Google Glass Goes On Sale in U.K. in First Expansion Outside U.S.

Google is now selling Glass in the United Kingdom, expanding the market for the wearable tech outside the U.S. for the first time.


Wealthy Americans are no longer the only ones with access to Google Glass. Google announced Monday that the smart eyewear is now on sale in the United Kingdom. It is Glass’ first expansion outside of the U.S. market. As Google explains in a blog post: “The world sees the UK as a center (actually, a centre) of innovation. It has produced some of the greatest technology inventors and inventions of the last century, and people on the ground are always excited to explore new products and ideas.” The company also released a video touting what London might look like through the looking Glass. The price tag of 1,000 British pounds (US $1,700) suggests Google is, for now, targeting “explorers” rather than mass consumers. BBC reported Google has also held talks with U.K. transportation officials to ensure that the wearable technology wouldn’t be a distraction to drivers.

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— James Eng, NBC News