Rudy Giuliani joins Texas-based law firm

Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani plans to open a New York office of about 25 lawyers for Bracewell & Patterson, a 60-year-old Texas-based firm with about 400 lawyers in 10 cities.


Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani plans to open a New York office of about 25 lawyers for Bracewell & Patterson, a 60-year-old Texas-based firm with about 400 lawyers in 10 cities.

The New York branch will be named Bracewell & Giuliani and likely will open in May, Bracewell & Patterson managing partner Patrick Oxford said Tuesday.

The new branch will offer a full range of legal services, such as corporate, real estate and tax law and litigation. The former mayor will continue to run the consulting firm, Giuliani Partners.

Michael Hess, who headed the city's law department under Giuliani and now works for the former mayor's consulting firm, also plans to join the law firm.

According to a recent edition of the National Law Journal, Bracewell & Patterson represented Valero Energy Corp., the nation's largest independent refiner, and Sysco Corp., the largest food service distributor in North America.