No #Bendgate? Consumer Reports Says iPhone 6 'Not As Bendy As Believed'

Go ahead, rock those skinny jeans.


Go ahead and rock those skinny jeans, iPhone 6 and 6 Plus users. Despite reports that the new iPhone models are prone to bending, a Consumer Reports' study released Friday concluded "both iPhones seem tougher than the Internet fracas implies."

Consumer Reports subjected the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus, along with other popular smartphones, to excessive force in a compression test machine. The iPhone 6 started to "deform" at 70 pounds of force, the same amount as the HTC One. The larger iPhone 6 Plus was even tougher, holding its shape until 90 pounds.

Both models were weaker than the LG G3, the iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 -- but the difference shouldn't matter, Consumer Reports said, as "any of these phones should stand up to typical use." The study was a response to user complaints that came to be known as "Bendgate," after some purchasers said their new phones were bending on them. Apple has insisted that it maintains high quality assurance standards, and even invited media to its testing lab late last week.



--- Julianne Pepitone