A hole in the bottom of the sea

My name is Will.  This is what I clicked.


April 9, 2005 | 2:10 AM ET

  I wonder how many of the guys working on this project have a "we probably shouldn't be doing this" feeling.  I have a mental image of the planet deflating like a balloon and pttttthhh-ing all around the solar system.

  (no photo)

  NOTE:  Contains some cursing out loud, so play it quietly if that's going to upset people around you.  And obviously, it's the end of the movie, so spoiler alert.  What's remarkable is how compelling the scene is even between a stuffed gorilla, dog and some kind of bald teletubbie.

Speaking of turning the sound down, the coming Paris Hilton movie House of Wax is going to offer .  There's no nudity or anything on the site, but when I clicked it started to play a loud voice track.  The person in the cube next to yours will definitely hear that you're looking at a site associated with a Paris Hilton movie.

Speaking of home movies:   Basically it's a film festival of random bits of garage sale video.  There are some hysterical examples in if you click the "trailer" link, but some cursing as well, so beware.

-makes sense.

-a little paranoid, but worth a read.

I've also seen this video with the title "Everybody Dance Now."  I reckon is makes for a nice light-hearted .

I don't want to spend too much time on memo-not-so-gate II and its aftermath because frankly, I didn't think the story was that interesting to begin with, but to the extent that we follow how word spreads online in this space, from the liberal Media Matters has some value.

Speaking of sequels to big stories, some folks are working to make into Terri Schiavo II.  The Schiavo case has helped organize the right to life folks and they're looking for more lives to save.  Will Congress call an emergency meeting for Mae Magouirk?

And speaking of political movements organizing... Commuter Click:    There was so much hype about the "Deaniacs" in the last election, it's interesting to see a more sober look at who they really were/are.

New Google feature of the day: 

  OK, that has to be the most boring title of a blog entry I've read in a while, but seriously, give it a shot, the guy tells a great story with a nice lesson (and it's not too long).

The How-To corner:

""  Will this be followed by "Me eat more slowly" or "I'll try to use better diction and grammar"??

, don't make any sudden movements or loud noises.

My colleagues at MSN have officially launched their blogware.  They've been in beta for a few months, but this is the first time I've seen one on a "most linked" list.  Looks like is acting as a public face for the project.

.  I'm stumped already.

have released their 2005 Pig Book (that's pig as in pork).

" was built so that people who are planning not to vote in the UK General Election on May 5th can tell the world why."

continues Slate's streak of popularity with bloggers this week with "How Many Government Agencies Does It Take To Teach Soldiers Arabic?  A pathetic case of Pentagon incompetence."

One from the mailbag:

Hi Will,
With all the fuss over Google Maps with satellite images (which has already wasted too much of my time), I invite you to click on provided by the good folks at the United States Geological Survey (USGS).  Here there be layers (they are over on the right side) that provide lots of useful information: topographic maps, shaded relief maps, roads, rivers, trails, and, in selected areas, low altitude color air photos.  For some areas, there are more than one set of photos taken at different times.  The resolution is great, in my neighborhood I can recognize features less than a meter wide.  The viewer draws on lots of various servers, so a high-speed connection is strongly recommended.  Printing is done via a pdf file (use the button to the left) and there are no watermarks.

Dear Podrock,

April 8, 2005 | 2:20 AM ET

The news of Google Maps' use of satellite images broke earlier this week, but now we're seeing the resulting toys and games that inevitably follow the launch of new tools like this.

One Flickr user finds his childhood neighborhood and to give a sort of historical tour.  There's some good information to be found in the comments as well, including the coining of a name for that historical tour:  Memorymap.  It looks like .

Here's what Google Maps looks like .

  -Why bother seeing the world for real?  Actually, as far as I can tell, Google Maps is just the U.S. so you can't actually see the world, but it's still a fun idea.

Of course, Google isn't the only -or even the first- to make it possible to zoom in on satellite photos of the earth.  you can download to your computer to do something similar -and I think this one really is global.

Speaking of photos, the Pulitzer Prize awards for photography have caused a bit of a stir this year.  Actually, the stir was back when the photos first came out, so there's some re-hash going on, but for some bloggers, giving an award to the photographers has compounded their outrage.

The very quick summary is that some photographers in Iraq were able to get some on-the-scene shots of terrorist and/or insurgent action.  The detractors question how the photographers knew when and where to be to take the photos and accuse the photographers of being in collusion with terrorists, glorifying the terrorists and even being complicit in deadly acts against U.S. troops.

The defenders of the photographers say there was no collusion and these journalists risked their lives to bring the world important documentation of the situation in Iraq -and it's offensive to suggest otherwise.

These positions are basically the same as they were when the photos came out during the war, but it's an interesting debate to read because the opposing viewpoints are well defined.

Three links for pursuing the story in greater depth:

  • Editor and Publisher with
  • The Jawa Report:
  • Attytood:

:  If you're wondering why no one is responding to your Bluetooth sexual overtures, you'll want to read this.  If you've never heard of "toothing" it's just as well, and here's a fun story nonetheless.

hopes the Pretty In Pink sequel (mentioned here a couple days ago) will have as significant a soundtrack as the original.  Meanwhile, in a coincidence too amazing to ponder, while out for a walk this evening, my wife and I came upon a free musical performance in the World Financial Center's Winter Garden.  As we prepared to move along, the guy with the microphone said, "Ladies and gentlemen, Molly Ringwald," and lo and behold there she was to sing a few songs.  It was a pretty informal event, so I considered asking her about the sequel after the show, but she was with what appeared to be family and I'm not quite nervy enough to butt into that.  Plus this blog is about what I clicked, so I clicked some photos.

Technology Review reviews "" circa 1995:  "After starting up a system to browse for Web pages, a user could find and read the text and then retrieve the graphic by clicking on the "link" to it (the link, in the form of a word, phrase, or icon, would be highlighted)."

Another thing to worry about:

-This is seriously cheesy, so I'm thinking this link isn't spreading in the usual course of recommendation.

explains that The Annotated New York Times site we saw yesterday is part of a larger collective centered around a cool aggregator called .

I don't know how often their "buzz" boxes update, but when I looked, the buzz stories were all about memogate II (the GOP talking points Schiavo memo) and the buzz blogs were all talking about those stories.  So on that note, while there are a lot of opinions on this one, this is what I clicked:

  •   -I actually started with a post of his at the end of March, but you get a nice view of the development of the story if you start and the top and just work your way down.
  • devotes the thrust of his reaction to criticism of the Washington Post reporter.  (Scroll down to "Non-fake but inaccurate.")
  • turns the attention back on Martinez.

"The links below will lead you to a wide variety of for Tartan Day."

.  I know you're going to click the Venus fly trap, but I highly recommend the morning glory.

.  I'll say again, bad idea.


Problems with your Blogger blog lately?  .

Video of the Day:

  -I'm choosing to believe these are all real.

  (They're not really inventions, but some of them are things we take for granted, so it's neat to think of them as inventions.)

Speaking of top ten lists,

actually puts out some big results.  Enter a tag name and it searches a bunch of tagged databases at once and puts all the results on one page.  For some reason the came up today.  Try "music" in Tag Central.

.  Shake your head real hard so your face gets all loose and floppy and take a picture while you're doing it.


I haven't seen many of the Tom DeLay (un)ethics stories on TV (obviously), but the lefty blogosphere has really been .  Not necessarily doing the legwork on the research, but trying to collect and amplify the newspaper stories about him.  When the Pope's funeral and related developments are finished, I wonder if it'll get picked up as a ready-made story.  How do hot blog stories make the jump to the mainstream?

:  In a weird twist, opponents of Tom DeLay are petitioning his corporate backers.  But don't corporations back legislators for favors, not for their audience like TV shows?  Can you imagine if corporations funded politicians as advertising?  "Candidate Thomas Jefferson, brought to you by Kleenex."  A boycott-style action seems like an odd move.

Speaking of URLs with names, by the outrage over Cornyn's comments about violence against judges.  ( makes the interesting point that it may actually be the law that some of these folks have a problem with, in which case their complaint is that judges aren't activist enough.)

  (Reminds me of the very cool Blogpulse .)

By the way, if Pope coverage took over Schiavo coverage too quickly and left you with unanswered questions, you may find what you're looking for at the .  (I know we've linked to it before, but it's been updated.)

Speaking of Josh Marshall, his post on the strikes a chord with some bloggers.

Find the meaning of any .  (Even works for .)

This is not quite as engaging as the original, but on the same site is a fun challenge to make your brain ache.

If you think I'm going anywhere near that thing with my pants down, !


"In an eerie echo of the past, the American news media have drastically underplayed genocide in Sudan’s Darfur region just as they did a similar catastrophe in Rwanda a decade ago. But some individual journalists have done outstanding work."

Speaking of Darfur, folks are on already embattled Kofi Annan to get a little more involved over there.  No doubt this link is particularly popular with Annan's many blog detractors.

Those to guard the border against illegal immigrants

.  I guess some folks have issues with Arnold out there.  More interesting (to me) is how they did the reporting, with one guy at the protest with a phone and another guy home blogging.  Would have done well with photos, but still nice job.

I'm not sure if help me understand memory chip technology any better, but at least it's fun.

  -I know it's in Spanish, but wouldn't you love that on a t-shirt?

Star Wars link of the day:

April 7, 2005 | 1:10 AM ET

I'm not sure I've ever heard anyone say we need more sites like the Drudge Report, but apparently we'll be seeing going after that corner of the market.

So far, I have to admit I enjoyed the first day of headlines from .

Random click: As I clicked Sploid one more time before adding it here I noticed a headline that the Washington Post has that the Schiavo memo, which had been dubbed by some bloggers Memogate II, really was from a Republican source.  doesn't see this as a case-closer, but it's probably at least safe to bet that this is going to be a popular click tomorrow.

"One morning twenty years ago this month, I opened the front section of the Washington Post and read that my friend Stephen Peter Morin had been executed by the state of Texas for ."

is tracking the San Francisco bill that may result in the regulation of blogs as political operations.

Scoble talks about yet another major .  You knew a trend like this would have to develop with all these camera phones everyone is carrying around now.  (Disclosure: Though we've never, as far as I know, had any actual contact, Robert Scoble and I are distant relatives through the MS side of MSNBC.)

The is immensely popular with bloggers.  We saw it a lot during the elections, and I have to think it's a symptom of bloggers' skill with search engines and research tools.  Other than the Daily Show, I don't see anyone doing on TV news, which strikes me as odd because I know TV producers have access to archives and research tools and it's a way of recycling video for news purposes that would otherwise be, frankly, boring.

In case I gave the impression yesterday that the fuss of Senator Cornyn's statements is a partisan matter, .

We've seen blogs as fundraising tool in politics, as well as for the tsunami disaster.  Now we see it in a role .  I don't know much about Spirit of America, but it's interesting to see how explicitly they lay out the details of their operation. 

By the way, does know something about them.

"After spending a few weeks intensively caring for four orphaned hummingbirds last summer, a wildlife rehabilitator is surprised to find that , even after they are set free."

Commuter Click:  Bloggers are interested in this Slate article about the latest trend in malls.
"[W]hile these new malls may appear to be public space, they're not public at all—at least if you want to do anything but shop."

  Can you hear him now?

Kottke readers demonstrate an amazing capacity for exploration of .

  (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

  -Looks like they have other free classes too.  It has some registration hoops to jump through first though.  Let me know if you try it.

Video of the Day: 

To the mailbag!

Regarding "this is what your local news will look like someday" and the reference to Bluffton, SC - the Midcoast of Maine (including the towns of Rockland, Camden and Belfast) have enjoyed a more advanced version of this type of news service for at least four years already.  It's called "".  It started as a pure Web based, independent community news source (originally free, now subscription based) and just last summer followed up with its first PRINT version.

BTW - the historic hosts the annual Camden Technology Conference ("POP-Tech") Conference in October and the Camden Conference on International Affairs in February (which this year featured Gen. Anthony Zinni, Juan Cole, Deborah Amos and Ambassador Richard Murphy speaking to the issue, "The Middle East: Compromise or Conflagration?").
Steve Warren
Waldoboro, ME

Dear Steve,
Thanks for the note; what a great resource.  It took me a couple minutes to figure out that I had to choose a county to get to the good stuff.

P.S. Since this is a blog about what I clicked, I'll share that I clicked about the Maine Amphibian Monitoring Project (an example of "citizen science") and now I'm hooked on the free site.

April 6, 2005 | 1:17 AM ET

I confess I've been willfully ignoring the Canadian political scandal because... well... it's a (and ) but this morning talking with a Canadian friend made me start to feel guilty, and now we're seeing a blog-related spin-off scandal, so it's time to start paying attention.

What has happened is that in the course of a government fraud investigation, a judge issued a sort of gag order -- against releasing details of testimony outside the courthouse.  Someone in attendance passed those details to a U.S. blogger, Captain's Quarters, who published them himself, outside the jurisdiction of the Canadian court.

Naturally, Canadian media thought it had a loophole to the gag and turned its attention to the blog.  But it turns out that even so much as (or now probably even this blog) violates the ban.  As you can imagine, this doesn't play well with bloggers (or, frankly, anyone who believes in free speech).

For more help catching up on the case, try has a hearty round-up.

And it would have been handy if I'd found at the beginning of today's clicking for a nice overview.

An tries to figure out what it means to him.

Check out the updates on Canadian blogger .  The lawyers seem to be advising that the order be taken seriously -by Canadian media at least.  And a few bloggers are just .

(no bloggers yet.)

collects NYTimes articles and the bloggers who are reacting to them.

Part of the idea behind the new Al Gore cable channel is to use video submitted by the public.  Apparently this will be done through something called .

Think global, act local.  Find (and shop at) a .

As is often the case with these databases, the help of the local public is necessary to make the list work.  I'll be adding my as soon as I'm finished here.

Big news to keep an eye out for:  -Yet-unnamed service that will allow users to upload video to Google's site to debut later this week, according to company founders.

Speaking of Google (and isn't it amazing that we seem to be speaking of Google almost every day), they've to Google maps.  Nothing short of wicked cool.  One test I like to perform on these satellite sites it to look for the World Trade Center site to see the point of development of the site to give an idea of how old the image is.  Looks like was a year or more ago.

The other big story for bloggers to be outraged by is a statement by Senator John Coryn.  In a nutshell, Senator Coryn speculated that violence against judges is the result of the public's inability to hold them accountable for making unpopular decisions.  For the full quote and why some people find it outrageous you can of bloggers.

Here's something I see showing up with greater frequency and I think it's been under-covered in the blog-microscope media.  has blogged his reaction to the item, offers a way for readers to comment and refers to a post by another blogger.  Something I think bloggers waste their energy banging against mainstream media.  Blogging mixing with government is an especially exciting development.

And unsheaths her rapier pen on the broader theme of judge bashing.

Matt Yglesias:
Other titles he might have used:

  • How to threaten violence without threatening violence
  • How to use violent whack-jobs to your advantage.

Subject change...

Made by Vanilla Ice in His 1990 No. 1 Hit "Ice Ice Baby."

a surprise attack by China on Taiwan.

" is the world's first podcast-only novel: you can't find it in stores, you can't download the full audio, and the only way to find out what happens is to subscribe to the podcast."

Speaking of online novels, I also ran into today.

Following yesterday's item about getting the perfect shave:

Commuter Click: 

Have you ever wondered how that might have started?  I suppose be blamed on "freedom fever" sweeping the globe.

As if in answer to the question you were about to ask, yes, it is where geeks are standing in line to see Star Wars in six weeks.  And yes, of course they have .  (For some extra drama, note the panic over the realization that they've been waiting outside the wrong theater.)

Speaking of hugely anticipated sequels, (Ducky's Revenge?)

Speaking of popular Boing Boing posts today: 


Speaking of Wired: .

  -We often talk about commercials and movie trailers when we look at virally distributed Web video, but there's also a huge quantity of music videos being passed around.

Speaking of viral movie trailers, this is not on any most-popular link lists that I looked at today, but will surely show up there soon.  ? (Via )

is kind of an oldie, but since I've not linked to it in this space before, I'm happy to re-present it.

Video of the Day:

  "At minimum, a true "culture of life" would support these ten positions."

April 4, 2005 | 9:51 PM ET

  -"According to the prophecy, the next Pope will be the second [to] last Pope Gloria Olivae ("Glory of the Olives")."

Of course, following vague and likely forged prophesies is not how the new pope is chosen.  You can read the to learn how it's really done.

With all the talk about Pope John Paul II's conservative views, finds some examples for lefties to appreciate.

talks about John Paul II's "other legacy."

: Jane Galt on gay marriage.  I started it and realized pretty quickly that it would be better printed out and read later.

Lingering April Fool's pages:

The New York Times gets caught with .  At least it can't be said that they aren't mindful of writing a balanced report.

I thought was a joke too, but in spite of its silly name it does actually function.


introduces us to Corey the homeless nerd. 

Speaking of homeless, today the famous announced that he finally has a place of his own.  Congratulations!

at iPods and podcast numbers.  Short version:

From the whatever-headline-makes-you-feel-good department:  If you didn't like the polls about removing Terri Schiavo's feeding tube last week, Zogby has one that says most American's are/were against it.  I'm a little annoyed that even on the Zogby site, the only report I find on this is from .  Not exactly a disinterested source.  (Tune in tomorrow for someone to send me an e-mail pointing out some obvious link I'm overlooking.)

Speaking of Schiavo, thinks Democrats should use Tom DeLay and the Schiavo case to radicalize the GOP in the eyes of moderates.

Black holes ''

.  I haven't tried this yet, but here's how I understand it:  Have you ever had to register to use a site and you just know you're going to spam as a result, but you have no choice because the registration sends a confirmation mail so you can't give it a fake address?  This sets up a temporary address so you can click a confirmation link but not have to deal with any of the spam that may follow.

Speaking of the world: 

A lot of smart people think your local news will look like someday.  If you live in Bluffton, SC, it already is.

With all the lingering April Fool's pranks out there I'm wary about trusting from the , but after some searching it looks like the announcement of a sequel to this summer's King Kong is being taken seriously.

Speaking of hairy apes:

A good badger-hair shaving brush is the single most important ingredient in getting the perfect shave -- if you change no part of your shaving routine except to add a good shaving brush to the mix, you’ll be astounded at how much better and more enjoyable your shaves become.

of ridding your computer of spyware, adware, malware in general, and viruses.  --And it doesn't involve smashing it with a hammer.  I use Firefox at home and Ad-Aware, so I can vouch for those two, but the others I've not tried personally.  That said, I've done battle with spyware ridden machines and lost, so if your computer has been turned into a pop-up maker, there's not really much to lose in trying this prescription.

  This is about as beginner as you can get.

Speaking of introductions, .

What's up with the pundit hunting?  Last week we saw the news that William Kristol at a speaking engagement (I think of it).  And then Pat Buchanan gets "" at a speaking engagement ().  Regular readers of this space know that I'm not a fan of pundits who by spinning news to divide the country and advance their agendas, but just so we're clear, attacking people is bad.

Hmmm... I wonder what would happen if they took a new cable news network and mixed it with .

Video of the Day: This morning when I logged on to my machine the volume was screaming loud and the Windows start-up jingle nearly blew me out of my cube.  So I had to laugh at this .  I stumbled upon another funny prank from the same folks in which a student in the middle of a college lecture.  As far as I can tell, these are genuine surprises to the people around the performers.  After chopping the end off the link I found the origin is which I'll have to go back and play with when I have more time.

Some closure from the mailbag:

Hi Will,

You mentioned in your blog the WordPress scandal. I'm Chad from HotNacho, the one responsible for the mess. I've just posted an apology and explanation (since most of the facts being tossed around about this are just not accurate). In case you are interested or you think your readers would be interested, the lengthy posting is .


April 2, 2005 | 7:57 PM ET

A brief addendum to yesterday's Catholic blog list, from the mailbag:

I noticed you had listed some Catholic blogs related to the Holy Father's recent condition and death, and I thought you would like to know that I also have a Catholic blog and have posted a few articles and links related to the Holy Father.

My blog is .

God bless,
Kevin D. Dello Iacono

Dear Kevin,
Thanks for the tip.  I was also interested to see your buttons.  (Note to Clicked readers, the list at the top is just names, but there's a list at the bottom that's clickable.)


Comedian died on Wednesday.  Somehow that news seems fitting on an April Fool's day when the news is so occupied with death.  Hopefully you'll find some levity in the comedy central videos of Hedberg on .

A trailer for a documentary about a role playing game .  (via )

Following on yesterday's item about the conflict between zero tolerance and celebrating our military comes this story about the conflict between zero tolerance and ... .

Speaking of following up on yesterday, the Wordpress guys have their say on the accusations of Google gaming and .

And following on yesterday's note about the hard feelings over the Schiavo case -even between some previously friendly bloggers, we see some and .

Does it make one more or less qualified to be an American pop music idol to ?

I think podcasting is a cool idea and I look forward to when they become more integrated into regular public media consumption.  , however.

Speaking of new technology catching on, Video of the Day:  .

When it comes to shedding the shackles of unfair copyright laws, there is such thing as .

A colleague got me good with today.  At first I thought, "Lies!  Damn lies!" and then I thought, "How the heck can there be this many people who even know who I am???"  .

I'm still not sure .  It's certainly a weird story for there to be controversy in the Ms. Wheelchair competition, but I don't really find myself laughing at it.

Speaking of having to guess,

Not only did Google today, but there's an actual -for which I cannot imagine any good use at all.

I think of a woman calling 911 to complain about the service at Burger King is not an April Fools joke because reader Jennifer K sent it to me at at the beginning of the week.  (Thanks Jennifer.)

Um... y'know that whole space shuttle thing?  .

Speaking of space, you better take your photos of the moon now .  (via )

If you're feeling exhausted today, the result of a long hard week, perhaps you'll enjoy this .

A must-have for every computer:    (Disclosure: I was sent a press release about this, but I told them I wouldn't remark on it unless the links showed up in the popular link indexes I usually use to write this blog -luckily they did.  The one I liked was the drive.)

Just when I was thinking I had found a pretty good number of this year's Web hoaxes, I find .

Commuter Click: -seems there's been a rash of these this week.

April 1, 2005 | 6:39 PM ET

I spent the morning looking for blogs related to the Pope's condition and after struggling for a bit through basic news blogs I finally found the blog of some Catholic students at Notre Dame, and through their blogroll and others an interesting perspective on the Catholic blog community.  If you're interested, this is what I clicked:

  • (useful blogroll)
  • -Includes some photos from a guy who was there last night and snapped some shots of the crowd and the media circus.

April 1, 2005 | 12:13 AM ET

Continuing in what seems like a series of "busted" clicks this week, the blogworld is scandalized to read about popular blogware, Wordpress, busted .  (And the first sentence fits well with yesterday's topic of e-shaming and the grey areas that might constitute taking it too far:  "I'm hesitant to even write about this, knowing the web's fondness for angry mob justice, but I feel like it's an important issue that needs to be addressed.")

Speaking of Google gaming... New word of the day: .

And while we're talking about The Search Engine, Google has come up with something called "" in which your browser starts downloading your search results before you even click them.  It's a little more detailed than that, but not much.  What gives me pause is that you get cookies and other material from a site you never actually visit.  I know the idea is to have the page load more quickly when you do eventually click it, but I'm not sure I want my computer cache saying I went to pages I didn't visit.

The man who saved the world   P.S. I don't know anything about Mosnews, but it's a nice story.

Speaking of history in that part of the world,

Ever wonder what TV when they're not busy hurting America?

Terri Schiavo's passing has come from the perspective of blog civility.

Speaking of brains in the news...

And speaking of miracle cures, it's not always easy to discern what specifically is drawing people to link to (because his individual entries seldom have distinct links), but I'm thinking this time it's for his pointing out that stem cells, universal healthcare and other medical angles weren't presented very forcefully throughout the Schiavo affair.

How can we celebrate the military while enforcing a ?

-33 within a mile of my house, zero within ten miles of my in-laws.  Ain't that the way?

Earlier this week we saw two bloggers who found each other online.  In case your blog hasn't been yielding you many marriage proposals, is designed to help you find the geek of your dreams.

Speaking of looking for love...Hmmm... what are the chances that a popular erotic blog written by a British call girl turns out to be ?

Video of the Day:

Not the Video of the Day but a solid viral marketing effort:  M&M Star Wars Mpire ad.  I ran into it at two different links, and , so it looks like they're having some success getting it to spread online.  Personally, I'm more attracted to the dark chocolate idea than I am to the Star Wars gimmic.

Boing Boing brings us news of .  I think this is a really cool idea, but what I'd really like to see is a directional sound rave.  (Some explanation links , , and .)

of the year.  It had me going, right up to the second to last paragraph.

Speaking of time slipping away 24 years ago.  ?

  Prior to writing this blog, this story would have made no sense to me, but we see examples on a regular basis of people turning their cyber property into real money.  It only makes sense that real crime would eventually follow.

(familiar faces)  The weird thing is that the video is hosted on some kind of .  I guess they're trying to get away from the on a stoop in a paper bag image.

Commuter Click:  has been popular for a few days.  It looks like Rocky meets robot builders.

I tried once to explain the controversy surrounding PyMusique but it ended up requiring more text than I generally use here.  Thankfully, the Times has a pretty .  -I will say, however, that the last sentence of this piece is false:

And the answer here is quite clear: If nobody paid for music, there wouldn’t be any.

Actually, there would be just about as much as there is now.  Contrary to the popular mindset that humans are only motivated by money and greed, in fact, particularly in the arts, people are often motivated to do things because they actually like doing them -and often in spite of the fact that there's no money in it.  If you don't believe me, take a look at all the people blogging for free.  Don't they know that if no one pays for it there won't be any?  What are they, communists?  Sheesh!

Another popular .  Sample:

I want total strangers - oily politicians, maudlin news anchors, ersatz friars and all other hangers-on - to start calling me "Bobby," as if they had known me since childhood.

One from the mailbag:

There is a rather large underground marketplace for unusual/alternative art dolls far more artistically inclined than the your suburban Barbies and Bratz (Some of the makers of these dolls also work in the toy industry on the popular ones you would buy for your daughter).  These dolls often sell for hundreds of dollars on auction in places like ebay or for commissioned pieces.

are one of the original underground art doll creators.
Scott Kuenzli

Dear Scott,
Thanks for that further explanation.  I'm wondering if there's some kind of convention or something going on that is making the strange doll links increase in popularity.  Today I clicked this gallery of "."