iPhone Lost in Oklahoma Grain Elevator Turns Up 8 Months Later in Japan

This farmer thought he'd lost his phone forever when it went into a grain elevator. But as it turns out, it's a small world.


Kevin Whitney, a farmer in Oklahoma, thought he'd lost his iPhone forever when it tumbled out of his pocket and into the grain elevator he was working over last fall. "I thought, 'I'll never see that phone again,'" Whitney told KFOR. But somehow the phone survived being packaged up with several tons of grain and being trucked and sailed all the way to Kashima, Japan, where a worker in a grain mill found it — eight months later.

Whitney got a call recently asking if he'd lost a phone, and shortly after that the device was shipped back to him. Amazingly, it still worked — after being charged for a bit, of course — and all its contents, including some invaluable photos of his daughter's wedding, were still intact. Whitney was pleased and amazed: "What really shocked me about it all, though, when I first got the phone call, was what a small world it is."

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— Devin Coldewey, NBC News