Doctor Contracts Ebola After Treating American Who Died in Nigeria

The doctor treated Patrick Sawyer, who contracted Ebola while working in Liberia, then collapsed after he got off a plane to Nigeria.


A Nigerian doctor has contracted Ebola after treating an American who died there last month, the Nigerian health ministry said Monday.

The doctor treated Patrick Sawyer, who contracted Ebola while working in Liberia, then collapsed after he got off a plane to Nigeria and died July 25. Sawyer, 40, was a naturalized American citizen who lived in Minneapolis and was working as a consultant for the Liberian finance ministry.

Sawyer was traveling to Nigeria on business and grew ill on the plane. Nigerian authorities took him into isolation but did not quarantine his fellow passengers, and they have insisted that the risk of additional cases was minimal. The World Health Organization has confirmed three probable Ebola cases in Nigeria and one suspected case. WHO has confirmed more than 1,400 in all in West Africa.


— Erin McClam with The Associated Press