'Game of Thrones' Reminded Wichita Foster Dad He Left Baby in Car

A young child crying on an episode of Game of Thrones" reminded a Kansas foster dad that he had left a baby girl inside a hot car.


A young child crying on an episode of the HBO series "Game of Thrones" reminded a Kansas foster dad that he had left a 10-month-old girl inside a sweltering car while he and his partner smoked pot inside their house, according to a Wichita police affidavit released to the public Monday. The foster dad, 29-year-old Seth Jackson, has been charged with first-degree murder after the July 24 death of the baby girl under his care.

Jackson's 26-year-old partner, who has not been charged in the death, told investigators the girl was stiff and unresponsive when he pulled her from a Dodge Charger, where she was left for two hours on a 90-degree day. Jackson's partner called 911 while Jackson attempted CPR, according to the affidavit. Police who responded to the scene found Jackson on the telephone and the little girl lying on her back on the couch. The affidavit said an officer at the scene observed Jackson making roughly four different phone calls in which he said, "I left her in the car, she's dead, she's dead."



— Daniel Arkin