these days when folks who disagree with the President are feeling ever more marginalized, and even actively persecuted, one needs to be careful with one's words.

Be careful.

Dear Brian,

March 24, 2005 | 1:32 AM ET

Following on the theme of pranks (see yesterday's credit card item), if major New York museums won't hang your artwork, .

Speaking of putting up your own art, .  (Navigation hint: Click the photo to go to a Swiss site.  I don't know what the words on that page mean, but basically, previous and next.)

Taegan Goddard provides what is possibly the most in-demand drug on the Web:  User demographics -in this case for his blog

The story of blogs' rise to prominence in criticizing the mainstream media can be :

"I've sent an email to Mike Allen of the Washington Post asking for a copy of the memo, and asking him to explain what he did to verify its authenticity. Stay tuned."

(By the way, this sentence is in regard to the "GOP talking point" story we saw yesterday.  They're already calling this "Memogate 2" because of questions about the memo's authenticity.)

The new round-up of medical bloggers is up.  Good timing for Schiavo.

In a weird mix of Schiavo news, photo tagging and the Yahoo/Flickr merger, I ran into this .

Speaking of Yahoo, ""

" ranks cities by the visual impact of their skylines."

-a move being generally better received than their at Web marketing.

  --It's basically about keeping a back-up set of genes in case your parents pass on junky ones.

Speaking of Easter, can this be real???    If left unrestrained, I can eat Peeps until I barf.

Almost Video of the Day:   I thought the Cosby impressions were hysterical, but my wife was sitting next to me when I watched it and said, "This is stupid."  So OK, maybe the appeal, while broad enough to show up on link lists, is not quite universal.

.  Mostly obvious, but I still only scored 5 of the 10.

Speaking of lessons on improving your habits: -just in time for Summer.

Speaking of running, if there's a product that requires a reviewer to use the phrase "" I want to be reading about something really cool or really funny.  Doesn't look like computer shoes are quite there yet.

It looks like tomorrow's big news is going to be the trustee reports.  has quite a list of early reaction.

Discouraging teen pregnancy

Actual Video of the Day:  If you missed CNN's (formerly MSNBC's) , Crooks and Liars, a.k.a. poor man's Tivo, caught the Daily Show segment.  How's that for universal appeal?

.  They were passing around fliers at this evening's , and now their link is showing up on popular click lists.  I reckon there's a marketing blitz in the works.

March 23, 2005 | 2:16 AM ET

has the push-back I was looking for yesterday in response to Mark Kleiman picking on Bush.

This link is a little past due, but still an interesting look at the and how bloggers can organize themselves around a cause.

gives us a bit of a lesson on "first principles."

piece about Congress stepping in on the Schiavo case has people whistling slow and low and fanning their necks with their hands.  I'm making this the Commuter Click so I can read it at my leisure.

.  Spot on!

, who you may recognize as the host of the regular round-up of good news from Iraq, draws clicks for a post about Iraq bodycount math.

Zug revisits the famous .  Will ANYONE check this guy's signature??

A lot of folks are jazzed about the launch of a new site called , explained as seeking to spur the citizens' media revolution.  Unfortunately, for most of the morning it asked me for a password and in the afternoon I got a general crash error.  I was able to see it around lunch time, so I know it's there, but I think they have a few kinks to work out yet (mentioned in the blog).  This evening I was able to get in again, and hoped to find the Video of the Day there, but I had a hard time getting the video to load.  Filed under "watch this space."  In the mean time, check out for further background.

.  We've head that as the explanation for who keeps bloggers honest while they keep the media honest, but is it as clear cut as all that?

It is an interesting sign of the influence of New York City bloggers that the link for a heavily marketed shows up on today's most linked lists.

Speaking of New York City bloggers, I received a note that regional blog indexes is back.

.  (Don't be intimidated by the scroll bar on the side, it looks longer than it is because there are a lot of comments on the bottom.  Plus, it's a quick read.)

I know the conventional wisdom is that blogs are taking over the news business, but it looks like some folks are getting .

It's been a while since we revisited this theme:

"As a copyright policy discussion grows longer, the probability of pornography being invoked ."

has more than "my goodness" to say about the number of POWs who've died in U.S. custody.  Interesting talk in the comments section.

Speaking of trying to put numbers in perspective, has some fun with CNN's graphing ability.  Tsk, that's the oldest trick in the book.


of the kid who went on the .

: Dear Santa...


The sun is bright. Don’t look at the sun or you will damage your eyes. Anything that focuses the sun will only make it more dangerous. is dangerous. Don’t build one.  I’m surprised I haven’t burnt or blinded myself yet. The fumes from molten plastic can’t be good either. Don't play with fire.

For the third or fourth time in recent memory I find myself clicking on a link to "" -this time on Schiavo.

-professional secrets from those in the know

March 21, 2005 | 8:51 PM ET

A few bloggers are seeing some click-recognition for their extensive encapsulation of the Schiavo story.  The includes a linked timeline. 
along with take a look from a medical perspective.  Obsidian Wings is the only place I've seen that brain scan comparison.

and lead the charge of skepticism about President Bush's sincerity in the Schiavo case, pointing to a he signed on a similar subject with a different end.  In short, if you know the name by the end of the week then lefty bloggers and/or the Houston Chronicle have been successful in making their voices heard.

What I don't see getting a lot of link play -at least in the indexes I read every day- are the pro-life bloggers.  Of course there are many of them.  I suspect they're not showing up in "most linked" lists because they're linking to straight news stories as opposed to each other.  For the sake of keeping an eye on that side, it's worth watching what's going on at and what's being said by

I think it's significant to the linking game that A-listers on the right like and aren't participating in the discussion very much.  This may say something about the politics of this issue, but it also has practical implications because these two blogs often serve as springboards for widespread link distribution from that end of the political spectrum.


Speaking of Mark Kleiman, he's also seeing some link attention for to Eugene Volokh.  Briefly, there was a bit of a fuss in the blogosphere at the end of last week and over the weekend about popular law blogger musings in support of public torture and execution.  Even though Volokh has now changed his mind, I've seen the Letters to the Editor we've received about the and can say that not everyone is ready to give up the idea.

offers further thoughts on women as op-ed writers.  You'll recall he is the Opinions editor at the L.A. Times and was at the center of one of the threads of the recent sex diversity debates.

Speaking of centers of such debate, , who started most of the recent upset over link equality for women bloggers has a further wrap up of the matter.

And gets her licks in.  It's interesting to see that much of the discussion at this point is about the quality and feasibility of the discussion itself.

:  "It appears that the immigration people simply did not believe that Jeremy could make a living as a blogger. And they gave him the third degree - including an humiliating strip search - as a result for some hours. And banned him from entering the US."

Biggest tech news of the day in the blogosphere:

Fiona Apple's unreleased album is now entirely free .

you can say to a naked woman... and how to ruin the mood by .

is excited about this new palmtop based data recorder.  I hear it doesn't even need charging.

Video of the Day: 

Speaking of beer, I would not want to live next door to on a windy day.

Eagerly anticipated movie trailer of the day:  Online fans of anime are pointing to .

" proudly introduces Pet Pillows as an alternative way to remember your pet."

Blogstorm forecast:  points to () saying that John Kerry will soon sign papers to release his complete military files.  This cannot not be news for bloggers.  Bloggers picked John Kerry apart over details about his military service and this should be a much anticipated record straightening.  Either bloggers will be shown to have overstepped (in which case Kerry will look like a fool for not revealing these records sooner) or bloggers' criticisms will be validated (in which case Kerry will be humiliated and there will be no end to the online scoffing and gloating).

Speaking of Kerry looking like a fool: 

  And Judging by the photo, there is apparently some evidence for "you are what you eat."

Commuter Click: Dana Milbank ""

Who's going to with HDTV?  The idea is that traditional pancake TV make-up won't work on HDTV because the detail is so fine it won't look like natural skin.  I wonder if we'll see a cultural change in the beauty standard.  Less make-up and fakeness, more natural beauty (by which I mean beauty of naturalness)?

Other Commuter Click:  has been popular for at least a week.  I keep skipping over it because I'm not really into font news, but I'm starting to feel like I'm missing something, so I'm going to print this up and read through it later so at least I know what all the fuss is about.

Wicked long Video of the Day:  I know British imports don't always work here, but I really think is going to be funny.  Full disclosure: guess what the NBC in MSNBC stands for (although, if I may say so, I think I should be getting a little more celebrity elbow rubbing happening if I'm going to have to put a disclaimer in my blog.  Sheesh.)

from the media and primary sources

The handsomely named presents Spore... and a New Way to Think About Games

Speaking of new ways to think about games, , and not my cup of tea, but in case you're not familiar with video games that require typing the right words, take a look at this and try to the word "phone" to see how it works.

Free online learning department:

  • Free online book:
  •   (This site is a little slow, I suspect it's getting a lot of traffic.)

Can you imagine trying to get someone to stop spamming you, only to be sued for ?

-I didn't understand this until I read through it for a bit.

Speaking of song parodies, I know a lot of people trade in funny e-mails but for some reason I'm almost never in the loop on those.  I did receive a funny bit of video however, and found an online source for it.  So here's today's .

Speaking of e-mail, let's go to the mailbag:

I found the other day, thought you might appreciate it.Kristin Morawski

Dear Kristin,
Thanks for the note.  I'd seen that link around but didn't bother clicking it until you sent it.  I thought it was just another search engine -didn't realize what the trick was.

A local blogger was near the blast in Doha, Qatar and is reporting the story with updates and with pictures. I thought you might be interested. and , with her commentary on things .Regards,~Enigma

Dear Enigma,
I'm always pleased to find first-hand blog reporting.