Rita writers

My name is Will.  This is what I clicked.


September 23 |

The hurricane with clickable info points.

continues storm coverage, including shots of .

The crew is riding out Rita.

They also point to the Houston Chronicle's .

is also riding it out in Houston.  Loss of power seems an almost foregone conclusion so I don't know how many updates we'll see to these blogs once landfall is made.

has moved to higher ground but I'll be interested to check back on him when he returns.  In the meantime I'll poke through his blogroll.

The Houston Chronicle blog draws alarm for their story of Hortence Davis .

brings us a heartbreaking homecoming for one .  I think this is the first time I've seen before/after photos inside a flooded house down there.

The Porkbusters story continues to churn as well.  Responding to (with) the criticism that pork cutting efforts are thinly veiled anti-government ploys, Think Progress has come up with its own list of .

In that vein, is critical of cutting military health care as pork.

Of course, one way to save a lot of money is to just .

Speaking of Talking Points Memo, if I hadn't been snoozing I could have snagged some free tickets to see a -- although, plenty of non-snoozers were , so maybe not.  I saw something today too.  As you may know, neither Josh nor Glenn could really be called sci fi bloggers, so it's safe to say that this is not about fans, it's a bona fide blog marketing tactic.  Will we see more?

Bloggers are real impressed with of DJ Shadow's "Endtroducing."

Video of the Day:    "Where ever the soldiers go, there goes the word of God."

" finds that blogs are more likely to deal with personal matters than politics or current events, and nearly 50% of bloggers see the activity as a form of therapy."

The latest in geek accessories, .

— A handy list of the web trends the smart kids are stroking their chins about.

  (Host site appears safe, but I can't read a word of it, so I have no idea.)

— I'm not sure how much I buy this because I didn't think moving to another country without a job or citizenship was so easy, but it's still fun to consider.

Getting around the TimesSelect fee by clicking on of Op-Ed columns.

— This is like the fantasy sports leagues only you assemble a label's roster of bands instead of team's roster of players.

Does a "" explain global economic oddities?

Commuter Click:  — In spite of the current taboo against "performance enhancing" drugs, why not take drugs to make yourself smarter?

— "[W]izarding ability is inherited in a mendelian fashion, with the wizard allele (W) being recessive to the muggle allele (M)."


Hi Will,
Maybe they should dump all that ice on Rita, and slow her down a bit.  Also, I remember reading about a new technology which involved dropping special plastic pellets on hurricanes to turn them back into regular storms.  Heard anything?

Dear JJ,
I hadn't heard anything about that until today when I clicked this:  ?

Just a suggestion.  I know you showed the Bush/Kerry "this land is your land" video clip (from the Internet) a year or so ago.  to one for Kinky Friedman's campaign for Governor of Texas as an Independent.  (He has the backing of both Jesse Ventura and Willie Nelson, so how could he possibly lose?)  Anyway, it's at least as funny as the Bush/Kerry thing.
—Larry Moore

Dear Larry,
I wonder if he'll come out with an addendum for Rita response.

Hey Will.
Poolitics.com is asking whether the number of Democrats who vote "Yes" on Roberts will be greater than, less than, or equal to the number who vote "No".

If you were a betting man (like I am), where would you put your money?

Inquisitively yours,
Jeremy G.

Dear Jeremy,
If I were a betting man, I'd bet that putting my money up against the whims of politicians is a fool's gambit.
Good luck,

Re: "Reuters launches audio news read by a robot.  Not too bad.  It's not hard to imagine this becoming a computer generated TV news anchor."

Remember Max Headroom, soft drink spokes-entity and the first cyber-star with his own TV show? He was originally the creation of an Australian TV network news program graphics people, as their own software talking head. He lived in an Apple II, running in the programming language FORTH. The human selected to play his 3-space counterpart (Matt Frewer as "Edison Carter") was chosen in part for his similarity in appearance to Max as opposed to the other way around. The history was chronicled in the old Apple II users' magazine "Softalk", which was unfortunately long gone before the web came about. If any archives remain, they are probably in cardboard boxes in someone's attic.
—Dennis McClain-Furmanski

Dear Dennis,
Oh, .

September 23 |

Since the evacuation is such a big part of the story right now I just wanted to share this link real quick.  .  Most of them highways look eeriely desolate right now.  It'll be an interesting perspective if they can keep powered through the storm.

UPDATE:  Here are those cams .  Much more useful.

, including the beach.  We'll see how long this lasts.

Some of the above are duplicated at , but I had a hard time getting this site to load for me and some aren't working.  Check the Seawolf Cam.

The Houston cam at the appears to be working.

(Houston) has several cams.

September 22 |

With Hurricane Rita still a day or more from landfall, the storm blogging is largely the domain of the weather bloggers.  Weather Underground bloggers and have lots of good information.

, a player during Katrina, remains a good source.

A handy collection of resources are forming on a that resides on a Katrina site.

The site has blank maps for you to chart the storm yourself.

has begun to round up Rita resources.

Everyone is pointing out this simple demonstration of .

  (That's 200 billion divided by a million residents.)

Seeming somehow related:  — A special series from the Sun-Sentinel

Yesterday was , when usually quiet readers of blogs are to post a comment to say hello.  This blog doesn't have comments, but I'll point out that my e-mail address is there in the right margin and I read everything sent to me.  If you don't want it printed, just note that in the letter.

Speaking of comments: 

A few folks have mailed a link to the National Enquirer story about President Bush being .  I am appreciative of a reader named David who sent a link to , which makes a point of highlighting the barely-there sourcing for the story.  It takes some serious balls to print a story claiming the president is drinking again without any real sourcing.

Video(s) of the Day: — Check out "ear flick."

  I'm of two contradictory thoughts on this.  First, heroin is a boring drug to watch someone use, so who cares?  Second, when the video hits the Web, I want to see it.  (Thanks also to Adam for sending another version.)

"NASA needs to quit sniffing the glue used to affix the ceramic tiles, ignore the idea that a space elevator sounds like science fiction ... and ."

Gelf Magazine in the recent New York Times article about Ivy League women dropping out of the workforce to be mothers.  As does .

I've been trying to keep somewhat abreast of the Able Danger situation and ended up clicking this effort at connecting the .  That was a bit more than I needed, so I took his recommendations of , at which point I ran out of attention span and ended up looking at this well of military activity in Iraq over the past few weeks.

Speaking of conspiracy theories, has a new development in the Plame speculation.

:  Ice-T and David Hasselhoff.  "He's gonna come out as Hassle The Hoff - I promise you. The Hoff will surprise people with his rap skills and humour."  has a surprising amount to say about it.  Don't miss the "Hooked on a Feeling" video.

"Reporters Without Borders has given Global Voices a sneak peak at the before its official Thursday release."

— Basically an open letter, but interesting to see "feminist bloggers" acting as a group, listed at the bottom.

— Having seen "" last night, in which alien activity takes place in the midst of a hurricane hitting Florida, plus watching incessant Katrina/Rita coverage and also seeing on NYC photoblog Cornershots.... well... I'm almost crazy enough to believe anything.

Is the New York Times making its columnists irrelevant by hiding them ?

— With some nice MP3s  (While there I clicked of a video player on the side of a subway.  I was surprised at how alarmed I was to see him affix a suitcase to the side of a train.  Surely this was made pre-3/11?)

Lest it seem as though I think no one ever thought of cutting government pork until bloggers got busy this week, make full time work of it.

— Imagine if they used the technology that allows the iPod Nano to be so small in the making of a laptop.

Fun, if a little awkward light saber game.  Does not include a backwards blaster helmet feature.

— Many bloggers are utterly enamored with the commanding style of Lt. Gen. Russel Honore.  In the course of seizing control of a press conference he barked at a reporter's attempt at asking about Katrina mistakes with, “You are stuck on stupid, I’m not going to answer that question.”  Media bashing bloggers swooned.  Look for that expression to hang around for a while.  (Political Teen has a .)

— why floating things tend to clump together

I didn't watch Big Brother 6, but demonstrating how uniformly scripted the host is is pretty funny.

It's not at all uncommon to click popular Russian links.  I almost never include them here because I have no idea what they say and the Babelfish Russian/English translator is not very useful for big blocks of text.  But long strings of silly photoshopped images are a weakness of mine, so I'll share .  The woman is Julia Timoshenko, the recently booted Ukrainian prime minister.  The thread appears to have been inspired , which I gather is remarking on the flexibility of her pubic image.  Hopefully someone reading this can explain the context a little better.

What happens if police in London decide

September 21 |

The Houston Chronicle's looks like an early one to watch.  As I write this they're reporting that Houston evacuees should go to Oklahoma if they want to find a hotel room.

A blogger to a Katrina ravaged home.

are a hot commodity to keep folks from stealing your expensive gas.  What should be flying off the shelves is portable radios.  Do you have one?  During the that was the only way to get information.  I now own the kind that uses crank power instead of batteries.

.  Easily the least of our troubles.

  For all the screw ups in Katrina response, I'm still not able to believe this one.

This I do believe:  FEMA Sends Trucks Full Of Ice For Katrina Victims To Maine  UPDATE:  has a cost breakdown.  Better sit down before reading it though. (Thanks Bill!)

Glenn provides a bit of a .  Rep. Don Young is his Alaskan bridges to nowhere, but there does seem to be new attention on the matter.

Bush administration government appointments appears to have become a new American pastime.  Some folks are about the appointment of a man with a veterinary background to lead on women's health.

And the new has bloggers positively lit.

A Slashdot blogger asks what could be meant by "."  Juan Cole has a timeline that .

Hotel card keys contain .  No .  Yes .  (As a side note, did you know it only takes a $39 card swiper plugged into your laptop's USB to read the magnetic strip on a card?)

— An army of self-confessed geeks aims to bring the meaning of everything to everyone by 2015. Peter Munro meets a few.

— Really, it's a nozzle that allows for a faster pour.  Lacking video, the perfection remains to be seen.  UPDATE:  Spoke too soon.  When I was tending bar, if a Guinness drinker saw me pour they'd be out the door before the glass was full.  More video .  The side by side speed test is impressive.

.  More "."

Possible new jobs for New York Times folks:

  • (must be fluent in backwards Yoda-speak)

— "When you understand why you reject all other gods, you will understand why I reject yours as well."  This is not one of those "religious people are stupid" essays.

Listen in full to the album on NPR.  Annoyingly not downloadable.

Because a day can't go by without some Google hype...

  • .  Information , analysis .
  • .

If you were planning to go to Tennessee to get your gayness cured, you may be .

about the relationship between Jeb Bush and Chang the mystical warrior is better explained .

I definitely remember linking to an about a transatlantic tunnel.  I think this shows that that's all it'll ever be.  I wonder if there are any physical symptoms to moving at 5000 mph.

" is the process of creating shapes by dropping and splashing water, or other liquids.  These sculpture are then photographed, since they last only a few thousandths of a second."

I'm not sure there's a connection, but yesterday I clicked Hugh Hewitt's (presumably right leaning) One True God blog and today I clicked , a (presumably left leaning) religion blog affiliated with the Daily Kos blog.

Wanna go to a ?

The same blogger is also seeing clicks for his over the lack of regard young Americans have for their rights and freedoms.  (You can find the version of the video he links to that suits you, .)

Poetry blogging is one of those categories of blog we don't see in Clicked often because they don't "play the linking game."  In that respect it's like photoblogging or fiction blogging or even knitting blogging.  So when I clicked on a few poetic items today, I was eager to include them in today's entry.

Red State is trying to rally a to Cindy Sheehan in Washington, D.C. this weekend.  Is this where the civil war begins?

, the voice of Flying Spaghetti Monsterism.

— This is an interesting twist on the "real American vs. anti-American rhetoric."  Not an alternative to it, but an interesting twist.

" is a personal assistant that keeps your girlfriend or wife happy by sending her flowers on your behalf, on a regular but semi-random basis."

" is the premier online repository for pictures of dogs in bee costumes."

"There is an issue that hovers over the present discussion without for the most part being addressed head-on, and that is the issue of about the Holocaust."  He goes on to explain what was unique about the Holocaust.

watches 36 films in ten days at the Toronto International Film Festival (and blogs it).

:  Semacode and wikipedia — Semacode is a system of assigning a bar code to a url, so you can scan the code with a device and call up the related site.

Reuters launches read by a robot.  Not too bad.  It's not hard to imagine this becoming a computer generated TV news anchor.

Speaking of listening, NPR has a piece on .

If you've ever felt like there weren't enough hours in a day, maybe you'd be interested in switching to a new system of (with six day weeks).

" is a group project of like-minded Nigerians that share a common interest in Nigerian music."  And they offer free mp3s.



I continue to enjoy your blog immensely.

Flying mobulas?

You can't be that gullible.  You have always identified hoaxes in your descriptions of links.  Is this one so obvious you didn't feel the need?  If this wasn't the case, think about it for 3 seconds.  A creature with the body plan of a manta ray swimming with enough velocity to break the surface?

If you were giving all of your many readers sufficient credit to spot the obvious hoax, then please ignore this email (except for the first line).

Dear Ross,
I have to admit I didn't really think about it, but your skepticism is to be admired and you do indeed make a valid argument because every time I've seen a swimming ray it's hardly looked capable of jumping out of the water.  Not to mention, "mobula" is a silly name.  That said, I did some searching...

  • (no mention of breaching)
  • "There can be awe-inspiring herds of Common and Bottlenose Dolphins on the move - sometimes 500 to 600 strong - several species of turtle and shark, , plus birds..."
  • This one quotes Encyclopedia Britannica, "."
  • "Then we saw our first Mobulas or Manta Rays – these in spectacular fashion."
  • "As the late afternoon progressed we passed probably during an hour of travel."
  • "Mantas have recently been captured on film ."

Either there's a really big conspiracy, a long running joke, or mobulas jump.


I really enjoy the vast number of various links you find daily.  There's always something interesting to be seen that I never saw before.  When I saw from your posting that EyeMaze created a new Grow game, I tried it out right away.  To answer your question, you will actually know for certain when you've won.  The cheering just means you were close.  I never got boos, but I presume that means you were way off.  The solution can be found with a good measure of logic and a bit of trial and error.

Dear Dan,
Thanks.  You're the first person I know to complete one of these, so it's good to know they do end.  Of course, that's also bad news because now I'm going to go home and try to actually do it.

Have a sweet tooth?  Well we’ve got some sweet writing to satisfy your craving.  It’s over at in the 37th edition of The Tangled Bank.  Check it out toot sweet .

The next edition of this fine collection will be hosted by on October 5th.  Be sure to send submissions by October 4th to , or to .

All my best,
Tony Gallucci
Hunt, TX, USA

Dear Tony,
Thanks for the heads up.  Best wishes to you and your fellow Texans.

September 20 |

the second Clicked item was about how bloggers had found a discrepancy between the official date of death of residents of St. Rita's nursing home in New Orleans and the tearful story told by Jefferson Parish president Paul Broussard on Meet the Press.  Upon noting it in Clicked, I also sent a note to our news folks, who took a couple days to make some phone calls and ask some questions.  The result:  — Short version:  The folks at St. Rita's died on Monday the 29th and Broussard's Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday... recitation was false.

Josh Marshall (and ) of the administrator of The Office of Federal Procurement Policy.  As you scroll up, the significance becomes more clear.

The folks who brought us the Grow game have a new one called .  As far as I know, there's no real way to tell if you've won or lost, but I was at least able to get the order correct enough that the game ended in cheers instead of boos.

Davids is the blog seeing the most action for coverage of the recent German election.  Among the assorted entries I saw linked was depicting the use of American soldiers' coffins in a campaign poster.  Glenn also has a .

The New York Times Public Editor is from columnist Paul Krugman.  It'll be interesting to see how this one turns out.


Andrew Sullivan coins "" for bloggers who say things that risk alienating their readership.  (The link itself is not really a big deal, but the term is worth noting in case it catches on and you're left wondering what the heck everyone is talking about.)

looks at the new Iraqi constitution.  This is more thorough than other posts I've read that focus only on the line that says no law can violate Islam.  Though her assessment is critical, she's also a little more even tempered about it.

— "You don't need to check anything off, because these are things YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO."  It's about not procrastinating.

shows President Bush's recent Katrina speech actually doing more harm than good to his popularity.  As an example of why that would be, criticizes the speech and compares it with one he should have given.

— Matches Wikipedia entries with Google Maps places.  Seems all the more important since I clicked this article on .  (I wonder how different the results are given the international news since 2002.)

Speaking of mixing maps and facts, the Google Earth/National Geographic feature sounds great.

Speaking of notes from the Google blog, it's interesting to see them .  I don't doubt that they get a lot of e-mail about that.

A new site for tracking and sharing book recommendations.

" is a podcast and videocast search engine plus much more."

Mark Merlin shares his photos and videos.  Since being naked is often part of Burning Man, there is some "hippy nudity" (as opposed to explicit sex nudity).

— Take blank cartoon talk bubbles, write your own message, put it on a piece of advertising in public and take a picture.  Note: Some are vulgar.


site is fun to play with.

Video of the Day:  If I'd had this when I was in the 8th grade there's no telling where I'd be today.  (There are some "random" features on the host site that can display unsafe images.  I don't see any now, but it's one of those things that changes with each page refresh, so you never know.)

— How bizarre to randomly see your own photo as the backdrop on a TV show.

— Sounds like they got burned by the scam of the century.  UPDATE:  .

Familiar talking head with cable news bookers trying to set up polar shout fests.  I'm not seeing this as a sign of a backlash, however.  As long as cable news wants to use that format, there will be people willing to spin for the camera.

A plague has broken out in the virtual "."  (No word on whether NBC will hold a telethon to raise funds for victims.)

I don't know how I missed that we had a story on the site yesterday.  I know this is a potential tool for evil, and may present awkward moments, but really, the benefits to burn victims and other disfigured people make that a risk worth taking I think.


— Not an acrobat group, but might be if they weren't fish.


Hugh Hewitt is hosting the , purportedly for discussion of religion issues.

— Not mentioned in the headline is the qualifier "developed."  Still, not what I would have guessed.

" has been erected on an Italian mountainside where it will stay for the next 20 years."  Skeptical I looking for any other links.  has it as well, with links to the group responsible.

Glenn's part in yesterday's .


Language pork is worse than budget port--on the Web at least.
One entry denigrates "a footpath to the beach."
It's actually part of the Pacific Coastal Trail, a recreation that will be used by millions from Oregon to Mexico.
One might be against the expenditure, but a decent site should separate the gold from the tinfoil.

Dear Dave,
Yes, as I mentioned, I'm not necessarily opposed to bike paths or other ideas I see on that list.  Some of the posters made the argument that items should be part of a local budget, not a federal one.  I am more generally impressed with the fact that citizens are actually looking at and thinking about the federal budget in a constructive way. 

All of the mail I received on this subject points to one clear fact:  the nation's budget is not a simple thing.  I prefer a strategy of greater transparency and civic involvement.

Come on Will, I know you're smarter than this.  The article the other day about the guys on trial for the X-Box mods and you made the Harley comparison?  If the XBox guys were just adding memory, or different cases, or any kind of third party feature, that comment would make sense.  They were modifying the XBox to circumvent copyright protection and then filling them with "pirated" games. This is definitely far off from the realm of "Artistic license".  I bet every one of the manufacturers of the parts that were added to the motorcycles was compensated, not so much for the video game creators.

BTW, I love this blog.  Keep it up!

Dear Greg,
Your points are well taken.  What I meant with the Harley comparison was that just as the modified Xbox breaks laws, modified Harleys break laws (road worthiness, volume, emissions, etc.).  As far as getting paid, since you can't really buy an exhaust pipe and made an infinite number of copy exhaust pipes from it, the comparison pretty much falls apart.  Whether and how much video game creators are compensated is a debate we'll have to save for another link.

Will ..
I can confirm the 'fly-in-the-urinal' story myself - not only at Schipol, but other major European airport hubs as well. Thought it was (and is) a great idea - gives us blokes something to do other than write little nasties on the wall, helps the bathroom smell better, AND cuts down on cleaning costs! I think the idea originated with the toilet manufacturers - some are 'rubber-stamped' images - and look pretty darn realistic. (not that I really get down close enough to judge, but ...)

Keep up the good work, I'm a regular reader ....
Gary in Florida

Regarding the Amsterdam airport urinals, Clicked 9/19/05:

You mentioned whether there is a "sweet spot" in the curvature of the urinal.  According to Gary Uhl (director of design for American Standard) in , the answer is no.

Dear Paul,
That illustration is hysterical and raises the good point that teaching men to aim at flies is only a good idea if there are no real flies in the bathroom.  Otherwise...

A couple of responses to today's clicked stories.

Can This Man Save the World - this article was clearly not written or editted by anyone even passingly familiar with engineering - I am afraid this is just a modern version of the "200 mpg carburetor" story.

I think the insect outline in the Amsterdam urinals may be honeybees, not flies, and thereby represent a classical wordplay in that honeybees are in the genus "apis."

Anyway, I tend to enjoy your links - keep up the good work.

Dear Greg,
There were two points in the "Save the world" story that troubled me.  One was that the description of the process wasn't much more than distilled water and a bunch of chemicals.  I know the guy probably doesn't want his idea stolen, but a little more explanation there would have been useful.

The other part that seemed vague was why adding hydrogen means the burning fuel won't be as toxic as it would ordinarily be.

But I'm less skeptical in the big picture.  In the same way that electric cars can use energy from moving and braking to store in batteries, surely a similar idea can be applied to hydrogen production.  If the goal is emission reduction instead of energy independence, doesn't it become a more attainable goal?

Hi Will-
It seems that the company you linked to about the fantastic monitor was a hoax company.  .

Dear Austin,
Woah, that looks more like fraud than a hoax.  I don't see why multiple monitors would be a hoax since I see that already - not as many, but same idea.  The real hoax seems to be that you can't really get one from this company.  Thanks for the pointer, I'll made a note next to the original.

September 19 |

The most exciting blog link I've seen in a while:  The Truth Laid Bear is keeping a blogger driven "" list.  The government may not be able to find enough slack in the budget to help pay for Katrina recovery, but bloggers can.  I don't know why the media isn't able to make a greater scandal out of pork laden spending bills.  My suspicion is that they aren't willing to devote the resources to going through it all, but it's nice to see news/government hobbyists who are willing and able to do the research.  I also like how each item has room for comments in case you disagree with someone's classification of an item as pork.  I'd like to see the members of Congress participating in this.  (Just to clarify, it's not that I'm excited by bloggers bashing bike lanes [what's with all the bike lane funding?], I'm excited to see Congress being held accountable by name and I'm excited to see bloggers working for a civic purpose instead of flailing at MSM straw men.)

BoingBoing is still rounding up new .

Among those links is Brian Williams, again on a presidential media production.  His description sounds almost supernatural.  The lights just happen to turn on as the president arrives and off when he leaves?  Of course, the question is whether he thinks the lights were on and stayed on.

Williams also talks about security being very tight in New Orleans.  Some wonder if it may be a little .

Speaking of pulling back the curtain, — They mean environmental groups.  We've already seen environmental groups picking the global warming fight, so it shouldn't surprise to see a counter offensive.  It's unusual to get a look at how that is assembled.

In Dubai they're building "a $1.5 billion which will include life-size replicas of seven wonders of the world as well as offices, shops and homes."  While I don't mean to draw any parallels, it puts rebuilding New Orleans in a weird perspective.

— A little over my head technically, but an interesting forensic perspective.

  (Strange to see a National Geographic article on time travel.)

— It's a desk-less desk.

— This is not exactly the old bumper sticker, but it is an interesting development.

on DesignBoom.

Elections took place in Afghanistan this weekend, bringing a jump in links to democracy bloggers.  I clicked  , , and checked out the photos from .

— Hopefully mom is OK with scanning all the recipes for the world to see.

On Friday we looked at the Worth1000 Goth world contest.  from Saturday has some really impressive entries.

Now Public's entry for New York City's exhibit that opened this weekend.  .

  He's got an invention that produces hydrogen to mix with gas as it enters a car engine.  The idea is not to have a hydrogen car but to make a regular car produce less pollution.  "If all goes smoothly, he said, it could be out on the market in six to 12 months."  Wow.


"The plot of the Jim Carrey film "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" could one day become true now that researchers at Fudan University have discovered a way to ."

archive of government documents.  Among the top categories are UFOs and mind control.

— There sure have been a lot of earthquake stories lately.  Maybe it's just media alarmism.  I wasn't terribly concerned until I saw that there's a new brewing.  Since Chandra Levy I've developed a superstition about bad things happening while the media is engrossed in missing girl stories.

We hear so much about new technology attracting musicians to do their own production, but we don't often that might be driving them away from the established music industry.  I'm not sure why this link has been brought back into the spotlight lately but I don't think I've ever linked to it here.

— (What a great headline.)  Who would have thought someone was working on the problem of make a better screw?

.  The issue is the degree to which Congress has a say over scientific research.

I look at the new Nintendo controller and all I think is "light saber."  ()

Scoble offers a , with links to some of the stories that have been floating around recently that have set a lot of tongues wagging.

Speaking of those stories, based on the Steve Ballmer chair throwing story.


on the CBS National Guard document debacle on news media transparency.

While trying to figure out how the heck could safely ship fuel to people I figured out that it's a parody.  I will point out, though, that something I'm noticing about a lot of new alternative fuel ideas is that they include home fueling stations.  If the energy used by your house becomes the same energy for your car, the gas station takes on a different role.

Speaking of hoaxes, Google is apparently not coming out with a new .

Video of the Day:  "."  (Host site visually spotless.)

Background on the .

It is not, however, a hoax that the urinals in the Amsterdam airport have flies for men to aim at.  What isn't clear to me is whether the placement of the fly is in a particular "sweet spot" in the curvature of the urinal.