Gnome gone wild — partying with Paris Hilton?

"Gnome" Severson, a  ceramic garden ornament, was taken on a joyride for spring break where he met Paris Hilton, Marilyn Monroe and Elvis.  NBC's "Today" show spoke with his owner.


Maybe you were one of the lucky college students who spent spring break on the beaches of Florida or California.  Or maybe you're beyond those days, and spent that time at work on a very tedious yet fulfilling project. 

But no matter what you did, you're unlikely to have had as much fun as "Gnome" Severson, who spent his spring break traveling around the country being photographed with celebrities, partying with society's upper crust and hanging out in Las Vegas. 

All this ... and he isn't even human.

"Gnome" Severson is one of several ceramic garden ornaments belonging to Marianne Severson. For spring break, a group of college students kidnapped the ornament from Severson's home in Redmond, Wash., taking the gnome on an interstate joyride where he did more celebrity spotting than a New York gossip columnist. 

Upon finding out about the kidnapping, Marianne told NBC's "Today" show that she alerted her husband. "We've been gnomed," she said.

Paris Hilton?
Severson first learned of the missing gnome when she received a mysterious photo album at her door complete with pictures of her gnome smiling with Paris Hilton at an Los Angeles gas station and a group photo featuring the gnome sandwiched between Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe in Las Vegas.

But it was the shocking picture of the gnome smiling with waitresses from Hooters that really got Severson steamed.

"He’s my prodigal gnome and he went without my permission," Severson told the "Today" show on Thursday.  "And it’s a really good picture, but he hasn’t really told me much about it because he knows he’s in trouble."

Gnomes, traditionally thought to be ancient protectors of animals, have become popular fixtures in gardens all over the world.  But after his spring break trip, "Gnome" Severson finds himself on the outs with the garden ornaments he left behind.

"The other three are still out there and they are not speaking to him," Severson said. 

She added that the wayward gnome was currently under house arrest and won't be making anymore trip to Las Vegas or even the garden.  "I've got him in the house here and he is totally grounded."